Class RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
WithJson<RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder>, ObjectBuilder<RuntimeFieldTypes>
Enclosing class:

public static class RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder extends WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder> implements ObjectBuilder<RuntimeFieldTypes>
Builder for RuntimeFieldTypes.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • charsMax

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder charsMax(int value)
      Required - Maximum number of characters for a single runtime field script.

      API name: chars_max

    • charsTotal

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder charsTotal(int value)
      Required - Total number of characters for the scripts that define the current runtime field data type.

      API name: chars_total

    • count

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder count(int value)
      Required - Number of runtime fields mapped to the field data type in selected nodes.

      API name: count

    • docMax

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder docMax(int value)
      Required - Maximum number of accesses to doc_values for a single runtime field script

      API name: doc_max

    • docTotal

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder docTotal(int value)
      Required - Total number of accesses to doc_values for the scripts that define the current runtime field data type.

      API name: doc_total

    • indexCount

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder indexCount(int value)
      Required - Number of indices containing a mapping of the runtime field data type in selected nodes.

      API name: index_count

    • lang

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder lang(List<String> list)
      Required - Script languages used for the runtime fields scripts.

      API name: lang

      Adds all elements of list to lang.

    • lang

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder lang(String value, String... values)
      Required - Script languages used for the runtime fields scripts.

      API name: lang

      Adds one or more values to lang.

    • linesMax

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder linesMax(int value)
      Required - Maximum number of lines for a single runtime field script.

      API name: lines_max

    • linesTotal

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder linesTotal(int value)
      Required - Total number of lines for the scripts that define the current runtime field data type.

      API name: lines_total

    • name

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder name(String value)
      Required - Field data type used in selected nodes.

      API name: name

    • scriptlessCount

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder scriptlessCount(int value)
      Required - Number of runtime fields that don’t declare a script.

      API name: scriptless_count

    • shadowedCount

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder shadowedCount(int value)
      Required - Number of runtime fields that shadow an indexed field.

      API name: shadowed_count

    • sourceMax

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder sourceMax(int value)
      Required - Maximum number of accesses to _source for a single runtime field script.

      API name: source_max

    • sourceTotal

      public final RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder sourceTotal(int value)
      Required - Total number of accesses to _source for the scripts that define the current runtime field data type.

      API name: source_total

    • self

      protected RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder self()
      Specified by:
      self in class WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<RuntimeFieldTypes.Builder>
    • build

      public RuntimeFieldTypes build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface ObjectBuilder<RuntimeFieldTypes>
      NullPointerException - if some of the required fields are null.