Class TypeFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TypeFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    Class used for creating concrete JavaType instances, given various inputs.

    Instances of this class are accessible using ObjectMapper as well as many objects it constructs (like DeserializationConfig and SerializationConfig)), but usually those objects also expose convenience methods (constructType). So, you can do for example:

       JavaType stringType = mapper.constructType(String.class);
    However, more advanced methods are only exposed by factory so that you may need to use:
       JavaType stringCollection = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, String.class);
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • withModifier

        public TypeFactory withModifier​(TypeModifier mod)
        "Mutant factory" method which will construct a new instance with specified TypeModifier added as the first modifier to call (in case there are multiple registered).
      • withClassLoader

        public TypeFactory withClassLoader​(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
        "Mutant factory" method which will construct a new instance with specified ClassLoader to use by findClass(java.lang.String).
      • withCache

        public TypeFactory withCache​(LRUMap<java.lang.Object,​JavaType> cache)
        Mutant factory method that will construct new TypeFactory with identical settings except for different cache; most likely one with bigger maximum size.
      • defaultInstance

        public static TypeFactory defaultInstance()
        Method used to access the globally shared instance, which has no custom configuration. Used by ObjectMapper to get the default factory when constructed.
      • clearCache

        public void clearCache()
        Method that will clear up any cached type definitions that may be cached by this TypeFactory instance. This method should not be commonly used, that is, only use it if you know there is a problem with retention of type definitions; the most likely (and currently only known) problem is retention of Class instances via JavaType reference.
      • getClassLoader

        public java.lang.ClassLoader getClassLoader()
      • unknownType

        public static JavaType unknownType()
        Method for constructing a marker type that indicates missing generic type information, which is handled same as simple type for java.lang.Object.
      • rawClass

        public static java.lang.Class<?> rawClass​(java.lang.reflect.Type t)
        Static helper method that can be called to figure out type-erased call for given JDK type. It can be called statically since type resolution process can never change actual type-erased class; thereby static default instance is used for determination.
      • findClass

        public java.lang.Class<?> findClass​(java.lang.String className)
                                     throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
        Low-level lookup method moved from ClassUtil, to allow for overriding of lookup functionality in environments like OSGi.
      • constructSpecializedType

        public JavaType constructSpecializedType​(JavaType baseType,
                                                 java.lang.Class<?> subclass)
        Factory method for creating a subtype of given base type, as defined by specified subclass; but retaining generic type information if any. Can be used, for example, to get equivalent of "HashMap<String,Integer>" from "Map<String,Integer>" by giving HashMap.class as subclass.
      • constructFromCanonical

        public JavaType constructFromCanonical​(java.lang.String canonical)
                                        throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
        Factory method for constructing a JavaType out of its canonical representation (see ResolvedType.toCanonical()).
        canonical - Canonical string representation of a type
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If canonical representation is malformed, or class that type represents (including its generic parameters) is not found
      • findTypeParameters

        public JavaType[] findTypeParameters​(JavaType type,
                                             java.lang.Class<?> expType)
        Method that is to figure out actual type parameters that given class binds to generic types defined by given (generic) interface or class. This could mean, for example, trying to figure out key and value types for Map implementations.
        type - Sub-type (leaf type) that implements expType
      • findTypeParameters

        public JavaType[] findTypeParameters​(java.lang.Class<?> clz,
                                             java.lang.Class<?> expType,
                                             TypeBindings bindings)
        Since 2.7 resolve raw type first, then find type parameters
      • findTypeParameters

        public JavaType[] findTypeParameters​(java.lang.Class<?> clz,
                                             java.lang.Class<?> expType)
        Since 2.7 resolve raw type first, then find type parameters
      • moreSpecificType

        public JavaType moreSpecificType​(JavaType type1,
                                         JavaType type2)
        Method that can be called to figure out more specific of two types (if they are related; that is, one implements or extends the other); or if not related, return the primary type.
        type1 - Primary type to consider
        type2 - Secondary type to consider
      • constructType

        public JavaType constructType​(java.lang.reflect.Type type)
      • constructType

