Class FormCalcScriptHandler

  • public class FormCalcScriptHandler
    extends ScriptHandler
    A class to enable scripting support for the FormCalc language.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FormCalcScriptHandler

        public FormCalcScriptHandler​(AppModel oAppModel)
        Instantiates a script handler for the FormCalc language.
        oAppModel - the application AppModel.
      • FormCalcScriptHandler

        public FormCalcScriptHandler​(AppModel oAppModel,
                                     ScriptDebugger oScriptDebugger)
        Instantiates a script handler for the FormCalc language.
        oAppModel - the application model.
        oScriptDebugger - the option script debugger.
    • Method Detail

      • executeOrSyntaxCheck

        public void executeOrSyntaxCheck​(String script,
                                         Arg returnCode,
                                         int eReason,
                                         boolean bSyntaxCheckOnly)
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Executes or checks the syntax of the given script.
        Specified by:
        executeOrSyntaxCheck in class ScriptHandler
        script - the script to execute.
        returnCode - the return value of the script.
        eReason - the reason for the execution of the script.
        bSyntaxCheckOnly - the flag to only check syntax when set.
      • syntaxCheck

        public void syntaxCheck​(String script)
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Checks the given script for syntax errors. Errors are reported in the form of a scriptException exception (scriptException derives from ExFull).
        syntaxCheck in class ScriptHandler
        script - the script to execute.
      • languageName

        public String languageName()
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Gets the name of the scripting language supported by this script handler.
        Specified by:
        languageName in class ScriptHandler
        the name of the scripting language.
      • getCancelOrTimeState

        public boolean getCancelOrTimeState()
        Method to check for the Esc Key press to halt the execution. May be we can extend it to set server side time-out for FormCalc execution.
      • setOption

        public void setOption​(String sOptionName,
                              String sOptionValue)
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Sets the value of the given option. If the option is unknown, the call is ignored.
        setOption in class ScriptHandler
        sOptionName - the name of the option to set.
        sOptionValue - the value to set.
      • getOption

        public String getOption​(String sOptionName)
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Gets the value of the given option. If the option is unknown, the empty string is returned.
        getOption in class ScriptHandler
        sOptionName - the name of the option to get.
        the value of the specified option as a string.
      • wasFatalError

        public boolean wasFatalError()
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Determines the severity of an error is returned from execute().
        wasFatalError in class ScriptHandler
      • debugCommand

        public boolean debugCommand​(int eCmd)
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Set an internal flag in the script handler indicating that, when control is returned to the script handler, it should perform a step-over, step-into or step-out function (calling the stopped callback on the associated debugger).
        debugCommand in class ScriptHandler
      • debugBreakPoint

        public boolean debugBreakPoint​(int nScriptID,
                                       int nLine,
                                       int eSetType)
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Set or clear a break-point.
        debugBreakPoint in class ScriptHandler
      • debugGetVariables

        public boolean debugGetVariables​(List<String> oVarNames,
                                         List<Arg> oVarValues)
        Description copied from class: ScriptHandler
        Retrieve parallel lists of variable names and their values (lists have the same size). Note that this will only give meaningful results when stopped at a break-point.
        debugGetVariables in class ScriptHandler