Class VersionInfo

  • public final class VersionInfo
    extends Object
    Class to store version numbers of the form major.minor.milli.micro.
    • Field Detail

      • UNICODE_1_0

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_1_0
        Unicode 1.0 version
      • UNICODE_1_0_1

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_1_0_1
        Unicode 1.0.1 version
      • UNICODE_1_1_0

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_1_1_0
        Unicode 1.1.0 version
      • UNICODE_1_1_5

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_1_1_5
        Unicode 1.1.5 version
      • UNICODE_2_0

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_2_0
        Unicode 2.0 version
      • UNICODE_2_1_2

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_2_1_2
        Unicode 2.1.2 version
      • UNICODE_2_1_5

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_2_1_5
        Unicode 2.1.5 version
      • UNICODE_2_1_8

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_2_1_8
        Unicode 2.1.8 version
      • UNICODE_2_1_9

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_2_1_9
        Unicode 2.1.9 version
      • UNICODE_3_0

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_3_0
        Unicode 3.0 version
      • UNICODE_3_0_1

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_3_0_1
        Unicode 3.0.1 version
      • UNICODE_3_1_0

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_3_1_0
        Unicode 3.1.0 version
      • UNICODE_3_1_1

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_3_1_1
        Unicode 3.1.1 version
      • UNICODE_3_2

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_3_2
        Unicode 3.2 version
      • UNICODE_4_0

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_4_0
        Unicode 4.0 version
      • UNICODE_4_0_1

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_4_0_1
        Unicode 4.0.1 version
      • UNICODE_4_1

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_4_1
        Unicode 4.1 version
      • UNICODE_5_0

        public static final VersionInfo UNICODE_5_0
        Unicode 5.0 version

        public static final VersionInfo ICU_VERSION
        ICU4J current release version

        public static final String ICU_DATA_VERSION
        This API is ICU internal only.
        Data version string for ICU's internal data
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final VersionInfo UCOL_RUNTIME_VERSION
        ICU4J collator runtime version

        public static final VersionInfo UCOL_BUILDER_VERSION
        ICU4J collator builder version

        public static final VersionInfo UCOL_TAILORINGS_VERSION
        ICU4J collator tailorings version
    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static VersionInfo getInstance​(String version)
        Returns an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version.
        version - version String in the format of "major.minor.milli.micro" or "major.minor.milli" or "major.minor" or "major", where major, minor, milli, micro are non-negative numbers <= 255. If the trailing version numbers are not specified they are taken as 0s. E.g. Version "3.1" is equivalent to "".
        an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version.
      • getInstance

        public static VersionInfo getInstance​(int major,
                                              int minor,
                                              int milli,
                                              int micro)
        Returns an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version.
        major - major version, non-negative number <= 255.
        minor - minor version, non-negative number <= 255.
        milli - milli version, non-negative number <= 255.
        micro - micro version, non-negative number <= 255.
      • getInstance

        public static VersionInfo getInstance​(int major,
                                              int minor,
                                              int milli)
        Returns an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version. Equivalent to getInstance(major, minor, milli, 0).
        major - major version, non-negative number <= 255.
        minor - minor version, non-negative number <= 255.
        milli - milli version, non-negative number <= 255.
      • getInstance

        public static VersionInfo getInstance​(int major,
                                              int minor)
        Returns an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version. Equivalent to getInstance(major, minor, 0, 0).
        major - major version, non-negative number <= 255.
        minor - minor version, non-negative number <= 255.
      • getInstance

        public static VersionInfo getInstance​(int major)
        Returns an instance of VersionInfo with the argument version. Equivalent to getInstance(major, 0, 0, 0).
        major - major version, non-negative number <= 255.
      • javaVersion

        public static VersionInfo javaVersion()
        This API is ICU internal only.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns the String representative of VersionInfo in the format of "major.minor.milli.micro"
        toString in class Object
        String representative of VersionInfo
      • getMajor

        public int getMajor()
        Returns the major version number
        the major version number
      • getMinor

        public int getMinor()
        Returns the minor version number
        the minor version number
      • getMilli

        public int getMilli()
        Returns the milli version number
        the milli version number
      • getMicro

        public int getMicro()
        Returns the micro version number
        the micro version number
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object other)
        Checks if this version information is equals to the argument version
        equals in class Object
        other - object to be compared
        true if other is equals to this object's version information, false otherwise
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(VersionInfo other)
        Compares other with this VersionInfo.
        other - VersionInfo to be compared
        0 if the argument is a VersionInfo object that has version information equals to this object. Less than 0 if the argument is a VersionInfo object that has version information greater than this object. Greater than 0 if the argument is a VersionInfo object that has version information less than this object.