Class AuthScope

  • @Contract(threading=IMMUTABLE)
    public class AuthScope
    extends Object
    AuthScope represents an authentication scope consisting of a host name, a port number, a realm name and an authentication scheme name.

    This class can also optionally contain a host of origin, if created in response to authentication challenge from a specific host.

    • Field Detail

      • ANY_HOST

        public static final String ANY_HOST
        The null value represents any host. In the future versions of HttpClient the use of this parameter will be discontinued.
      • ANY_PORT

        public static final int ANY_PORT
        The -1 value represents any port.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • ANY_REALM

        public static final String ANY_REALM
        The null value represents any realm.
      • ANY_SCHEME

        public static final String ANY_SCHEME
        The null value represents any authentication scheme.
      • ANY

        public static final AuthScope ANY
        Default scope matching any host, port, realm and authentication scheme. In the future versions of HttpClient the use of this parameter will be discontinued.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthScope

        public AuthScope​(String host,
                         int port,
                         String realm,
                         String schemeName)
        Defines auth scope with the given host, port, realm, and schemeName.
        host - authentication host. May be ANY_HOST if applies to any host.
        port - authentication port. May be ANY_PORT if applies to any port of the host.
        realm - authentication realm. May be ANY_REALM if applies to any realm on the host.
        schemeName - authentication scheme. May be ANY_SCHEME if applies to any scheme supported by the host.
      • AuthScope

        public AuthScope​(HttpHost origin,
                         String realm,
                         String schemeName)
        Defines auth scope for a specific host of origin.
        origin - host of origin
        realm - authentication realm. May be ANY_REALM if applies to any realm on the host.
        schemeName - authentication scheme. May be ANY_SCHEME if applies to any scheme supported by the host.
      • AuthScope

        public AuthScope​(HttpHost origin)
        Defines auth scope for a specific host of origin.
        origin - host of origin
      • AuthScope

        public AuthScope​(String host,
                         int port,
                         String realm)
        Defines auth scope with the given host, port and realm.
        host - authentication host. May be ANY_HOST if applies to any host.
        port - authentication port. May be ANY_PORT if applies to any port of the host.
        realm - authentication realm. May be ANY_REALM if applies to any realm on the host.
      • AuthScope

        public AuthScope​(String host,
                         int port)
        Defines auth scope with the given host and port.
        host - authentication host. May be ANY_HOST if applies to any host.
        port - authentication port. May be ANY_PORT if applies to any port of the host.
      • AuthScope

        public AuthScope​(AuthScope authscope)
        Creates a copy of the given credentials scope.
    • Method Detail

      • getOrigin

        public HttpHost getOrigin()
        host of origin. If unknown returns @null,
      • getHost

        public String getHost()
        the host
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        the port
      • getRealm

        public String getRealm()
        the realm name
      • getScheme

        public String getScheme()
        the scheme type
      • match

        public int match​(AuthScope that)
        Tests if the authentication scopes match.
        the match factor. Negative value signifies no match. Non-negative signifies a match. The greater the returned value the closer the match.