Class TextSelection

  • public class TextSelection
    extends TextRange
    Class TextSelection represents a range of selected text. As such, it extends class TextRange withy selection colour information. One can pass a text selection object to the text drawing method to render text with selection highlighting. Note that a multi-view application would maintain a separate selection for each view.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TextSelection

        public TextSelection()
        Default constructor.

        Construct a text selection object with no initial stream association. The default foreground colour is white and the default background colour is black.

      • TextSelection

        public TextSelection​(TextSelection oSource)
        Copy constructor.

        Copy the source selection object including range and colours.

        oSource - - Source selection to copy.
      • TextSelection

        public TextSelection​(GFXColour oColour,
                             GFXColour oColourBg,
                             TextStream poStream)
        Constructor with colours and stream.

        Construct a text selection object associated with the given stream and using the given colours. The selection range initially covers the entire text stream.

        oColour - - Foreground colour.
        oColourBg - - Background colour.
        poStream - - (optional) Text stream for association. NULL (default) creates the text selection with no initial association.
    • Method Detail

      • colour

        public GFXColour colour()
        Obtain the current foreground colour of the selection.
        Foreground colour.
      • colour

        public void colour​(GFXColour oNewColour)
        Change the foreground colour of the selection.

        Note: changing the colour does not automatically cause an invalidation of the selected text in any view.

        oNewColour - - New foreground colour.
      • colourBg

        public GFXColour colourBg()
        Obtain the current background colour of the selection.
        Background colour.
      • colourBg

        public void colourBg​(GFXColour oNewColourBg)
        Change the background colour of the selection.

        Note: changing the colour does not automatically cause an invalidation of the selected text in any view.

        oNewColourBg - - New background colour.
      • copyFrom

        public void copyFrom​(TextSelection oSource)
        Assignment operator.

        Copies all attrbutes of the source selection, including underlying text range and colours.

        oSource - - Source selection to copy.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object object)
        Equality comparison.

        Two selections are considered equal of the represent the same range in the same text stream, and have the same foreground and background colours.

        equals in class TextRange
        object - the object to compare against.
        TRUE if the text selections are equal; FALSE if not.