Class Evaluator<T>

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    TokenizerEvaluator, TokenNameFinderEvaluator

    public abstract class Evaluator<T>
    extends java.lang.Object
    The Evaluator is an abstract base class for evaluators. Evaluation results are the arithmetic mean of the scores calculated for each reference sample.
    • Method Detail

      • evaluateSample

        public void evaluateSample​(T sample)
        Evaluates the given reference object. The default implementation calls processSample(Object)

        note: this method will be changed to private in the future. Implementations should override processSample(Object) instead. If this method is override, the implementation has to update the score after every invocation.

        sample - the sample to be evaluated
      • evaluate

        public void evaluate​(ObjectStream<T> samples)
        Reads all sample objects from the stream and evaluates each sample object with evaluateSample(Object) method.
        samples - the stream of reference which should be evaluated.
        Throws: - IOException