Package com.adobe.xfa

Class Element

    • Constructor Detail

      • Element

        public Element​(Element parent,
                       Node prevSibling,
                       String uri,
                       String localName,
                       String qName,
                       Attributes attributes,
                       int classTag,
                       String className)
        Instantiates an element node with the given properties. All name properties (including those in attributes) must be interned strings.
        parent - the element's parent, if any.
        prevSibling - the element's previous sibling, if any.
        uri - the element's namespace URI.
        localName - the element's local name.
        qName - the element's qualified name.
        attributes - the element's list of XML attributes.
        classTag - the element's class tag.
        className - the element's class name.
    • Method Detail

      • appendChild

        public void appendChild​(Node child)
      • appendChild

        public void appendChild​(Node child,
                                boolean bValidate)
        Appends the given child to this element.
        child - the child node being appended.
        bValidate - when true, ensures the given child is valid per the model's schema and throws an ExFull if not.
      • appendPI

        public final void appendPI​(String aPiName,
                                   String sData)
      • appendPI

        public final void appendPI​(String aPiName,
                                   String sPropName,
                                   String sData)
      • assignNode

        public final Node assignNode​(String sSOMExpression,
                                     String sValue,
                                     int eMode)
        Assigns the value given to the node located by the given SOM (Scripting Object Model) expression and interpreted relative to this element's context.

        If the node doesn't exist, it can be created depending of the value of the given eMode. The eMode values are those identified in Node.assignNode().

        assignNode in class Node
        sSOMExpression - a SOM expression evaluating to a node.
        sValue - the value to be assigned.
        eMode - specifies whether the node should be created or not.
        the node identified by the SOM expression.
      • copyContent

        public void copyContent​(Element newNode,
                                boolean deep)
      • defaultAttribute

        public Attribute defaultAttribute​(int eTag)
      • defaultElement

        public int defaultElement()
        Returns the class tag of the default one-of child (if there is one)
        the integer tag for the default element.
      • defaultElement

        public Node defaultElement​(int eTag,
                                   int nOccurrence)
        eTag - The tag of the attribute we want
        nOccurrence - The zero-based occurrence of the attribute (usually zero)
        the default value for this attribute in the context of this node.
      • establishID

        public final String establishID()
      • evaluate

        public final Arg evaluate​(String sEvalText,
                                  String sEvalTypeText,
                                  int executeReason,
                                  boolean bReportNonFatalErrors)
        Evaluates a fragment of script. This function is analogous to the built-in scripting capability wherein script fragments can be contained in "xfe:script" and "xfe:contentType" attributes in a file.
        sEvalText - - the text to execute.
        sEvalTypeText - - the language name. This can be the name of a script language for which the application has installed a handler, such as "formcalc" or "javascript", or an empty string. An empty string is equivalent to "formcalc". Note that the appropriate language handler must be installed by the application.
        The return value of the script.
      • findAttr

        public final int findAttr​(String URI,
                                  String name)
        Find an attribute value by the combination of URI and name.
        URI - the namespace for this attribute. If null, don't worry about namespace matching. If non-null, this String must be interned.
        name - the name of the attribute. This String must be interned.
        The position of this attribute, or -1 if not found.
      • findSchemaAttr

        public final int findSchemaAttr​(String name)
        Find an attribute value by name. The attribute must be in a compatible namespace with the model.
        name - the name of the attribute. This String must be interned.
        The position of this attribute. -1 if not found.
      • foundBadAttribute

        public final void foundBadAttribute​(int eTag,
                                            String attrValue)
      • foundBadAttribute

        public final void foundBadAttribute​(String attrName,
                                            String attrValue)
      • getAll

        public final NodeList getAll​(boolean bByName)
        Return the collection of like-named, in-scope, nodes.
        getAll in class Node
        the collection.
      • getAppModel

        public AppModel getAppModel()
      • getAtom

        public String getAtom​(int eTag)
        get an attribute value, will return the default attribute value if none exist NON validating
      • getAttr

        public final Attribute getAttr​(int n)
        Gets this element's n'th attribute.
        n - the zero-based index of the attribute.
        the n'th attribute.
      • getAttribute

        public Attribute getAttribute​(int eAttributeTag)
        Gets this element's attribute with the given tag. It will return the default attribute value if none exist. Beware: it will NOT validate.
      • getAttribute

        public Attribute getAttribute​(int eTag,
                                      boolean bPeek,
                                      boolean bValidate)
        Gets this element's attribute whose attribute tag is given.

