Class DataStream

All Implemented Interfaces:

@JsonpDeserializable public class DataStream extends Object implements JsonpSerializable
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

    • meta

      public final Map<String,JsonData> meta()
      Custom metadata for the stream, copied from the _meta object of the stream’s matching index template. If empty, the response omits this property.

      API name: _meta

    • allowCustomRouting

      @Nullable public final Boolean allowCustomRouting()
      If true, the data stream allows custom routing on write request.

      API name: allow_custom_routing

    • generation

      public final int generation()
      Required - Current generation for the data stream. This number acts as a cumulative count of the stream’s rollovers, starting at 1.

      API name: generation

    • hidden

      public final boolean hidden()
      Required - If true, the data stream is hidden.

      API name: hidden

    • ilmPolicy

      @Nullable public final String ilmPolicy()
      Name of the current ILM lifecycle policy in the stream’s matching index template. This lifecycle policy is set in the setting. If the template does not include a lifecycle policy, this property is not included in the response. NOTE: A data stream’s backing indices may be assigned different lifecycle policies. To retrieve the lifecycle policy for individual backing indices, use the get index settings API.

      API name: ilm_policy

    • nextGenerationManagedBy

      public final ManagedBy nextGenerationManagedBy()
      Required - Name of the lifecycle system that'll manage the next generation of the data stream.

      API name: next_generation_managed_by

    • preferIlm

      public final boolean preferIlm()
      Required - Indicates if ILM should take precedence over DSL in case both are configured to managed this data stream.

      API name: prefer_ilm

    • indices

      public final List<DataStreamIndex> indices()
      Required - Array of objects containing information about the data stream’s backing indices. The last item in this array contains information about the stream’s current write index.

      API name: indices

    • lifecycle

      @Nullable public final DataStreamLifecycleWithRollover lifecycle()
      Contains the configuration for the data lifecycle management of this data stream.

      API name: lifecycle

    • name

      public final String name()
      Required - Name of the data stream.

      API name: name

    • replicated

      @Nullable public final Boolean replicated()
      If true, the data stream is created and managed by cross-cluster replication and the local cluster can not write into this data stream or change its mappings.

      API name: replicated

    • status

      public final HealthStatus status()
      Required - Health status of the data stream. This health status is based on the state of the primary and replica shards of the stream’s backing indices.

      API name: status

    • system

      @Nullable public final Boolean system()
      If true, the data stream is created and managed by an Elastic stack component and cannot be modified through normal user interaction.

      API name: system

    • template

      public final String template()
      Required - Name of the index template used to create the data stream’s backing indices. The template’s index pattern must match the name of this data stream.

      API name: template

    • timestampField

      public final DataStreamTimestampField timestampField()
      Required - Information about the @timestamp field in the data stream.

      API name: timestamp_field

    • serialize

      public void serialize( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
      Serialize this object to JSON.
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface JsonpSerializable
    • serializeInternal

      protected void serializeInternal( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • setupDataStreamDeserializer

      protected static void setupDataStreamDeserializer(ObjectDeserializer<DataStream.Builder> op)