Class AllocationRecord

All Implemented Interfaces:

@JsonpDeserializable public class AllocationRecord extends Object implements JsonpSerializable
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

    • shards

      @Nullable public final String shards()
      Number of primary and replica shards assigned to the node.

      API name: shards

    • diskIndices

      @Nullable public final String diskIndices()
      Disk space used by the node’s shards. Does not include disk space for the translog or unassigned shards. IMPORTANT: This metric double-counts disk space for hard-linked files, such as those created when shrinking, splitting, or cloning an index.

      API name: disk.indices

    • diskUsed

      @Nullable public final String diskUsed()
      Total disk space in use. Elasticsearch retrieves this metric from the node’s operating system (OS). The metric includes disk space for: Elasticsearch, including the translog and unassigned shards; the node’s operating system; any other applications or files on the node. Unlike disk.indices, this metric does not double-count disk space for hard-linked files.

      API name: disk.used

    • diskAvail

      @Nullable public final String diskAvail()
      Free disk space available to Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch retrieves this metric from the node’s operating system. Disk-based shard allocation uses this metric to assign shards to nodes based on available disk space.

      API name: disk.avail

    • diskTotal

      @Nullable public final String diskTotal()
      Total disk space for the node, including in-use and available space.

      API name:

    • diskPercent

      @Nullable public final String diskPercent()
      Total percentage of disk space in use. Calculated as disk.used /

      API name: disk.percent

    • host

      @Nullable public final String host()
      Network host for the node. Set using the setting.

      API name: host

    • ip

      @Nullable public final String ip()
      IP address and port for the node.

      API name: ip

    • node

      @Nullable public final String node()
      Name for the node. Set using the setting.

      API name: node

    • serialize

      public void serialize( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
      Serialize this object to JSON.
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface JsonpSerializable
    • serializeInternal

      protected void serializeInternal( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • setupAllocationRecordDeserializer

      protected static void setupAllocationRecordDeserializer(ObjectDeserializer<AllocationRecord.Builder> op)