        To peek at an attribute, set the peek argument to true. If the attribute is present, it is returned; otherwise null is returned.

        To create an attribute, set the peek argument to false. If the attribute is absent, a default attribute is created and returned; for attributes with no default, null is returned.

        If validation argument is true, and the validation fails, this method throws.

        eTag - the tag of the attribute.
        bPeek - whether to peek at the attribute or not.
        bValidate - whether to validate the attribute or not.
        the attribute.
      • getAttributeByName

        public Attribute getAttributeByName​(String aAttrName,
                                            boolean bSearchProto)
        get the named attribute.
        aAttrName - - the attribute name.
        bSearchProto - - whether to search protos.
        Attribute object, which may be null.
      • getAttrIndex

        public final int getAttrIndex​(Attribute attr)
        get the index of this attribute.
        attr - the attribute to find.
        the index position in the attribute array.
      • getAttrName

        public final String getAttrName​(int index)
      • getAttrNS

        public final String getAttrNS​(int index)
        index - the index of the attribute.
        the namespace of the attribute at the specified index. This String must be interned.
      • getAttrProp

        public final boolean getAttrProp​(int attrIndex,
                                         int eProp)
        Get one of the volatile attribute properties. Since attributes are immutable, we can't store these properties in the attributes themselves.
        attrIndex - The offset into the attribute array.
        eProp - The property to return. One of AttrIsDefault, AttrIsFragment, AttrIsTransient.
        the boolean value of the property
      • getAttrQName

        public final String getAttrQName​(int index)
      • getAttrVal

        public final String getAttrVal​(int index)
      • getXMLChild

        public final Node getXMLChild​(int n)
        Gets this element's n'th XML child.
        n - the zero-based index of the XML child.
        the n'th child.
      • getXFAChild

        public final Node getXFAChild​(int n)
        Gets this element's n'th XFA child.
        n - the zero-based index of the XFA child.
        the n'th child.
      • getChildReln

        public final ChildReln getChildReln​(int eTag)
      • getClassAll

        public final NodeList getClassAll()
        Return the collection of like-class, in-scope, nodes.
        the collection.
      • getClassIndex

        public final int getClassIndex()
        Return the position of this node in its collection of like-class, in-scope, like-child relationship, nodes.
        the 0-based position
      • getClassName

        public final String getClassName()
        Gets this element's class name.
        getClassName in class Obj
        the class name as an interned string.
      • getDeltas

        public void getDeltas​(Element delta,
                              XFAList list)
        Gets a collection of deltas to restore. The locale attribute is always restored immediately, and is not returned in the list of deltas.
        delta - an Element from the form packet.
        list - the list of deltas to be populated.
      • getElement

        public Element getElement​(int eTag,
                                  boolean bPeek,
                                  int nOccurrence,
                                  boolean bReturnDefault,
                                  boolean bValidate)
        Gets this element's sub element whose element tag is given.

        To return the element, set the returnDefault argument to true. If the element is present, it is returned; otherwise the default element is created and returned.

        To peek at the element, set the peek argument to true. If the element is present, it is returned; otherwise null is returned. When set to true, default properties aren't created, and proto references are not expanded.

        To create the element, set the peek argument to false. If the element is absent, a default element is created and returned.

        If validation argument is true, and the validation fails, this method throws.

