All Implemented Interfaces:

@JsonpDeserializable public class Stats extends Object implements JsonpSerializable
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

      public static Stats of(Function<Stats.Builder,ObjectBuilder<Stats>> fn)
    • adaptiveSelection

      public final Map<String,AdaptiveSelection> adaptiveSelection()
      Statistics about adaptive replica selection.

      API name: adaptive_selection

    • breakers

      public final Map<String,Breaker> breakers()
      Statistics about the field data circuit breaker.

      API name: breakers

    • fs

      @Nullable public final FileSystem fs()
      File system information, data path, free disk space, read/write stats.

      API name: fs

    • host

      @Nullable public final String host()
      Network host for the node, based on the network host setting.

      API name: host

    • http

      @Nullable public final Http http()
      HTTP connection information.

      API name: http

    • ingest

      @Nullable public final Ingest ingest()
      Statistics about ingest preprocessing.

      API name: ingest

    • ip

      public final List<String> ip()
      IP address and port for the node.

      API name: ip

    • jvm

      @Nullable public final Jvm jvm()
      JVM stats, memory pool information, garbage collection, buffer pools, number of loaded/unloaded classes.

      API name: jvm

    • name

      @Nullable public final String name()
      Human-readable identifier for the node. Based on the node name setting.

      API name: name

    • os

      @Nullable public final OperatingSystem os()
      Operating system stats, load average, mem, swap.

      API name: os

    • process

      @Nullable public final Process process()
      Process statistics, memory consumption, cpu usage, open file descriptors.

      API name: process

    • roles

      public final List<NodeRole> roles()
      Roles assigned to the node.

      API name: roles

    • script

      @Nullable public final Scripting script()
      Contains script statistics for the node.

      API name: script

    • scriptCache

      public final Map<String,List<ScriptCache>> scriptCache()
      API name: script_cache
    • threadPool

      public final Map<String,ThreadCount> threadPool()
      Statistics about each thread pool, including current size, queue and rejected tasks.

      API name: thread_pool

    • timestamp

      @Nullable public final Long timestamp()
      API name: timestamp
    • transport

      @Nullable public final Transport transport()
      Transport statistics about sent and received bytes in cluster communication.

      API name: transport

    • transportAddress

      @Nullable public final String transportAddress()
      Host and port for the transport layer, used for internal communication between nodes in a cluster.

      API name: transport_address

    • attributes

      public final Map<String,String> attributes()
      Contains a list of attributes for the node.

      API name: attributes

    • discovery

      @Nullable public final Discovery discovery()
      Contains node discovery statistics for the node.

      API name: discovery

    • indexingPressure

      @Nullable public final IndexingPressure indexingPressure()
      Contains indexing pressure statistics for the node.

      API name: indexing_pressure

    • indices

      @Nullable public final ShardStats indices()
      Indices stats about size, document count, indexing and deletion times, search times, field cache size, merges and flushes.

      API name: indices

    • serialize

      public void serialize( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
      Serialize this object to JSON.
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface JsonpSerializable
    • serializeInternal

      protected void serializeInternal( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • setupStatsDeserializer

      protected static void setupStatsDeserializer(ObjectDeserializer<Stats.Builder> op)