        public JavaType constructType​(java.lang.reflect.Type type,
                                      TypeBindings bindings)
      • constructType

        public JavaType constructType​(java.lang.reflect.Type type,
                                      java.lang.Class<?> contextClass)
        Since 2.7 (accidentally removed in 2.7.0; added back in 2.7.1)
      • constructType

        public JavaType constructType​(java.lang.reflect.Type type,
                                      JavaType contextType)
        Since 2.7 (accidentally removed in 2.7.0; added back in 2.7.1)
      • constructArrayType

        public ArrayType constructArrayType​(java.lang.Class<?> elementType)
        Method for constructing an ArrayType.

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on array type itself; but are called for element type (and other contained types)

      • constructArrayType

        public ArrayType constructArrayType​(JavaType elementType)
        Method for constructing an ArrayType.

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on array type itself; but are called for contained types.

      • constructCollectionType

        public CollectionType constructCollectionType​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.util.Collection> collectionClass,
                                                      java.lang.Class<?> elementClass)
        Method for constructing a CollectionType.

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on Collection type itself; but are called for contained types.

      • constructCollectionType

        public CollectionType constructCollectionType​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.util.Collection> collectionClass,
                                                      JavaType elementType)
        Method for constructing a CollectionType.

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on Collection type itself; but are called for contained types.

      • constructCollectionLikeType

        public CollectionLikeType constructCollectionLikeType​(java.lang.Class<?> collectionClass,
                                                              java.lang.Class<?> elementClass)
        Method for constructing a CollectionLikeType.

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called for contained types.

      • constructCollectionLikeType

        public CollectionLikeType constructCollectionLikeType​(java.lang.Class<?> collectionClass,
                                                              JavaType elementType)
        Method for constructing a CollectionLikeType.

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called for contained types.

      • constructMapType

        public MapType constructMapType​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.util.Map> mapClass,
                                        java.lang.Class<?> keyClass,
                                        java.lang.Class<?> valueClass)
        Method for constructing a MapType instance

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called for contained types.

      • constructMapType

        public MapType constructMapType​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.util.Map> mapClass,
                                        JavaType keyType,
                                        JavaType valueType)
        Method for constructing a MapType instance

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called for contained types.

      • constructMapLikeType

        public MapLikeType constructMapLikeType​(java.lang.Class<?> mapClass,
                                                java.lang.Class<?> keyClass,
                                                java.lang.Class<?> valueClass)
        Method for constructing a MapLikeType instance

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called for contained types.

      • constructMapLikeType

        public MapLikeType constructMapLikeType​(java.lang.Class<?> mapClass,
                                                JavaType keyType,
                                                JavaType valueType)
        Method for constructing a MapLikeType instance

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type itself; but are called for contained types.

      • constructSimpleType

        public JavaType constructSimpleType​(java.lang.Class<?> rawType,
                                            JavaType[] parameterTypes)
        Method for constructing a type instance with specified parameterization.

        NOTE: was briefly deprecated for 2.6.

      • constructSimpleType

        public JavaType constructSimpleType​(java.lang.Class<?> rawType,
                                            java.lang.Class<?> parameterTarget,
                                            JavaType[] parameterTypes)
        Since 2.7
        Method for constructing a type instance with specified parameterization.
      • constructReferenceType

        public JavaType constructReferenceType​(java.lang.Class<?> rawType,
                                               JavaType referredType)
      • uncheckedSimpleType

        public JavaType uncheckedSimpleType​(java.lang.Class<?> cls)
        Since 2.8, to indicate users should never call this method.
        Method that use by core Databind functionality, and that should NOT be called by application code outside databind package.

        Unchecked here not only means that no checks are made as to whether given class might be non-simple type (like CollectionType) but also that most of supertype information is not gathered. This means that unless called on primitive types or String, results are probably not what you want to use.

