
final class PosixPermissions extends Permissions

Describes POSIX file permissions, where the user, group, and others are each assigned read, write, and/or execute permissions.

The toString method provides a 9 character string where the first three characters indicate user permissions, the next three group permissions, and the final three others permissions. For example, rwxr-xr-- indicates the owner has read, write and execute, the group as read and execute, and others have read.

The value field encodes the permissions in the lowest 9 bits of an integer. bits 8-6 indicate read, write, and execute for the owner, 5-3 for the group, and 2-0 for others. rwxr-xr-- has the integer value 111101100 = 492.

The toOctalString method returns the a 3 digit string, where the first character indicates read, write and execute for the owner, the second digit for the group, and the third digit for others. rwxr-xr-- has the octal string 754.

Constructors from strings, octal strings, and integers, as well as explicitly enumerating permissions, are provided in the companion.

trait PermissionsPlatform
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def equals(that: Any): Boolean
Definition Classes
override def hashCode: Int
Definition Classes
override def toString: String
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def toNioFileAttribute: FileAttribute[_]
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

val value: Int