
trait Furigana

Furigana is a base trait of a kanji word with furigana (hiragana and katakana).

Furigana is a base trait of a kanji word with furigana (hiragana and katakana).

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class Address
class Name
class Word

Value members

Abstract methods

def toHiragana: String

Returns a hiragana notation of the word.

Returns a hiragana notation of the word.

def toKanji: String

Returns a kanji notation of the word.

Returns a kanji notation of the word.

def toKatakana: String

Returns a katakana notation of the word.

Returns a katakana notation of the word.

def toRomaji: String

Returns a romaji notation of the word. This result is title case (The first letter is upper case.)

Returns a romaji notation of the word. This result is title case (The first letter is upper case.)