Class ReindexStatus.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
WithJson<ReindexStatus.Builder>, ObjectBuilder<ReindexStatus>
Enclosing class:

public static class ReindexStatus.Builder extends WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<ReindexStatus.Builder> implements ObjectBuilder<ReindexStatus>
Builder for ReindexStatus.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • batches

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder batches(long value)
      Required - The number of scroll responses pulled back by the reindex.

      API name: batches

    • created

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder created(long value)
      Required - The number of documents that were successfully created.

      API name: created

    • deleted

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder deleted(long value)
      Required - The number of documents that were successfully deleted.

      API name: deleted

    • noops

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder noops(long value)
      Required - The number of documents that were ignored because the script used for the reindex returned a noop value for ctx.op.

      API name: noops

    • requestsPerSecond

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder requestsPerSecond(float value)
      Required - The number of requests per second effectively executed during the reindex.

      API name: requests_per_second

    • retries

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder retries(Retries value)
      Required - The number of retries attempted by reindex. bulk is the number of bulk actions retried and search is the number of search actions retried.

      API name: retries

    • retries

      Required - The number of retries attempted by reindex. bulk is the number of bulk actions retried and search is the number of search actions retried.

      API name: retries

    • throttled

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder throttled(@Nullable Time value)
      API name: throttled
    • throttled

      API name: throttled
    • throttledMillis

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder throttledMillis(long value)
      Required - Number of milliseconds the request slept to conform to requests_per_second.

      API name: throttled_millis

    • throttledUntil

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder throttledUntil(@Nullable Time value)
      API name: throttled_until
    • throttledUntil

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder throttledUntil(Function<Time.Builder,ObjectBuilder<Time>> fn)
      API name: throttled_until
    • throttledUntilMillis

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder throttledUntilMillis(long value)
      Required - This field should always be equal to zero in a _reindex response. It only has meaning when using the Task API, where it indicates the next time (in milliseconds since epoch) a throttled request will be executed again in order to conform to requests_per_second.

      API name: throttled_until_millis

    • total

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder total(long value)
      Required - The number of documents that were successfully processed.

      API name: total

    • updated

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder updated(long value)
      Required - The number of documents that were successfully updated, for example, a document with same ID already existed prior to reindex updating it.

      API name: updated

    • versionConflicts

      public final ReindexStatus.Builder versionConflicts(long value)
      Required - The number of version conflicts that reindex hits.

      API name: version_conflicts

    • self

      protected ReindexStatus.Builder self()
      Specified by:
      self in class WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<ReindexStatus.Builder>
    • build

      public ReindexStatus build()
      Builds a ReindexStatus.
      Specified by:
      build in interface ObjectBuilder<ReindexStatus>
      NullPointerException - if some of the required fields are null.