Interface Category

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Base, java.lang.Cloneable, Element, ExtensibleElement, java.lang.Iterable<Element>

    public interface Category
    extends ExtensibleElement

    Provides categorization informaton for a feed or entry

    Per RFC4287:

      The "atom:category" element conveys information about a category
      associated with an entry or feed.  This specification assigns no
      meaning to the content (if any) of this element.
      atomCategory =
         element atom:category {
            attribute term { text },
            attribute scheme { atomUri }?,
            attribute label { text }?,
    • Method Detail

      • getTerm

        java.lang.String getTerm()
        RFC4287: The "term" attribute is a string that identifies the category to which the entry or feed belongs. Category elements MUST have a "term" attribute.
        The string value of the term attribute
      • setTerm

        Category setTerm​(java.lang.String term)
        RFC4287: The "term" attribute is a string that identifies the category to which the entry or feed belongs. Category elements MUST have a "term" attribute.
        term - The string value of the term attribute
      • getScheme

        IRI getScheme()
        RFC4287: The "scheme" attribute is an IRI that identifies a categorization scheme. Category elements MAY have a "scheme" attribute.
        The IRI value of the scheme attribute
      • setScheme

        Category setScheme​(java.lang.String scheme)
        RFC4287: The "scheme" attribute is an IRI that identifies a categorization scheme. Category elements MAY have a "scheme" attribute.
        scheme - The IRI of the scheme
      • getLabel

        java.lang.String getLabel()
        RFC4287: The "label" attribute provides a human-readable label for display in end-user applications. The content of the "label" attribute is Language-Sensitive. Entities such as "&amp;" and "&lt;" represent their corresponding characters ("&" and "<", respectively), not markup. Category elements MAY have a "label" attribute.
        The value of the human-readable label
      • setLabel

        Category setLabel​(java.lang.String label)
        RFC4287: The "label" attribute provides a human-readable label for display in end-user applications. The content of the "label" attribute is Language-Sensitive. Entities such as "&amp;" and "&lt;" represent their corresponding characters ("&" and "<", respectively), not markup. Category elements MAY have a "label" attribute.
        label - The value of the human-readable label