Class SSLConnectionSocketFactory

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ConnectionSocketFactory, LayeredConnectionSocketFactory

    public class SSLConnectionSocketFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements LayeredConnectionSocketFactory
    Layered socket factory for TLS/SSL connections.

    SSLSocketFactory can be used to validate the identity of the HTTPS server against a list of trusted certificates and to authenticate to the HTTPS server using a private key.

    SSLSocketFactory will enable server authentication when supplied with a trust-store file containing one or several trusted certificates. The client secure socket will reject the connection during the SSL session handshake if the target HTTPS server attempts to authenticate itself with a non-trusted certificate.

    Use JDK keytool utility to import a trusted certificate and generate a trust-store file:

         keytool -import -alias "my server cert" -file server.crt -keystore my.truststore

    In special cases the standard trust verification process can be bypassed by using a custom TrustStrategy. This interface is primarily intended for allowing self-signed certificates to be accepted as trusted without having to add them to the trust-store file.

    SSLSocketFactory will enable client authentication when supplied with a key-store file containing a private key/public certificate pair. The client secure socket will use the private key to authenticate itself to the target HTTPS server during the SSL session handshake if requested to do so by the server. The target HTTPS server will in its turn verify the certificate presented by the client in order to establish client's authenticity.

    Use the following sequence of actions to generate a key-store file

    • Use JDK keytool utility to generate a new key

      keytool -genkey -v -alias "my client key" -validity 365 -keystore my.keystore

      For simplicity use the same password for the key as that of the key-store

    • Issue a certificate signing request (CSR)

      keytool -certreq -alias "my client key" -file mycertreq.csr -keystore my.keystore
    • Send the certificate request to the trusted Certificate Authority for signature. One may choose to act as her own CA and sign the certificate request using a PKI tool, such as OpenSSL.

    • Import the trusted CA root certificate

      keytool -import -alias "my trusted ca" -file caroot.crt -keystore my.keystore
    • Import the PKCS#7 file containing the complete certificate chain

      keytool -import -alias "my client key" -file mycert.p7 -keystore my.keystore
    • Verify the content of the resultant keystore file

      keytool -list -v -keystore my.keystore
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultHostnameVerifier

        public static getDefaultHostnameVerifier()
      • createSocket

        public createSocket​(HttpContext context)
        Description copied from interface: ConnectionSocketFactory
        Creates new, unconnected socket. The socket should subsequently be passed to connectSocket method.
        Specified by:
        createSocket in interface ConnectionSocketFactory
        a new socket
        Throws: - if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket
      • connectSocket

        public connectSocket​(int connectTimeout,
                                             HttpHost host,
                                             HttpContext context)
        Description copied from interface: ConnectionSocketFactory
        Connects the socket to the target host with the given resolved remote address.
        Specified by:
        connectSocket in interface ConnectionSocketFactory
        connectTimeout - connect timeout.
        socket - the socket to connect, as obtained from ConnectionSocketFactory.createSocket(HttpContext). null indicates that a new socket should be created and connected.
        host - target host as specified by the caller (end user).
        remoteAddress - the resolved remote address to connect to.
        localAddress - the local address to bind the socket to, or null for any.
        context - the actual HTTP context.
        the connected socket. The returned object may be different from the sock argument if this factory supports a layered protocol.
        Throws: - if an I/O error occurs
      • createLayeredSocket

        public createLayeredSocket​( socket,
                                                   java.lang.String target,
                                                   int port,
                                                   HttpContext context)
        Description copied from interface: LayeredConnectionSocketFactory
        Returns a socket connected to the given host that is layered over an existing socket. Used primarily for creating secure sockets through proxies.
        Specified by:
        createLayeredSocket in interface LayeredConnectionSocketFactory
        socket - the existing socket
        target - the name of the target host.
        port - the port to connect to on the target host.
        context - the actual HTTP context.
        Socket a new socket
        Throws: - if an I/O error occurs while creating the socket