
trait Signal[F[_], A]

Pure holder of a single value of type A that can be read in the effect F.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class SignallingRef[F, A]

Value members

Abstract methods

def continuous: Stream[F, A]

Returns a stream of the current value of the signal. An element is always available -- on each pull, the current value is supplied.

Returns a stream of the current value of the signal. An element is always available -- on each pull, the current value is supplied.

def discrete: Stream[F, A]

Returns a stream of the updates to this signal.

Returns a stream of the updates to this signal.

Updates that are very close together may result in only the last update appearing in the stream. If you want to be notified about every single update, use a Queue or Channel instead.

def get: F[A]

Asynchronously gets the current value of this Signal.

Asynchronously gets the current value of this Signal.


Concrete methods

def interrupt[A](s: Stream[F, A])(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): Stream[F, A]
Implicitly added by BooleanSignalOps

Interrupts the supplied Stream when this Signal is true.

Interrupts the supplied Stream when this Signal is true.

def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): Signal[F, B]
Implicitly added by SignalOps

Converts this signal to signal of B by applying f.

Converts this signal to signal of B by applying f.

def predicate[A](f: F[A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Unit]
Implicitly added by BooleanSignalOps

Predicates the supplied effect f on this Signal being true.

Predicates the supplied effect f on this Signal being true.

def waitUntil(p: A => Boolean)(implicit F: Concurrent[F]): F[Unit]

Returns when the condition becomes true, semantically blocking in the meantime.

Returns when the condition becomes true, semantically blocking in the meantime.

This method is particularly useful to transform naive, recursive polling algorithms on the content of a Signal/ SignallingRef into semantically blocking ones. For example, here's how to encode a very simple cache with expiry, pay attention to the definition of view:

trait Refresh[F[_], A] {
 def get: F[A]
object Refresh {
 def create[F[_]: Temporal, A](
   action: F[A],
   refreshAfter: A => FiniteDuration,
   defaultExpiry: FiniteDuration
 ): Resource[F, Refresh[F, A]] =
     .eval(SignallingRef[F, Option[Either[Throwable, A]]](None))
     .flatMap { state =>
       def refresh: F[Unit] =
         state.set(None) >> action.attempt.flatMap { res =>
           val t =
           state.set(res.some) >> Temporal[F].sleep(t) >> refresh

       def view = new Refresh[F, A] {
         def get: F[A] = state.get.flatMap {
           case Some(res) => Temporal[F].fromEither(res)
           case None => state.waitUntil(_.isDefined) >> get

Note that because Signal prioritizes the latest update when its state is updating very quickly, completion of the F[Unit] might not trigger if the condition becomes true and then false immediately after.

Therefore, natural use cases of waitUntil tend to fall into two categories:

  • Scenarios where conditions don't change instantly, such as periodic timed processes updating the Signal/SignallingRef.
  • Scenarios where conditions might change instantly, but the p predicate is monotonic, i.e. if it tests true for an event, it will test true for the following events as well. Examples include waiting for a unique ID stored in a Signal to change, or waiting for the value of the Signal of an ordered Stream[IO, Int] to be greater than a certain number.

Concrete fields

Implicitly added by BooleanSignalOps
val self: Signal[F, A]
Implicitly added by SignalOps