
final class Queue[+O] extends Chunk[O]

A FIFO queue of chunks that provides an O(1) size method and provides the ability to take and drop individual elements while preserving the chunk structure as much as possible.

This is similar to a queue of individual elements but chunk structure is maintained.

Linear Supertypes
Chunk[O], ChunkRuntimePlatform[O], ChunkPlatform[O], Chunk213And3Compat[O], Serializable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Queue
  2. Chunk
  3. ChunkRuntimePlatform
  4. ChunkPlatform
  5. Chunk213And3Compat
  6. Serializable
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def ++[O2 >: O](that: Chunk[O2]): Chunk[O2]

    Returns a chunk which consists of the elements of this chunk and the elements of the supplied chunk.

    Returns a chunk which consists of the elements of this chunk and the elements of the supplied chunk. This operation is amortized O(1).

    Definition Classes
  4. def +:[O2 >: O](c: Chunk[O2]): Queue[O2]

    Prepends a chunk to the start of this chunk queue.

  5. def :+[O2 >: O](c: Chunk[O2]): Queue[O2]

    Appends a chunk to the end of this chunk queue.

  6. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  7. def apply(i: Int): O

    Returns the element at the specified index.

    Returns the element at the specified index. Throws if index is < 0 or >= size.

    Definition Classes
  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  9. def asJava: List[O]

    Views this Chunk as a Java unmodifiable List.

    Views this Chunk as a Java unmodifiable List. Contrary to all methods that start with _"to"_ (e.g. {{toVector}}, {{toArray}}), this method does not copy data. As such, this method is mostly intended for foreach kind of interop.

    Definition Classes
  10. def asSeq: IndexedSeq[O]

    Views this Chunk as a Scala immutable Seq.

    Views this Chunk as a Scala immutable Seq. Contrary to all methods that start with _"to"_ (e.g. {{toVector}}, {{toArray}}), this method does not copy data. As such, this method is mostly intended for foreach kind of interop.

    Definition Classes
  11. def asSeqPlatform: Option[IndexedSeq[O]]
    Definition Classes
  12. val chunks: scala.collection.immutable.Queue[Chunk[O]]
  13. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  14. def collect[O2](pf: PartialFunction[O, O2]): Chunk[O2]

    More efficient version of filter(pf.isDefinedAt).map(pf).

    More efficient version of filter(pf.isDefinedAt).map(pf).

    Definition Classes
  15. def collectWhile[O2](pf: PartialFunction[O, O2]): Chunk[O2]

    More efficient version of takeWhile(pf.isDefinedAt).map(pf).

    More efficient version of takeWhile(pf.isDefinedAt).map(pf).

    Definition Classes
  16. def compact[O2 >: O](implicit ct: ClassTag[O2]): ArraySlice[O2]

    Converts this chunk to a chunk backed by a single array.

    Converts this chunk to a chunk backed by a single array.

    Alternatively, call toIndexedChunk to get back a chunk with guaranteed O(1) indexed lookup while also minimizing copying.

    Definition Classes
  17. def contains[O2 >: O](elem: O2)(implicit ev: Eq[O2]): Boolean

    Returns true if the Chunk contains the given element.

    Returns true if the Chunk contains the given element.

    Definition Classes
  18. def copyToArray[O2 >: O](xs: Array[O2], start: Int): Unit

    Copies the elements of this chunk in to the specified array at the specified start index.

    Copies the elements of this chunk in to the specified array at the specified start index.

    Definition Classes
  19. def count(p: (O) => Boolean): Int

    Counts the number of elements which satisfy a predicate.

    Counts the number of elements which satisfy a predicate.

    Definition Classes
  20. def drop(n: Int): Queue[O]

    Drops the first n elements of this chunk.

    Drops the first n elements of this chunk.

    Definition Classes
  21. def dropRight(n: Int): Chunk[O]

    Drops the right-most n elements of this chunk queue in a way that preserves chunk structure.