        If the occurrence argument is out of range, this method throws.

        eTag - the tag of the element to retrieve.
        bPeek - whether to peek at the element, or not.
        nOccurrence - the n'th occurrence of the element to retrieve.
        bReturnDefault - whether to create a default element, or not.
        bValidate - whether to validate the element, or not.
        the element, or null.
      • getElement

        public final Element getElement​(int eElementTag,
                                        int nOccurrence)
        get an element for a given node, The method will create a default if it doesn't exist. NON validating
      • getNode

        public final Node getNode​(int eTag,
                                  int nOccurrence)
        A variant of getElement that peeks for a non-Element and returns it if it exists, otherwise falls back on getElement with bPeek = true (don't create a default). Used by compareVersions below.
      • getElementLocal

        public final Element getElementLocal​(int eTag,
                                             boolean bPeek,
                                             int nOccurrence,
                                             boolean bReturnDefault,
                                             boolean bValidate)
        This method does the work of getElement(). It's been split out so that it can be called by derived classes who don't want proto resolution to step in.
      • getElementClass

        public final int getElementClass()
      • getEnum

        public final int getEnum​(int ePropertyTag)
      • getFirstXMLChild

        public Node getFirstXMLChild()
        Gets this element's first XML child.
        getFirstXMLChild in class Node
        the first XML child.
      • getSibling

        public final Node getSibling​(int index,
                                     boolean bByName,
                                     boolean bExceptionIfNotFound)
        a (not so) private method, overrides Node.getSibling()
        getSibling in class Node
      • getFirstXFAChild

        public Node getFirstXFAChild()
        Gets this element's first XFA child.
        getFirstXFAChild in class Node
        the first XFA child.
      • getID

        public final String getID()
      • getIndex

        public final int getIndex​(boolean bByName)
        Return the position of this node in its collection of like-named, in-scope, like-child relationship, nodes.
        getIndex in class Node
        the 0-based position
      • getInheritedNS

        public final String getInheritedNS()
        Get our namespace by traversing to our ancestors if necessary.
        [inherited] namespace string
      • getInstalledLocale

        public final String getInstalledLocale()
        Gets this element's installed locale. This method checks all enclosing field, draw, or subform ancestors, looking for their locale attribute.
        the installed locale name.
      • isInstalledLocaleAmbient

        public final boolean isInstalledLocaleAmbient()
        Determines if this element's installed locale is ambient.
        true if the installed locale name is "ambient", and false otherwise.
        See Also:
      • getIsNull

        public boolean getIsNull()
        Determine if this node contains a null value.
        true if this node contains a null value, false otherwise.
      • getLastXMLChild

        public final Node getLastXMLChild()
        Gets this element's last XML child.
        getLastXMLChild in class Node
        the last XML child.
      • getLineNumber

        public final int getLineNumber()
      • getLocalName

        public String getLocalName()
        the local name as an interned string.
      • getModel

        public final Model getModel()
        Gets this element's model.
        getModel in class Node
        the model.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets this element's name.

        The name of an element is the value of its name attribute, or the element name if there is no name attribute.

        Specified by:
        getName in class Node
        the name of the element.
      • privateSetName

        public void privateSetName​(String name)
        This version will not perform any notification or undo steps. Should only be called when a node is being created.
      • getNodes

        public NodeList getNodes()
        Gets this element's list of children.
        getNodes in class Node
        a node list of all child nodes.
      • getNodeSchema

        public final NodeSchema getNodeSchema()
        Gets the Schema for this node.
        an NodeSchema object.
      • getNS

        public String getNS()
        Gets this element's namespace.
        the namespace URI.
      • getNumAttrs

        public final int getNumAttrs()
        Gets this element's number of attributes.
        the number of attributes.
      • getOneOfChild

        public final Node getOneOfChild()
        In the case where an element may contain a "OneOf" child, this method will retrieve the child element that has the XFA::oneOfChild relationship to its parent.

        When one only one child node out of a set of nodes can exist for a particular node, then that set of nodes is called a oneOf children
        This method is the only reliable means to return a oneOf child. Other interfaces (e.g. getProperty()) will not interpret default values or handle prototypes correctly for oneOf children.
        the Node for this child. If this child has not been specified, this method will return the appropriate XFA default element.
      • getOneOfChild

        public Node getOneOfChild​(boolean bPeek,
                                  boolean bReturnDefault)
      • getPI

        public void getPI​(String aPiName,
                          List<String> pis,
                          boolean bCheckProtos)
        Get the processing instruction based on the aPiName. If multiple Processing Instructions exist for the same aPiName, all PI's found with that name will be returned.
        aPiName - the processing instruction's target name. This String must be interned.
        pis - an input/output parameter that is populated with the values of all the Processing Instructions found for PI name. with the same aPiName.
        bCheckProtos - if TRUE, check if this element is specified via prototype inheritance. Defaults to FALSE.
      • optimizeNameSpace

