Class GetDatafeedStatsRequest.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
WithJson<GetDatafeedStatsRequest.Builder>, ObjectBuilder<GetDatafeedStatsRequest>
Enclosing class:

public static class GetDatafeedStatsRequest.Builder extends RequestBase.AbstractBuilder<GetDatafeedStatsRequest.Builder> implements ObjectBuilder<GetDatafeedStatsRequest>
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • allowNoMatch

      public final GetDatafeedStatsRequest.Builder allowNoMatch(@Nullable Boolean value)
      Specifies what to do when the request:
      1. Contains wildcard expressions and there are no datafeeds that match.
      2. Contains the _all string or no identifiers and there are no matches.
      3. Contains wildcard expressions and there are only partial matches.

      The default value is true, which returns an empty datafeeds array when there are no matches and the subset of results when there are partial matches. If this parameter is false, the request returns a 404 status code when there are no matches or only partial matches.

      API name: allow_no_match

    • datafeedId

      public final GetDatafeedStatsRequest.Builder datafeedId(List<String> list)
      Identifier for the datafeed. It can be a datafeed identifier or a wildcard expression. If you do not specify one of these options, the API returns information about all datafeeds.

      API name: datafeed_id

      Adds all elements of list to datafeedId.

    • datafeedId

      public final GetDatafeedStatsRequest.Builder datafeedId(String value, String... values)
      Identifier for the datafeed. It can be a datafeed identifier or a wildcard expression. If you do not specify one of these options, the API returns information about all datafeeds.

      API name: datafeed_id

      Adds one or more values to datafeedId.

    • self

      Specified by:
      self in class RequestBase.AbstractBuilder<GetDatafeedStatsRequest.Builder>
    • build

      public GetDatafeedStatsRequest build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface ObjectBuilder<GetDatafeedStatsRequest>
      NullPointerException - if some of the required fields are null.