Class OPCPackage

    • Method Detail

      • open

        public static OPCPackage open​(String path)
                               throws InvalidFormatException
        Open a package with read/write permission.
        path - The document path.
        A Package object, else null.
        InvalidFormatException - If the specified file doesn't exist, and a parsing error occur.
      • open

        public static OPCPackage open​(File file)
                               throws InvalidFormatException
        Open a package with read/write permission.
        file - The file to open.
        A Package object, else null.
        InvalidFormatException - If the specified file doesn't exist, and a parsing error occur.
      • open

        public static OPCPackage open​(ZipEntrySource zipEntry)
                               throws InvalidFormatException
        Open an user provided ZipEntrySource with read-only permission. This method can be used to stream data into POI. Opposed to other open variants, the data is read as-is, e.g. there aren't any zip-bomb protection put in place.
        zipEntry - the custom source
        A Package object
        InvalidFormatException - if a parsing error occur.
      • openOrCreate

        public static OPCPackage openOrCreate​(File file)
                                       throws InvalidFormatException
        Opens a package if it exists, else it creates one.
        file - The file to open or to create.
        A newly created package if the specified file does not exist, else the package extract from the file.
        InvalidFormatException - Throws if the specified file exist and is not valid.
      • create

        public static OPCPackage create​(String path)
        Creates a new package.
        path - Path of the document.
        A newly created PackageBase ready to use.
      • create

        public static OPCPackage create​(File file)
        Creates a new package.
        file - Path of the document.
        A newly created PackageBase ready to use.
      • flush

        public void flush()
        Flush the package : save all.
        See Also:
      • close

        public void close()
                   throws IOException
        Close the open, writable package and save its content. If your package is open read only, then you should call revert() when finished with the package. This method is not thread-safe.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
        IOException - If an IO exception occur during the saving process.
      • revert

        public void revert()
        Close the package WITHOUT saving its content. Reinitialize this package and cancel all changes done to it.
      • addThumbnail

        public void addThumbnail​(String path)
                          throws IOException
        Add a thumbnail to the package. This method is provided to make easier the addition of a thumbnail in a package. You can do the same work by using the traditionnal relationship and part mechanism.
        path - The full path to the image file.
      • addThumbnail

        public void addThumbnail​(String filename,
                                 InputStream data)
                          throws IOException
        Add a thumbnail to the package. This method is provided to make easier the addition of a thumbnail in a package. You can do the same work by using the traditionnal relationship and part mechanism.
        filename - The full path to the image file.
        data - the image data
      • getPart

        public PackagePart getPart​(PackagePartName partName)
        Retrieve a part identified by its name.
        partName - Part name of the part to retrieve.
        The part with the specified name, else null.
      • getPartsByContentType

        public ArrayList<PackagePart> getPartsByContentType​(String contentType)
        Retrieve parts by content type.
        contentType - The content type criteria.
        All part associated to the specified content type.
      • getPartsByRelationshipType

        public ArrayList<PackagePart> getPartsByRelationshipType​(String relationshipType)
        Retrieve parts by relationship type.
        relationshipType - Relationship type.
        All parts which are the target of a relationship with the specified type, if the method can't retrieve relationships from the package, then return null.
      • getPartsByName

        public List<PackagePart> getPartsByName​(Pattern namePattern)
        Retrieve parts by name
        namePattern - The pattern for matching the names
        All parts associated to the specified content type, sorted in alphanumerically by the part-name
      • getPart

        public PackagePart getPart​(PackageRelationship partRel)
        Get the target part from the specified relationship.
        partRel - The part relationship uses to retrieve the part.
      • getParts

        public ArrayList<PackagePart> getParts()
                                        throws InvalidFormatException
        Load the parts of the archive if it has not been done yet. The relationships of each part are not loaded. Note - Rule M4.1 states that there may only ever be one Core Properties Part, but Office produced files will sometimes have multiple! As Office ignores all but the first, we relax Compliance with Rule M4.1, and ignore all others silently too.
        All this package's parts.
        InvalidFormatException - if the package is not valid.
      • createPart

        public PackagePart createPart​(PackagePartName partName,
                                      String contentType)
        Create and add a part, with the specified name and content type, to the package.
        partName - Part name.
        contentType - Part content type.
        The newly created part.
        PartAlreadyExistsException - If rule M1.12 is not verified : Packages shall not contain equivalent part names and package implementers shall neither create nor recognize packages with equivalent part names.
        See Also:
        createPartImpl(PackagePartName, String, boolean)
      • createPart

        public PackagePart createPart​(PackagePartName partName,
                                      String contentType,
                                      ByteArrayOutputStream content)
        Add a part to the package.
        partName - Part name of the part to create.
        contentType - type associated with the file
        content - the contents to add. In order to have faster operation in document merge, the data are stored in memory not on a hard disk
        The new part.
        See Also:
        createPart(PackagePartName, String)
      • removePart

        public void removePart​(PackagePart part)
        Remove the specified part in this package. If this part is relationship part, then delete all relationships in the source part.
        part - The part to remove. If null, skip the action.
        See Also:
      • removePart

        public void removePart​(PackagePartName partName)
        Remove a part in this package. If this part is relationship part, then delete all relationships in the source part.
        partName - The part name of the part to remove.
      • removePartRecursive

