Class SearchMvtRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

@JsonpDeserializable public class SearchMvtRequest extends RequestBase implements JsonpSerializable
Searches a vector tile for geospatial values. Returns results as a binary Mapbox vector tile.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

    • aggs

      public final Map<String,Aggregation> aggs()
      Sub-aggregations for the geotile_grid.

      Supports the following aggregation types:

      • avg
      • cardinality
      • max
      • min
      • sum

      API name: aggs

    • buffer

      @Nullable public final Integer buffer()
      Size, in pixels, of a clipping buffer outside the tile. This allows renderers to avoid outline artifacts from geometries that extend past the extent of the tile.

      API name: buffer

    • exactBounds

      @Nullable public final Boolean exactBounds()
      If false, the meta layer’s feature is the bounding box of the tile. If true, the meta layer’s feature is a bounding box resulting from a geo_bounds aggregation. The aggregation runs on <field> values that intersect the <zoom>/<x>/<y> tile with wrap_longitude set to false. The resulting bounding box may be larger than the vector tile.

      API name: exact_bounds

    • extent

      @Nullable public final Integer extent()
      Size, in pixels, of a side of the tile. Vector tiles are square with equal sides.

      API name: extent

    • field

      public final String field()
      Required - Field containing geospatial data to return

      API name: field

    • fields

      public final List<String> fields()
      Fields to return in the hits layer. Supports wildcards (*). This parameter does not support fields with array values. Fields with array values may return inconsistent results.

      API name: fields

    • gridAgg

      @Nullable public final GridAggregationType gridAgg()
      Aggregation used to create a grid for the field.

      API name: grid_agg

    • gridPrecision

      @Nullable public final Integer gridPrecision()
      Additional zoom levels available through the aggs layer. For example, if <zoom> is 7 and grid_precision is 8, you can zoom in up to level 15. Accepts 0-8. If 0, results don’t include the aggs layer.

      API name: grid_precision

    • gridType

      @Nullable public final GridType gridType()
      Determines the geometry type for features in the aggs layer. In the aggs layer, each feature represents a geotile_grid cell. If 'grid' each feature is a Polygon of the cells bounding box. If 'point' each feature is a Point that is the centroid of the cell.

      API name: grid_type

    • index

      public final List<String> index()
      Required - Comma-separated list of data streams, indices, or aliases to search

      API name: index

    • query

      @Nullable public final Query query()
      Query DSL used to filter documents for the search.

      API name: query

    • runtimeMappings

      public final Map<String,RuntimeField> runtimeMappings()
      Defines one or more runtime fields in the search request. These fields take precedence over mapped fields with the same name.

      API name: runtime_mappings

    • size

      @Nullable public final Integer size()
      Maximum number of features to return in the hits layer. Accepts 0-10000. If 0, results don’t include the hits layer.

      API name: size

    • sort

      public final List<SortOptions> sort()
      Sorts features in the hits layer. By default, the API calculates a bounding box for each feature. It sorts features based on this box’s diagonal length, from longest to shortest.

      API name: sort

    • trackTotalHits

      @Nullable public final TrackHits trackTotalHits()
      Number of hits matching the query to count accurately. If true, the exact number of hits is returned at the cost of some performance. If false, the response does not include the total number of hits matching the query.

      API name: track_total_hits

    • withLabels

      @Nullable public final Boolean withLabels()
      If true, the hits and aggs layers will contain additional point features representing suggested label positions for the original features.

      API name: with_labels

    • x

      public final int x()
      Required - X coordinate for the vector tile to search

      API name: x

    • y

      public final int y()
      Required - Y coordinate for the vector tile to search

      API name: y

    • zoom

      public final int zoom()
      Required - Zoom level for the vector tile to search

      API name: zoom

    • serialize

      public void serialize( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
      Serialize this object to JSON.
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface JsonpSerializable
    • serializeInternal

      protected void serializeInternal( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
    • setupSearchMvtRequestDeserializer

      protected static void setupSearchMvtRequestDeserializer(ObjectDeserializer<SearchMvtRequest.Builder> op)