Class MatchBoolPrefixQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:
QueryVariant, JsonpSerializable

@JsonpDeserializable public class MatchBoolPrefixQuery extends QueryBase implements QueryVariant
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

    • _queryKind

      public Query.Kind _queryKind()
      Query variant kind.
      Specified by:
      _queryKind in interface QueryVariant
    • field

      public final String field()
      Required - The target field
    • analyzer

      @Nullable public final String analyzer()
      Analyzer used to convert the text in the query value into tokens.

      API name: analyzer

    • fuzziness

      @Nullable public final String fuzziness()
      Maximum edit distance allowed for matching. Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final term.

      API name: fuzziness

    • fuzzyRewrite

      @Nullable public final String fuzzyRewrite()
      Method used to rewrite the query. Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final term.

      API name: fuzzy_rewrite

    • fuzzyTranspositions

      @Nullable public final Boolean fuzzyTranspositions()
      If true, edits for fuzzy matching include transpositions of two adjacent characters (for example, ab to ba). Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final term.

      API name: fuzzy_transpositions

    • maxExpansions

      @Nullable public final Integer maxExpansions()
      Maximum number of terms to which the query will expand. Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final term.

      API name: max_expansions

    • minimumShouldMatch

      @Nullable public final String minimumShouldMatch()
      Minimum number of clauses that must match for a document to be returned. Applied to the constructed bool query.

      API name: minimum_should_match

    • operator

      @Nullable public final Operator operator()
      Boolean logic used to interpret text in the query value. Applied to the constructed bool query.

      API name: operator

    • prefixLength

      @Nullable public final Integer prefixLength()
      Number of beginning characters left unchanged for fuzzy matching. Can be applied to the term subqueries constructed for all terms but the final term.

      API name: prefix_length

    • query

      public final String query()
      Required - Terms you wish to find in the provided field. The last term is used in a prefix query.

      API name: query

    • serializeInternal

      protected void serializeInternal( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
      serializeInternal in class QueryBase
    • setupMatchBoolPrefixQueryDeserializer

      protected static void setupMatchBoolPrefixQueryDeserializer(ObjectDeserializer<MatchBoolPrefixQuery.Builder> op)