Class ForcemergeRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ForcemergeRequest
extends RequestBase
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • index

      @Nullable public java.util.List<java.lang.String> index()
      A comma-separated list of index names; use _all or empty string to perform the operation on all indices

      API name: index

    • allowNoIndices

      @Nullable public java.lang.Boolean allowNoIndices()
      Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes _all string or when no indices have been specified)

      API name: allow_no_indices

    • expandWildcards

      @Nullable public java.util.List<ExpandWildcardOptions> expandWildcards()
      Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.

      API name: expand_wildcards

    • flush

      @Nullable public java.lang.Boolean flush()
      Specify whether the index should be flushed after performing the operation (default: true)

      API name: flush

    • ignoreUnavailable

      @Nullable public java.lang.Boolean ignoreUnavailable()
      Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed)

      API name: ignore_unavailable

    • maxNumSegments

      @Nullable public java.lang.Long maxNumSegments()
      The number of segments the index should be merged into (default: dynamic)

      API name: max_num_segments

    • onlyExpungeDeletes

      @Nullable public java.lang.Boolean onlyExpungeDeletes()
      Specify whether the operation should only expunge deleted documents

      API name: only_expunge_deletes