Class Transport.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
WithJson<Transport.Builder>, ObjectBuilder<Transport>
Enclosing class:

public static class Transport.Builder extends WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<Transport.Builder> implements ObjectBuilder<Transport>
Builder for Transport.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • inboundHandlingTimeHistogram

      public final Transport.Builder inboundHandlingTimeHistogram(List<TransportHistogram> list)
      The distribution of the time spent handling each inbound message on a transport thread, represented as a histogram.

      API name: inbound_handling_time_histogram

      Adds all elements of list to inboundHandlingTimeHistogram.

    • inboundHandlingTimeHistogram

      public final Transport.Builder inboundHandlingTimeHistogram(TransportHistogram value, TransportHistogram... values)
      The distribution of the time spent handling each inbound message on a transport thread, represented as a histogram.

      API name: inbound_handling_time_histogram

      Adds one or more values to inboundHandlingTimeHistogram.

    • inboundHandlingTimeHistogram

      public final Transport.Builder inboundHandlingTimeHistogram(Function<TransportHistogram.Builder,ObjectBuilder<TransportHistogram>> fn)
      The distribution of the time spent handling each inbound message on a transport thread, represented as a histogram.

      API name: inbound_handling_time_histogram

      Adds a value to inboundHandlingTimeHistogram using a builder lambda.

    • outboundHandlingTimeHistogram

      public final Transport.Builder outboundHandlingTimeHistogram(List<TransportHistogram> list)
      The distribution of the time spent sending each outbound transport message on a transport thread, represented as a histogram.

      API name: outbound_handling_time_histogram

      Adds all elements of list to outboundHandlingTimeHistogram.

    • outboundHandlingTimeHistogram

      public final Transport.Builder outboundHandlingTimeHistogram(TransportHistogram value, TransportHistogram... values)
      The distribution of the time spent sending each outbound transport message on a transport thread, represented as a histogram.

      API name: outbound_handling_time_histogram

      Adds one or more values to outboundHandlingTimeHistogram.

    • outboundHandlingTimeHistogram

      public final Transport.Builder outboundHandlingTimeHistogram(Function<TransportHistogram.Builder,ObjectBuilder<TransportHistogram>> fn)
      The distribution of the time spent sending each outbound transport message on a transport thread, represented as a histogram.

      API name: outbound_handling_time_histogram

      Adds a value to outboundHandlingTimeHistogram using a builder lambda.

    • rxCount

      public final Transport.Builder rxCount(@Nullable Long value)
      Total number of RX (receive) packets received by the node during internal cluster communication.

      API name: rx_count

    • rxSize

      public final Transport.Builder rxSize(@Nullable String value)
      Size of RX packets received by the node during internal cluster communication.

      API name: rx_size

    • rxSizeInBytes

      public final Transport.Builder rxSizeInBytes(@Nullable Long value)
      Size, in bytes, of RX packets received by the node during internal cluster communication.

      API name: rx_size_in_bytes

    • serverOpen

      public final Transport.Builder serverOpen(@Nullable Integer value)
      Current number of inbound TCP connections used for internal communication between nodes.

      API name: server_open

    • txCount

      public final Transport.Builder txCount(@Nullable Long value)
      Total number of TX (transmit) packets sent by the node during internal cluster communication.

      API name: tx_count

    • txSize

      public final Transport.Builder txSize(@Nullable String value)
      Size of TX packets sent by the node during internal cluster communication.

      API name: tx_size

    • txSizeInBytes

      public final Transport.Builder txSizeInBytes(@Nullable Long value)
      Size, in bytes, of TX packets sent by the node during internal cluster communication.

      API name: tx_size_in_bytes

    • totalOutboundConnections

      public final Transport.Builder totalOutboundConnections(@Nullable Long value)
      The cumulative number of outbound transport connections that this node has opened since it started. Each transport connection may comprise multiple TCP connections but is only counted once in this statistic. Transport connections are typically long-lived so this statistic should remain constant in a stable cluster.

      API name: total_outbound_connections

    • self

      protected Transport.Builder self()
      Specified by:
      self in class WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<Transport.Builder>
    • build

      public Transport build()
      Builds a Transport.
      Specified by:
      build in interface ObjectBuilder<Transport>
      NullPointerException - if some of the required fields are null.