Interface Person

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Base, java.lang.Cloneable, Element, ExtensibleElement, java.lang.Iterable<Element>
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface Person
    extends ExtensibleElement, Element

    An Atom Person Construct

    Per RFC4287:

       A Person construct is an element that describes a person,
       corporation, or similar entity (hereafter, 'person').
       atomPersonConstruct =
         (element atom:name { text }
          & element atom:uri { atomUri }?
          & element atom:email { atomEmailAddress }?
          & extensionElement*)
    • Method Detail

      • getNameElement

        Element getNameElement()
        The "atom:name" element's content conveys a human-readable name for the person. The content of atom:name is Language-Sensitive. Person constructs MUST contain exactly one "atom:name" element.
        The atom:name element
      • setNameElement

        Person setNameElement​(Element element)
        The "atom:name" element's content conveys a human-readable name for the person. The content of atom:name is Language-Sensitive. Person constructs MUST contain exactly one "atom:name" element.
        element - The atom:name element
      • setName

        Element setName​(java.lang.String name)
        The "atom:name" element's content conveys a human-readable name for the person. The content of atom:name is Language-Sensitive. Person constructs MUST contain exactly one "atom:name" element.
        name - The person name
        The newly created atom:name element
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        The "atom:name" element's content conveys a human-readable name for the person. The content of atom:name is Language-Sensitive. Person constructs MUST contain exactly one "atom:name" element.
        The name value
      • getEmailElement

        Element getEmailElement()
        The "atom:email" element's content conveys an e-mail address associated with the person. Person constructs MAY contain an atom:email element, but MUST NOT contain more than one. Its content MUST conform to the "addr-spec" production in [RFC2822].
        the atom:email element
      • setEmailElement

        Person setEmailElement​(Element element)
        The "atom:email" element's content conveys an e-mail address associated with the person. Person constructs MAY contain an atom:email element, but MUST NOT contain more than one. Its content MUST conform to the "addr-spec" production in [RFC2822].
        element - The atom:email element
      • setEmail

        Element setEmail​(java.lang.String email)
        The "atom:email" element's content conveys an e-mail address associated with the person. Person constructs MAY contain an atom:email element, but MUST NOT contain more than one. Its content MUST conform to the "addr-spec" production in [RFC2822].
        email - The person email
        the newly created atom:email element
      • getEmail

        java.lang.String getEmail()
        The "atom:email" element's content conveys an e-mail address associated with the person. Person constructs MAY contain an atom:email element, but MUST NOT contain more than one. Its content MUST conform to the "addr-spec" production in [RFC2822].
        the person's emali
      • getUriElement

        IRIElement getUriElement()
        The "atom:uri" element's content conveys an IRI associated with the person. Person constructs MAY contain an atom:uri element, but MUST NOT contain more than one. The content of atom:uri in a Person construct MUST be an IRI reference [RFC3987].
        the atom:uri element
      • setUriElement

        Person setUriElement​(IRIElement uri)
        The "atom:uri" element's content conveys an IRI associated with the person. Person constructs MAY contain an atom:uri element, but MUST NOT contain more than one. The content of atom:uri in a Person construct MUST be an IRI reference [RFC3987].
        uri - The atom:uri element
      • setUri

        IRIElement setUri​(java.lang.String uri)
        The "atom:uri" element's content conveys an IRI associated with the person. Person constructs MAY contain an atom:uri element, but MUST NOT contain more than one. The content of atom:uri in a Person construct MUST be an IRI reference [RFC3987].
        uri - The atom:uri value
        IRISyntaxException - if the uri is malformed
      • getUri

        IRI getUri()
        The "atom:uri" element's content conveys an IRI associated with the person. Person constructs MAY contain an atom:uri element, but MUST NOT contain more than one. The content of atom:uri in a Person construct MUST be an IRI reference [RFC3987].
        The atom:uri value
        IRISyntaxException - if the uri is invalid