        public void removePartRecursive​(PackagePartName partName)
                                 throws InvalidFormatException
        Remove a part from this package as well as its relationship part, if one exists, and all parts listed in the relationship part. Be aware that this do not delete relationships which target the specified part.
        partName - The name of the part to delete.
        InvalidFormatException - Throws if the associated relationship part of the specified part is not valid.
      • deletePart

        public void deletePart​(PackagePartName partName)
        Delete the part with the specified name and its associated relationships part if one exists. Prefer the use of this method to delete a part in the package, compare to the remove() methods that don't remove associated relationships part.
        partName - Name of the part to delete
      • deletePartRecursive

        public void deletePartRecursive​(PackagePartName partName)
        Delete the part with the specified name and all part listed in its associated relationships part if one exists. This process is recursively apply to all parts in the relationships part of the specified part. Prefer the use of this method to delete a part in the package, compare to the remove() methods that don't remove associated relationships part.
        partName - Name of the part to delete
      • containPart

        public boolean containPart​(PackagePartName partName)
        Check if a part already exists in this package from its name.
        partName - Part name to check.
        true if the part is logically added to this package, else false.
      • addRelationship

        public PackageRelationship addRelationship​(PackagePartName targetPartName,
                                                   TargetMode targetMode,
                                                   String relationshipType,
                                                   String relID)
        Add a relationship to the package (except relationships part). Check rule M4.1 : The format designer shall specify and the format producer shall create at most one core properties relationship for a package. A format consumer shall consider more than one core properties relationship for a package to be an error. If present, the relationship shall target the Core Properties part. Check rule M1.25: The Relationships part shall not have relationships to any other part. Package implementers shall enforce this requirement upon the attempt to create such a relationship and shall treat any such relationship as invalid.
        Specified by:
        addRelationship in interface RelationshipSource
        targetPartName - Target part name.
        targetMode - Target mode, either Internal or External.
        relationshipType - Relationship type.
        relID - ID of the relationship.
        The newly created and added relationship
        See Also:
      • removeRelationship

        public void removeRelationship​(String id)
        Delete a relationship from this package.
        Specified by:
        removeRelationship in interface RelationshipSource
        id - Id of the relationship to delete.
      • getRelationshipsByType

        public PackageRelationshipCollection getRelationshipsByType​(String relationshipType)
        Retrieves all relationships with the specified type.
        Specified by:
        getRelationshipsByType in interface RelationshipSource
        relationshipType - The filter specifying the relationship type.
        All relationships with the specified relationship type.
      • ensureRelationships

        public void ensureRelationships()
        Ensure that the relationships collection is not null.
      • addMarshaller

        public void addMarshaller​(String contentType,
                                  PartMarshaller marshaller)
        Add a marshaller.
        contentType - The content type to bind to the specified marshaller.
        marshaller - The marshaller to register with the specified content type.
      • addUnmarshaller

        public void addUnmarshaller​(String contentType,
                                    PartUnmarshaller unmarshaller)
        Add an unmarshaller.
        contentType - The content type to bind to the specified unmarshaller.
        unmarshaller - The unmarshaller to register with the specified content type.
      • removeMarshaller

        public void removeMarshaller​(String contentType)
        Remove a marshaller by its content type.
        contentType - The content type associated with the marshaller to remove.
      • removeUnmarshaller

        public void removeUnmarshaller​(String contentType)
        Remove an unmarshaller by its content type.
        contentType - The content type associated with the unmarshaller to remove.
      • getPackageAccess

        public PackageAccess getPackageAccess()
        Get the package access mode.
        the packageAccess The current package access.
      • save

        public void save​(File targetFile)
                  throws IOException
        Save the document in the specified file.
        targetFile - Destination file.
        IOException - Throws if an IO exception occur.
        See Also:
      • replaceContentType

        public boolean replaceContentType​(String oldContentType,
                                          String newContentType)
        Replace a content type in this package.

        A typical scneario to call this method is to rename a template file to the main format, e.g. ".dotx" to ".docx" ".dotm" to ".docm" ".xltx" to ".xlsx" ".xltm" to ".xlsm" ".potx" to ".pptx" ".potm" to ".pptm"

        For example, a code converting a .xlsm macro workbook to .xlsx would look as follows:

             OPCPackage pkg = FileInputStream("macro-workbook.xlsm"));
             FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("workbook.xlsx");

        oldContentType - the content type to be replaced
        newContentType - the replacement
        whether replacement was succesfull
      • registerPartAndContentType

        public void registerPartAndContentType​(PackagePart part)
        Add the specified part, and register its content type with the content type manager.
        part - The part to add.
      • unregisterPartAndContentType

        public void unregisterPartAndContentType​(PackagePartName partName)
        Remove the specified part, and clear its content type from the content type manager.
        partName - The part name of the part to remove.
      • getUnusedPartIndex

        public int getUnusedPartIndex​(String nameTemplate)
                               throws InvalidFormatException
        Get an unused part index based on the namePattern, which doesn't exist yet and has the lowest positive index
        nameTemplate - The template for new part names containing a '#' for the index, e.g. "/ppt/slides/slide#.xml"
        the next available part name index
        InvalidFormatException - if the nameTemplate is null or doesn't contain the index char (#) or results in an invalid part name