Class MultiTermsAggregation

All Implemented Interfaces:
AggregationVariant, JsonpSerializable

@JsonpDeserializable public class MultiTermsAggregation extends BucketAggregationBase implements AggregationVariant
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

    • _aggregationKind

      public Aggregation.Kind _aggregationKind()
      Aggregation variant kind.
      Specified by:
      _aggregationKind in interface AggregationVariant
    • collectMode

      @Nullable public final TermsAggregationCollectMode collectMode()
      Specifies the strategy for data collection.

      API name: collect_mode

    • order

      public final List<NamedValue<SortOrder>> order()
      Specifies the sort order of the buckets. Defaults to sorting by descending document count.

      API name: order

    • minDocCount

      @Nullable public final Long minDocCount()
      The minimum number of documents in a bucket for it to be returned.

      API name: min_doc_count

    • shardMinDocCount

      @Nullable public final Long shardMinDocCount()
      The minimum number of documents in a bucket on each shard for it to be returned.

      API name: shard_min_doc_count

    • shardSize

      @Nullable public final Integer shardSize()
      The number of candidate terms produced by each shard. By default, shard_size will be automatically estimated based on the number of shards and the size parameter.

      API name: shard_size

    • showTermDocCountError

      @Nullable public final Boolean showTermDocCountError()
      Calculates the doc count error on per term basis.

      API name: show_term_doc_count_error

    • size

      @Nullable public final Integer size()
      The number of term buckets should be returned out of the overall terms list.

      API name: size

    • terms

      public final List<MultiTermLookup> terms()
      Required - The field from which to generate sets of terms.

      API name: terms

    • serializeInternal

      protected void serializeInternal( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
      serializeInternal in class AggregationBase
    • setupMultiTermsAggregationDeserializer

      protected static void setupMultiTermsAggregationDeserializer(ObjectDeserializer<MultiTermsAggregation.Builder> op)