Class IndicesStatsRequest


public class IndicesStatsRequest extends RequestBase
Returns statistics for one or more indices. For data streams, the API retrieves statistics for the stream’s backing indices.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

    • completionFields

      public final List<String> completionFields()
      Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in fielddata and suggest statistics.

      API name: completion_fields

    • expandWildcards

      public final List<ExpandWildcard> expandWildcards()
      Type of index that wildcard patterns can match. If the request can target data streams, this argument determines whether wildcard expressions match hidden data streams. Supports comma-separated values, such as open,hidden.

      API name: expand_wildcards

    • fielddataFields

      public final List<String> fielddataFields()
      Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in fielddata statistics.

      API name: fielddata_fields

    • fields

      public final List<String> fields()
      Comma-separated list or wildcard expressions of fields to include in the statistics.

      API name: fields

    • forbidClosedIndices

      @Nullable public final Boolean forbidClosedIndices()
      If true, statistics are not collected from closed indices.

      API name: forbid_closed_indices

    • groups

      public final List<String> groups()
      Comma-separated list of search groups to include in the search statistics.

      API name: groups

    • includeSegmentFileSizes

      @Nullable public final Boolean includeSegmentFileSizes()
      If true, the call reports the aggregated disk usage of each one of the Lucene index files (only applies if segment stats are requested).

      API name: include_segment_file_sizes

    • includeUnloadedSegments

      @Nullable public final Boolean includeUnloadedSegments()
      If true, the response includes information from segments that are not loaded into memory.

      API name: include_unloaded_segments

    • index

      public final List<String> index()
      A comma-separated list of index names; use _all or empty string to perform the operation on all indices

      API name: index

    • level

      @Nullable public final Level level()
      Indicates whether statistics are aggregated at the cluster, index, or shard level.

      API name: level

    • metric

      public final List<String> metric()
      Limit the information returned the specific metrics.

      API name: metric