    Drops the right-most n elements of this chunk queue in a way that preserves chunk structure.

    Definition Classes
  22. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  23. def equals(a: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    Chunk → AnyRef → Any
  24. def exists(p: (O) => Boolean): Boolean

    Returns true if at least one element passes the predicate.

    Returns true if at least one element passes the predicate.

    Definition Classes
  25. def filter(p: (O) => Boolean): Chunk[O]

    Returns a chunk that has only the elements that satisfy the supplied predicate.

    Returns a chunk that has only the elements that satisfy the supplied predicate.

    Definition Classes
  26. def filterNot(p: (O) => Boolean): Chunk[O]

    Returns a chunk that has only the elements that do not satisfy the supplied predicate.

    Returns a chunk that has only the elements that do not satisfy the supplied predicate.

    Definition Classes
  27. def find(p: (O) => Boolean): Option[O]

    Returns the first element for which the predicate returns true or None if no elements satisfy the predicate.

    Returns the first element for which the predicate returns true or None if no elements satisfy the predicate.

    Definition Classes
  28. def flatMap[O2](f: (O) => Chunk[O2]): Chunk[O2]

    Maps f over the elements of this chunk and concatenates the result.

    Maps f over the elements of this chunk and concatenates the result.

    Definition Classes
  29. def foldLeft[A](init: A)(f: (A, O) => A): A

    Left-folds the elements of this chunk.

    Left-folds the elements of this chunk.

    Definition Classes
  30. def forall(p: (O) => Boolean): Boolean

    Returns true if the predicate passes for all elements.

    Returns true if the predicate passes for all elements.

    Definition Classes
  31. def foreach(f: (O) => Unit): Unit

    Invokes the supplied function for each element of this chunk.

    Invokes the supplied function for each element of this chunk.

    Definition Classes
  32. def foreachWithIndex(f: (O, Int) => Unit): Unit

    Like foreach but includes the index of the element.

    Like foreach but includes the index of the element.

    Definition Classes
  33. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  34. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    Chunk → AnyRef → Any
  35. def head: Option[O]

    Gets the first element of this chunk.

    Gets the first element of this chunk.

    Definition Classes
  36. def indexWhere(p: (O) => Boolean): Option[Int]

    Returns the index of the first element which passes the specified predicate (i.e., p(i) == true) or None if no elements pass the predicate.

    Returns the index of the first element which passes the specified predicate (i.e., p(i) == true) or None if no elements pass the predicate.

    Definition Classes
  37. final def isEmpty: Boolean

    True if size is zero, false otherwise.

    True if size is zero, false otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  38. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  39. def iterator: Iterator[O]

    Creates an iterator that iterates the elements of this chunk.

    Creates an iterator that iterates the elements of this chunk. The returned iterator is not thread safe.

    Definition Classes
  40. def last: Option[O]

    Gets the last element of this chunk.

    Gets the last element of this chunk.

    Definition Classes
  41. def map[O2](f: (O) => O2): Chunk[O2]

    Creates a new chunk by applying f to each element in this chunk.

    Creates a new chunk by applying f to each element in this chunk.

    Definition Classes
  42. def mapAccumulate[S, O2](init: S)(f: (S, O) => (S, O2)): (S, Chunk[O2])

    Maps the supplied stateful function over each element, outputting the final state and the accumulated outputs.

    Maps the supplied stateful function over each element, outputting the final state and the accumulated outputs. The first invocation of f uses init as the input state value. Each successive invocation uses the output state of the previous invocation.

    Definition Classes
  43. def mapFilter[O2](f: (O) => Option[O2]): Chunk[O2]

    Maps the supplied function over each element and returns a chunk of just the defined results.

    Maps the supplied function over each element and returns a chunk of just the defined results.

    Definition Classes
  44. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  45. final def nonEmpty: Boolean

    False if size is zero, true otherwise.