      • constructParametricType

        public JavaType constructParametricType​(java.lang.Class<?> parametrized,
                                                java.lang.Class<?>... parameterClasses)
        Factory method for constructing JavaType that represents a parameterized type. For example, to represent type List<Set<Integer>>, you could call
          JavaType inner = TypeFactory.constructParametricType(Set.class, Set.class, Integer.class);
          return TypeFactory.constructParametricType(ArrayList.class, List.class, inner);

        The reason for first two arguments to be separate is that parameterization may apply to a super-type. For example, if generic type was instead to be constructed for ArrayList<Integer>, the usual call would be:

          TypeFactory.constructParametricType(ArrayList.class, List.class, Integer.class);
        since parameterization is applied to List. In most cases distinction does not matter, but there are types where it does; one such example is parameterization of types that implement Iterator.

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type.

        parametrized - Actual full type
        parameterClasses - Type parameters to apply
        2.5 NOTE: was briefly deprecated for 2.6
      • constructParametricType

        public JavaType constructParametricType​(java.lang.Class<?> rawType,
                                                JavaType... parameterTypes)
        Factory method for constructing JavaType that represents a parameterized type. For example, to represent type List<Set<Integer>>, you could call
          JavaType inner = TypeFactory.constructParametricType(Set.class, Set.class, Integer.class);
          return TypeFactory.constructParametricType(ArrayList.class, List.class, inner);

        The reason for first two arguments to be separate is that parameterization may apply to a super-type. For example, if generic type was instead to be constructed for ArrayList<Integer>, the usual call would be:

          TypeFactory.constructParametricType(ArrayList.class, List.class, Integer.class);
        since parameterization is applied to List. In most cases distinction does not matter, but there are types where it does; one such example is parameterization of types that implement Iterator.

        NOTE: type modifiers are NOT called on constructed type.

        rawType - Actual type-erased type
        parameterTypes - Type parameters to apply
        2.5 NOTE: was briefly deprecated for 2.6
      • constructParametrizedType

        public JavaType constructParametrizedType​(java.lang.Class<?> parametrized,
                                                  java.lang.Class<?> parametersFor,
                                                  JavaType... parameterTypes)
        2.5 -- but will probably deprecated in 2.7 or 2.8 (not needed with 2.7)
      • constructParametrizedType

        public JavaType constructParametrizedType​(java.lang.Class<?> parametrized,
                                                  java.lang.Class<?> parametersFor,
                                                  java.lang.Class<?>... parameterClasses)
        2.5 -- but will probably deprecated in 2.7 or 2.8 (not needed with 2.7)
      • constructRawCollectionType

        public CollectionType constructRawCollectionType​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.util.Collection> collectionClass)
        Method that can be used to construct "raw" Collection type; meaning that its parameterization is unknown. This is similar to using Object.class parameterization, and is equivalent to calling:
          typeFactory.constructCollectionType(collectionClass, typeFactory.unknownType());

        This method should only be used if parameterization is completely unavailable.

      • constructRawCollectionLikeType

        public CollectionLikeType constructRawCollectionLikeType​(java.lang.Class<?> collectionClass)
        Method that can be used to construct "raw" Collection-like type; meaning that its parameterization is unknown. This is similar to using Object.class parameterization, and is equivalent to calling:
          typeFactory.constructCollectionLikeType(collectionClass, typeFactory.unknownType());

        This method should only be used if parameterization is completely unavailable.

      • constructRawMapType

        public MapType constructRawMapType​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.util.Map> mapClass)
        Method that can be used to construct "raw" Map type; meaning that its parameterization is unknown. This is similar to using Object.class parameterization, and is equivalent to calling:
          typeFactory.constructMapType(collectionClass, typeFactory.unknownType(), typeFactory.unknownType());

        This method should only be used if parameterization is completely unavailable.

      • constructRawMapLikeType

        public MapLikeType constructRawMapLikeType​(java.lang.Class<?> mapClass)
        Method that can be used to construct "raw" Map-like type; meaning that its parameterization is unknown. This is similar to using Object.class parameterization, and is equivalent to calling:
          typeFactory.constructMapLikeType(collectionClass, typeFactory.unknownType(), typeFactory.unknownType());

        This method should only be used if parameterization is completely unavailable.