Class PutJobRequest.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class PutJobRequest.Builder
extends java.lang.Object
implements ObjectBuilder<PutJobRequest>
Builder for PutJobRequest.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • jobId

      public PutJobRequest.Builder jobId​(java.lang.String value)
      Required - The identifier for the anomaly detection job. This identifier can contain lowercase alphanumeric characters (a-z and 0-9), hyphens, and underscores. It must start and end with alphanumeric characters.

      API name: job_id

    • allowLazyOpen

      public PutJobRequest.Builder allowLazyOpen​(@Nullable java.lang.Boolean value)
      Advanced configuration option. Specifies whether this job can open when there is insufficient machine learning node capacity for it to be immediately assigned to a node. By default, if a machine learning node with capacity to run the job cannot immediately be found, the open anomaly detection jobs API returns an error. However, this is also subject to the cluster-wide setting. If this option is set to true, the open anomaly detection jobs API does not return an error and the job waits in the opening state until sufficient machine learning node capacity is available.

      API name: allow_lazy_open

    • analysisConfig

      public PutJobRequest.Builder analysisConfig​(AnalysisConfig value)
      Required - Specifies how to analyze the data. After you create a job, you cannot change the analysis configuration; all the properties are informational.

      API name: analysis_config

    • analysisConfig

      public PutJobRequest.Builder analysisConfig​(java.util.function.Function<AnalysisConfig.Builder,​ObjectBuilder<AnalysisConfig>> fn)
      Required - Specifies how to analyze the data. After you create a job, you cannot change the analysis configuration; all the properties are informational.

      API name: analysis_config

    • analysisLimits

      public PutJobRequest.Builder analysisLimits​(@Nullable AnalysisLimits value)
      Limits can be applied for the resources required to hold the mathematical models in memory. These limits are approximate and can be set per job. They do not control the memory used by other processes, for example the Elasticsearch Java processes.

      API name: analysis_limits

    • analysisLimits

      public PutJobRequest.Builder analysisLimits​(java.util.function.Function<AnalysisLimits.Builder,​ObjectBuilder<AnalysisLimits>> fn)
      Limits can be applied for the resources required to hold the mathematical models in memory. These limits are approximate and can be set per job. They do not control the memory used by other processes, for example the Elasticsearch Java processes.

      API name: analysis_limits

    • backgroundPersistInterval

      public PutJobRequest.Builder backgroundPersistInterval​(java.lang.String value)
      Required - Advanced configuration option. The time between each periodic persistence of the model. The default value is a randomized value between 3 to 4 hours, which avoids all jobs persisting at exactly the same time. The smallest allowed value is 1 hour. For very large models (several GB), persistence could take 10-20 minutes, so do not set the background_persist_interval value too low.

      API name: background_persist_interval

    • customSettings

      public PutJobRequest.Builder customSettings​(@Nullable CustomSettings value)
      Advanced configuration option. Contains custom meta data about the job.

      API name: custom_settings

    • customSettings

      public PutJobRequest.Builder customSettings​(java.util.function.Function<CustomSettings.Builder,​ObjectBuilder<CustomSettings>> fn)
      Advanced configuration option. Contains custom meta data about the job.

      API name: custom_settings

    • dailyModelSnapshotRetentionAfterDays

      public PutJobRequest.Builder dailyModelSnapshotRetentionAfterDays​(@Nullable java.lang.Long value)
      Advanced configuration option, which affects the automatic removal of old model snapshots for this job. It specifies a period of time (in days) after which only the first snapshot per day is retained. This period is relative to the timestamp of the most recent snapshot for this job. Valid values range from 0 to model_snapshot_retention_days.

      API name: daily_model_snapshot_retention_after_days

    • dataDescription

      public PutJobRequest.Builder dataDescription​(DataDescription value)
      Required - Defines the format of the input data when you send data to the job by using the post data API. Note that when configure a datafeed, these properties are automatically set. When data is received via the post data API, it is not stored in Elasticsearch. Only the results for anomaly detection are retained.

      API name: data_description

    • dataDescription

      public PutJobRequest.Builder dataDescription​(java.util.function.Function<DataDescription.Builder,​ObjectBuilder<DataDescription>> fn)
      Required - Defines the format of the input data when you send data to the job by using the post data API. Note that when configure a datafeed, these properties are automatically set. When data is received via the post data API, it is not stored in Elasticsearch. Only the results for anomaly detection are retained.

