Class TrainedModelConfig.AbstractBuilder<BuilderT extends TrainedModelConfig.AbstractBuilder<BuilderT>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
PutTrainedModelResponse.Builder, TrainedModelConfig.Builder
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class TrainedModelConfig.AbstractBuilder<BuilderT extends TrainedModelConfig.AbstractBuilder<BuilderT>> extends WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<BuilderT>
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractBuilder

      public AbstractBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • modelId

      public final BuilderT modelId(String value)
      Required - Idetifier for the trained model.

      API name: model_id

    • tags

      public final BuilderT tags(List<String> list)
      Required - A comma delimited string of tags. A trained model can have many tags, or none.

      API name: tags

      Adds all elements of list to tags.

    • tags

      public final BuilderT tags(String value, String... values)
      Required - A comma delimited string of tags. A trained model can have many tags, or none.

      API name: tags

      Adds one or more values to tags.

    • version

      public final BuilderT version(@Nullable String value)
      The Elasticsearch version number in which the trained model was created.

      API name: version

    • compressedDefinition

      public final BuilderT compressedDefinition(@Nullable String value)
      API name: compressed_definition
    • createdBy

      public final BuilderT createdBy(@Nullable String value)
      Information on the creator of the trained model.

      API name: created_by

    • createTime

      public final BuilderT createTime(@Nullable Time value)
      The time when the trained model was created.

      API name: create_time

    • createTime

      public final BuilderT createTime(Function<Time.Builder,ObjectBuilder<Time>> fn)
      The time when the trained model was created.

      API name: create_time

    • defaultFieldMap

      public final BuilderT defaultFieldMap(Map<String,String> map)
      Any field map described in the inference configuration takes precedence.

      API name: default_field_map

      Adds all entries of map to defaultFieldMap.

    • defaultFieldMap

      public final BuilderT defaultFieldMap(String key, String value)
      Any field map described in the inference configuration takes precedence.

      API name: default_field_map

      Adds an entry to defaultFieldMap.

    • description

      public final BuilderT description(@Nullable String value)
      The free-text description of the trained model.

      API name: description

    • estimatedHeapMemoryUsageBytes

      public final BuilderT estimatedHeapMemoryUsageBytes(@Nullable Integer value)
      The estimated heap usage in bytes to keep the trained model in memory.

      API name: estimated_heap_memory_usage_bytes

    • estimatedOperations

      public final BuilderT estimatedOperations(@Nullable Integer value)
      The estimated number of operations to use the trained model.

      API name: estimated_operations

    • inferenceConfig

      public final BuilderT inferenceConfig(InferenceConfig value)
      Required - The default configuration for inference. This can be either a regression or classification configuration. It must match the underlying definition.trained_model's target_type.

      API name: inference_config

    • inferenceConfig

      Required - The default configuration for inference. This can be either a regression or classification configuration. It must match the underlying definition.trained_model's target_type.

      API name: inference_config

    • input

      public final BuilderT input(TrainedModelConfigInput value)
      Required - The input field names for the model definition.

      API name: input

    • input

      Required - The input field names for the model definition.

      API name: input

    • licenseLevel

      public final BuilderT licenseLevel(@Nullable String value)
      The license level of the trained model.

      API name: license_level

    • metadata

      public final BuilderT metadata(@Nullable TrainedModelConfigMetadata value)
      An object containing metadata about the trained model. For example, models created by data frame analytics contain analysis_config and input objects.

      API name: metadata

    • metadata

      An object containing metadata about the trained model. For example, models created by data frame analytics contain analysis_config and input objects.

      API name: metadata

    • self

      protected abstract BuilderT self()
      Specified by:
      self in class WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<BuilderT extends TrainedModelConfig.AbstractBuilder<BuilderT>>