Interface ContentType

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface ContentType
    extends Comparable<ContentType>
    An interface that models a content type used by the framework to do the content negotation in order to choose the HypermediaConverter to be used to serialize the model.
    • Method Detail

      • matches

        boolean matches​(String type)
        Determines whether the ContentType is a match for the provided content type string.
        type - The content type string that is matched against this instance.
        Whether or not the current instance matches with the content type string.
      • getQuality

        float getQuality()
        Gets the quality specified for the content type. For example for the content type application/json;q=0.8 the quality would be 0.8.
        The quality.
      • getPrimary

        String getPrimary()
        Get the primary segment of the content type. For example, for the content type application/json;q=0.8 the primary segment would be application.
        The primary segment.
      • getSecondary

        String getSecondary()
        Get the secondary segment of the content type. For example, for the content type application/json;q=0.8 the secondary segment would be json.
        The secondary segment.
      • getType

        String getType()
        Get the type defined in the content type instance. For example, for the content type application/json;q=0.8 the type would be application/json.
        The type.
      • isWildCard

        boolean isWildCard()
        Determines whether the ContentType represents a wildcard. A wildcard content type has a type of *\/*.
        Whether the ContentType is a wildcard.
      • getTokenScore

        int getTokenScore()
        Returns the token score for the ContentType. The token score is a measure of how detailed the content type is. A content that provides a primary and secondary segment (not a wildcard), as well as a quality and any other parameters will have a higher token score than a ContentType that does not. The framework prioritizes matches on a ContentType with higher token scores than those with lower token scores.
        Token score