    False if size is zero, true otherwise.

    Definition Classes
  46. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  47. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  48. def reverseIterator: Iterator[O]

    Creates an iterator that iterates the elements of this chunk in reverse order.

    Creates an iterator that iterates the elements of this chunk in reverse order. The returned iterator is not thread safe.

    Definition Classes
  49. def scanLeft[O2](z: O2)(f: (O2, O) => O2): Chunk[O2]

    Like foldLeft but emits each intermediate result of f.

    Like foldLeft but emits each intermediate result of f.

    Definition Classes
  50. def scanLeftCarry[O2](z: O2)(f: (O2, O) => O2): (Chunk[O2], O2)

    Like scanLeft except the final element is emitted as a standalone value instead of as the last element of the accumulated chunk.

    Like scanLeft except the final element is emitted as a standalone value instead of as the last element of the accumulated chunk.

    Equivalent to val b = a.scanLeft(z)(f); val (c, carry) = b.splitAt(b.size - 1).

    Definition Classes
  51. def scanLeft_[O2](z: O2, emitZero: Boolean)(f: (O2, O) => O2): (Chunk[O2], O2)
    Definition Classes
  52. val size: Int

    Returns the number of elements in this chunk.

    Returns the number of elements in this chunk.

    Definition Classes
  53. def splitAt(n: Int): (Chunk[O], Chunk[O])

    Splits this chunk in to two chunks at the specified index.

    Splits this chunk in to two chunks at the specified index.

    Definition Classes
  54. def splitAtChunk_(n: Int): (Chunk[O], Chunk[O])

    Splits this chunk in to two chunks at the specified index n, which is guaranteed to be in-bounds.

    Splits this chunk in to two chunks at the specified index n, which is guaranteed to be in-bounds.

    Definition Classes
  55. def startsWith[O2 >: O](seq: Seq[O2]): Boolean

    Check to see if this starts with the items in the given seq.

    Check to see if this starts with the items in the given seq.

    Definition Classes
  56. def startsWith[O2 >: O](chunk: Chunk[O2]): Boolean

    Check to see if this starts with the items in the given chunk.

    Check to see if this starts with the items in the given chunk.

    Definition Classes
  57. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  58. def take(n: Int): Queue[O]

    Takes the first n elements of this chunk.

    Takes the first n elements of this chunk.

    Definition Classes
  59. def takeRight(n: Int): Chunk[O]

    Takes the right-most n elements of this chunk queue in a way that preserves chunk structure.

    Takes the right-most n elements of this chunk queue in a way that preserves chunk structure.

    Definition Classes
  60. def thisClassTag: ClassTag[Any]
    Definition Classes
  61. def to(collector: Collector[O]): Out

    Converts this chunk to a new collection using the supplied collector.

    Converts this chunk to a new collection using the supplied collector.

    Definition Classes
    1. scala> Chunk(1, 2, 3).to(Set)
  62. def toArray[O2 >: O](implicit arg0: ClassTag[O2]): Array[O2]

    Copies the elements of this chunk to an array.

    Copies the elements of this chunk to an array.

    Definition Classes
  63. def toArraySeq[O2 >: O](implicit arg0: ClassTag[O2]): ArraySeq[O2]
    Definition Classes
  64. def toArraySeqUntagged: ArraySeq[O]
    Definition Classes
  65. def toArraySlice[O2 >: O](implicit ct: ClassTag[O2]): ArraySlice[O2]

    Converts this chunk to a Chunk.ArraySlice.

    Converts this chunk to a Chunk.ArraySlice.

    Definition Classes
  66. def toBitVector[B >: O](implicit ev: =:=[B, Byte]): BitVector

    Converts this chunk to a scodec-bits BitVector.

    Converts this chunk to a scodec-bits BitVector.

    Definition Classes
  67. def toByteBuffer[B >: O](implicit ev: =:=[B, Byte]): java.nio.ByteBuffer

    Converts this chunk to a java.nio.ByteBuffer.