      API name: data_description

    • datafeedConfig

      public PutJobRequest.Builder datafeedConfig​(@Nullable DatafeedConfig value)
      Defines a datafeed for the anomaly detection job.

      API name: datafeed_config

    • datafeedConfig

      public PutJobRequest.Builder datafeedConfig​(java.util.function.Function<DatafeedConfig.Builder,​ObjectBuilder<DatafeedConfig>> fn)
      Defines a datafeed for the anomaly detection job.

      API name: datafeed_config

    • description

      public PutJobRequest.Builder description​(@Nullable java.lang.String value)
      A description of the job.

      API name: description

    • groups

      public PutJobRequest.Builder groups​(@Nullable java.util.List<java.lang.String> value)
      A list of job groups. A job can belong to no groups or many.

      API name: groups

    • groups

      public PutJobRequest.Builder groups​(java.lang.String... value)
      A list of job groups. A job can belong to no groups or many.

      API name: groups

    • addGroups

      public PutJobRequest.Builder addGroups​(java.lang.String value)
      Add a value to groups(List), creating the list if needed.
    • modelPlotConfig

      public PutJobRequest.Builder modelPlotConfig​(@Nullable ModelPlotConfig value)
      This advanced configuration option stores model information along with the results. It provides a more detailed view into anomaly detection. If you enable model plot it can add considerable overhead to the performance of the system; it is not feasible for jobs with many entities. Model plot provides a simplified and indicative view of the model and its bounds. It does not display complex features such as multivariate correlations or multimodal data. As such, anomalies may occasionally be reported which cannot be seen in the model plot. Model plot config can be configured when the job is created or updated later. It must be disabled if performance issues are experienced.

      API name: model_plot_config

    • modelPlotConfig

      public PutJobRequest.Builder modelPlotConfig​(java.util.function.Function<ModelPlotConfig.Builder,​ObjectBuilder<ModelPlotConfig>> fn)
      This advanced configuration option stores model information along with the results. It provides a more detailed view into anomaly detection. If you enable model plot it can add considerable overhead to the performance of the system; it is not feasible for jobs with many entities. Model plot provides a simplified and indicative view of the model and its bounds. It does not display complex features such as multivariate correlations or multimodal data. As such, anomalies may occasionally be reported which cannot be seen in the model plot. Model plot config can be configured when the job is created or updated later. It must be disabled if performance issues are experienced.

      API name: model_plot_config

    • modelSnapshotRetentionDays

      public PutJobRequest.Builder modelSnapshotRetentionDays​(@Nullable java.lang.Long value)
      Advanced configuration option, which affects the automatic removal of old model snapshots for this job. It specifies the maximum period of time (in days) that snapshots are retained. This period is relative to the timestamp of the most recent snapshot for this job. By default, snapshots ten days older than the newest snapshot are deleted.

      API name: model_snapshot_retention_days

    • renormalizationWindowDays

      public PutJobRequest.Builder renormalizationWindowDays​(@Nullable java.lang.Long value)
      Advanced configuration option. The period over which adjustments to the score are applied, as new data is seen. The default value is the longer of 30 days or 100 bucket spans.

      API name: renormalization_window_days

    • resultsIndexName

      public PutJobRequest.Builder resultsIndexName​(@Nullable java.lang.String value)
      A text string that affects the name of the machine learning results index. By default, the job generates an index named .ml-anomalies-shared.

      API name: results_index_name

    • resultsRetentionDays

      public PutJobRequest.Builder resultsRetentionDays​(@Nullable java.lang.Long value)
      Advanced configuration option. The period of time (in days) that results are retained. Age is calculated relative to the timestamp of the latest bucket result. If this property has a non-null value, once per day at 00:30 (server time), results that are the specified number of days older than the latest bucket result are deleted from Elasticsearch. The default value is null, which means all results are retained.

      API name: results_retention_days

    • build

      public PutJobRequest build()
      Builds a PutJobRequest.
      Specified by:
      build in interface ObjectBuilder<PutJobRequest>
      java.lang.NullPointerException - if some of the required fields are null.