package fs2.protocols.mpeg.transport.psi
Type members
case class AudioStreamDescriptor(freeFormatFlag: Boolean, id: Boolean, layer: Int, variableRateAudioIndicator: Boolean) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class CADescriptor(caSystemId: Int, caPid: Pid, privateData: ByteVector) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class ConditionalAccessSection(extension: SectionExtension, descriptors: List[ConditionalAccessDescriptor]) extends ExtendedSection
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- ConditionalAccessTable.scala
case class ConditionalAccessTable(version: Int, current: Boolean, descriptors: List[ConditionalAccessDescriptor]) extends Table
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- ConditionalAccessTable.scala
case class CopyrightDescriptor(copyrightIdentifier: ByteVector, additionalCopyrightInfo: ByteVector) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class DataStreamAlignmentDescriptor(alignmentType: AlignmentType) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class ExternalEsIdDescriptor(esternalEsId: Int) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class FmcDescriptor(channels: Vector[EsIdAndChannel]) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class FmxBufferSizeDescriptor(flexMuxBufferDescriptor: ByteVector) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
Group of sections that make up a logical message.
Group of sections that make up a logical message.
Intermediate representation between sections and tables. All sections must share the same table id.
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- GroupedSections.scala
case class HierarchyDescriptor(hierarchyType: HierarchyType, hierarchyLayerIndex: Int, hierarchyEmbeddedLayerIndex: Int, hierarchyChannel: Int) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class IbpDescriptor(closedGopFlag: Boolean, identicalGopFlag: Boolean, maxGopLength: Int) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class IodDescriptor(scopeOfIodLabel: Byte, iodLabel: Byte, initialObjectDescriptor: Byte) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class Iso639LanguageDescriptor(languageFields: Vector[LanguageField]) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class Mpeg4AudioDescriptor(mpeg4AudioProfileAndLevel: Byte) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class Mpeg4VideoDescriptor(mpeg4VisualProfileAndLevel: Byte) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class MultiplexBufferDescriptor(mbBufferSize: Int, tbLeakRate: Int) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class MultiplexBufferUtilizationDescriptor(boundValidFlag: Boolean, ltwOffsetLowerBound: Int, ltwOffsetUpperBound: Int) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class MuxCodeDescriptor(muxCodeTableEntry: ByteVector) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class PrivateDataIndicatorDescriptor(privateDataIndicator: ByteVector) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class ProgramAssociationSection(extension: SectionExtension, pidMappings: Vector[(ProgramNumber, Pid)]) extends ExtendedSection
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- ProgramAssociationTable.scala
case class ProgramAssociationTable(tsid: TransportStreamId, version: Int, current: Boolean, programByPid: Map[ProgramNumber, Pid]) extends Table
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- ProgramAssociationTable.scala
case class ProgramMapSection(extension: SectionExtension, pcrPid: Pid, programInfoDescriptors: List[Descriptor], componentStreamMapping: Vector[(StreamType, ProgramMapRecord)]) extends ExtendedSection
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- ProgramMapTable.scala
case class ProgramMapTable(programNumber: ProgramNumber, version: Int, current: Boolean, pcrPid: Pid, programInfoDescriptors: List[Descriptor], componentStreamMapping: Map[StreamType, List[ProgramMapRecord]]) extends Table
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- ProgramMapTable.scala
case class RegistrationDescriptor(formatIdentifier: ByteVector, additionalIdentificationInfo: ByteVector) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class SectionHeader(tableId: Int, extendedSyntax: Boolean, privateBits: BitVector, length: Int)
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- SectionHeader.scala
case class SmoothingBufferDescriptor(sbLeakRate: Int, sbSize: Int) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class SystemClockDescriptor(externalClockReferenceIndicator: Boolean, clockAccuracyInteger: Int, clockAccuracyExponent: Int) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
trait Table
Indicates the implementor can be treated as a message delivered in an MPEG transport stream.
Indicates the implementor can be treated as a message delivered in an MPEG transport stream.
This library differentiates tables from sections. Sections are the actual messages delivered in the transport stream whereas tables are the result of grouping multiple related sections together in to a single logical message.
- Source:
- Table.scala
case class TargetBackgroundGridDescriptor(horizontalSize: Int, verticalSize: Int, aspectRatioInformation: Int) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class VideoStreamDescriptor(multipleFrameRateFlag: Boolean, frameRateCode: Int, mpeg1OnlyFlag: Boolean, constrainedParameter: Boolean, stillPictureFlag: Boolean, mpeg1Only: Option[Mpeg1Only]) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala
case class VideoWindowDescriptor(horizontalOffset: Int, verticalOffset: Int, windowPriority: Int) extends TransportStreamDescriptor with ProgramStreamDescriptor
- Companion:
- object
- Source:
- Descriptor.scala