Class StatusResponseBase.AbstractBuilder<BuilderT extends StatusResponseBase.AbstractBuilder<BuilderT>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
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Enclosing class:

public abstract static class StatusResponseBase.AbstractBuilder<BuilderT extends StatusResponseBase.AbstractBuilder<BuilderT>> extends AsyncSearchResponseBase.AbstractBuilder<BuilderT>
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractBuilder

      public AbstractBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • shards

      public final BuilderT shards(ShardStatistics value)
      Required - Indicates how many shards have run the query so far.

      API name: _shards

    • shards

      Required - Indicates how many shards have run the query so far.

      API name: _shards

    • completionStatus

      public final BuilderT completionStatus(@Nullable Integer value)
      If the async search completed, this field shows the status code of the search. For example, 200 indicates that the async search was successfully completed. 503 indicates that the async search was completed with an error.

      API name: completion_status