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Package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.nodes

Query nodes commonly used by query parser implementations.

See: Description

Package org.apache.lucene.queryparser.flexible.core.nodes Description

Query nodes commonly used by query parser implementations.

Query Nodes

The package org.apache.lucene.queryParser.nodes contains all the basic query nodes. The interface that represents a query node is QueryNode.

QueryNodes are used by the text parser to create a syntax tree. These nodes are designed to be used by UI or other text parsers. The default Lucene text parser is StandardSyntaxParser, it implements Lucene's standard syntax.

QueryNode interface should be implemented by all query nodes, the class QueryNodeImpl implements QueryNode and is extended by all current query node implementations.

A query node tree can be printed to the a stream, and it generates a pseudo XML representation with all the nodes.

A query node tree can also generate a query string that can be parsed back by the original text parser, at this point only the standard lucene syntax is supported.

Grouping nodes:

Leaf Nodes:

Utility Nodes:

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