    Converts this chunk to a java.nio.ByteBuffer.

    Definition Classes

    that even "read-only" interaction with a ByteBuffer may increment its position, so this method should be considered as unsafely allocating mutable state.

  68. def toByteVector[B >: O](implicit ev: =:=[B, Byte]): ByteVector

    Converts this chunk to a scodec-bits ByteVector.

    Converts this chunk to a scodec-bits ByteVector.

    Definition Classes
  69. def toChain: Chain[O]

    Converts this chunk to a chain.

    Converts this chunk to a chain.

    Definition Classes
  70. def toCharBuffer[C >: O](implicit ev: =:=[C, Char]): java.nio.CharBuffer

    Converts this chunk to a java.nio.CharBuffer.

    Converts this chunk to a java.nio.CharBuffer.

    Definition Classes

    that even "read-only" interaction with a CharBuffer may increment its position, so this method should be considered as unsafely allocating mutable state.

  71. def toIndexedChunk: Chunk[O]

    Returns a chunk with guaranteed O(1) lookup by index.

    Returns a chunk with guaranteed O(1) lookup by index.

    Unlike compact, this operation does not copy any elements unless this chunk does not provide O(1) lookup by index -- e.g., a chunk built via 1 or more usages of ++.

    Definition Classes
  72. def toJSArrayBuffer[B >: O](implicit ev: =:=[B, Byte]): ArrayBuffer
    Definition Classes
  73. def toList: List[O]

    Converts this chunk to a list.

    Converts this chunk to a list.

    Definition Classes
  74. def toNel: Option[NonEmptyList[O]]

    Converts this chunk to a NonEmptyList

    Converts this chunk to a NonEmptyList

    Definition Classes
  75. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    Chunk → AnyRef → Any
  76. def toUint8Array[B >: O](implicit ev: =:=[B, Byte]): Uint8Array
    Definition Classes
  77. def toVector: Vector[O]

    Converts this chunk to a vector.

    Converts this chunk to a vector.

    Definition Classes
  78. def traverse[F[_], O2](f: (O) => F[O2])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[Chunk[O2]]
    Definition Classes
  79. def traverseFilter[F[_], O2](f: (O) => F[Option[O2]])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): F[Chunk[O2]]
    Definition Classes
  80. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  81. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  82. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  83. def zip[O2](that: Chunk[O2]): Chunk[(O, O2)]

    Zips this chunk the the supplied chunk, returning a chunk of tuples.

    Zips this chunk the the supplied chunk, returning a chunk of tuples.

    Definition Classes
  84. def zipWith[O2, O3](that: Chunk[O2])(f: (O, O2) => O3): Chunk[O3]

    Zips this chunk with the supplied chunk, passing each pair to f, resulting in an output chunk.

    Zips this chunk with the supplied chunk, passing each pair to f, resulting in an output chunk.

    Definition Classes
  85. def zipWithIndex: Chunk[(O, Int)]

    Zips the elements of the input chunk with its indices, and returns the new chunk.

    Zips the elements of the input chunk with its indices, and returns the new chunk.

    Definition Classes
    1. scala> Chunk("The", "quick", "brown", "fox").zipWithIndex.toList
      res0: List[(String, Int)] = List((The,0), (quick,1), (brown,2), (fox,3))

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def compactUntagged[O2 >: O]: ArraySlice[O2]

    Like compact but does not require a ClassTag.

    Like compact but does not require a ClassTag. Elements are boxed and stored in an Array[Any].

    Definition Classes

    (Since version 3.1.6) Unsound when used with primitives, use compactBoxed instead

  2. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated

    (Since version 9)

Inherited from Chunk[O]

Inherited from ChunkRuntimePlatform[O]

Inherited from ChunkPlatform[O]

Inherited from Chunk213And3Compat[O]

Inherited from Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
