All Implemented Interfaces:
QueryVariant, JsonpSerializable

@JsonpDeserializable public class HasChildQuery extends QueryBase implements QueryVariant
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

    • _queryKind

      public Query.Kind _queryKind()
      Query variant kind.
      Specified by:
      _queryKind in interface QueryVariant
    • ignoreUnmapped

      @Nullable public final Boolean ignoreUnmapped()
      Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped type and not return any documents instead of an error.

      API name: ignore_unmapped

    • innerHits

      @Nullable public final InnerHits innerHits()
      If defined, each search hit will contain inner hits.

      API name: inner_hits

    • maxChildren

      @Nullable public final Integer maxChildren()
      Maximum number of child documents that match the query allowed for a returned parent document. If the parent document exceeds this limit, it is excluded from the search results.

      API name: max_children

    • minChildren

      @Nullable public final Integer minChildren()
      Minimum number of child documents that match the query required to match the query for a returned parent document. If the parent document does not meet this limit, it is excluded from the search results.

      API name: min_children

    • query

      public final Query query()
      Required - Query you wish to run on child documents of the type field. If a child document matches the search, the query returns the parent document.

      API name: query

    • scoreMode

      @Nullable public final ChildScoreMode scoreMode()
      Indicates how scores for matching child documents affect the root parent document’s relevance score.

      API name: score_mode

    • type

      public final String type()
      Required - Name of the child relationship mapped for the join field.

      API name: type

    • serializeInternal

      protected void serializeInternal( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
      serializeInternal in class QueryBase
    • setupHasChildQueryDeserializer

      protected static void setupHasChildQueryDeserializer(ObjectDeserializer<HasChildQuery.Builder> op)