        public void optimizeNameSpace​(int eAttributeTag,
                                      boolean bDeleteIfNotNeeded)
        For use with attributes that live in a non-standard namespace. Currently the only attribute for which this is true is XFA::RIDTAG. This method has no effect for other attributes. This method declares the namespace of the specified attribute on this node. The purpose of doing this is to optimize file size when the attribute is present in the document. Otherwise the namespace will be declared with each occurrence of the attribute, leading to file bloat. For the XFA::RIDTAG attribute, this method will declare the urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1 namespace on the template model with the standard prefix "xliff".
        eAttributeTag - - the attribute (currently only XFA::RIDTAG will have any effect).
        bDeleteIfNotNeeded - - if FALSE, simply declare the namespace unconditionally. This is very efficient, but if the attribute is never used in the document then the declaration of the namespace is superfluous. If TRUE, search the descendants of this node to see if the attribute is in use; if it's not in use then delete any declarations of the attribute's namespace at any level of the tree under this node. If the attribute is in use then this will have the net effect of the FALSE setting. No superfluous namespace declaration will occur with the TRUE setting.
      • getPI

        public void getPI​(String aPiName,
                          String sPropName,
                          List<String> pis,
                          boolean bCheckProtos)
        Get the processing instruction based on the aPiName. If multiple Processing Instructions exist for the same aPiName, all PI's found with that name will be returned.
        aPiName - the processing instructions target name
        sPropName - the processing instructions property name
        pis - an input/output parameter that is populated with the values of all the Processing Instructions found for PI name. with the same aPiName.
        bCheckProtos - if TRUE, check if this element is specified via prototype inheritance. Defaults to FALSE.
      • getPrefix

        public final String getPrefix()
        Gets this element's namespace prefix.
        the namespace prefix.
      • getProperty

        public final Object getProperty​(int ePropTag,
                                        int nOccurrence)
        Description copied from class: Node
        Get a property for this node.
        getProperty in class Node
        ePropTag - The XFA tag (name) of the property to check for.
        nOccurrence - if this property can occur a fix number of times (usually [0..n]), then specify which occurrence to get. Defaults to 0.
        The requested property. If the property has not been specified, this will contain a default value. There is a special case for the handling of pcdata. Technically, pcdata is a child node relationship, but it is retrieved via an attribute - XFAString. The property name in this case is XFA::textNodeTag(). The return value will never be a null object. The XFAProperty will refer to either an Node or an Attribute.
      • getProperty

        public final Object getProperty​(String propertyName,
                                        int nOccurrence)
        Description copied from class: Node
        string version of getProperty. ***Less efficient than the int version The parameter propertyName should correspond to the name of either a child element that occurs 0..1 times OR is the name of an attribute. The parameter propertyName must be a valid property for this particular class.
        getProperty in class Node
      • getSaveXMLSaveTransient

        public boolean getSaveXMLSaveTransient()
      • getSchemaType

        public int getSchemaType​(int eTag)
      • getScriptMethodInfo

        public ScriptFuncObj getScriptMethodInfo​(String sFunctionName)
        Description copied from class: Obj
        Gets the information on a script method.
        getScriptMethodInfo in class Obj
        sFunctionName - the name of the method
        the script function object or null if not found.
      • getText

        public TextNode getText​(boolean bPeek,
                                boolean bReturnDefault,
                                boolean bValidate)
        Gets this element's text node child.

        To return the text node, set the returnDefault argument to true. If the text node is present, it is returned; otherwise the default text node is created and returned.

        To peek at the text node, set the peek argument to true. If the text node is present, it is returned; otherwise null is returned. When set to true, default properties aren't created, and proto references are not expanded.

        To create the text node, set the peek argument to false. If the text node is absent, a default text node is created and returned.

        If validation argument is true, and the validation fails, this method throws.

        bPeek - whether to peek at the text node, or not.
        bReturnDefault - whether to create a default text node, or not.
        bValidate - whether to validate the text node, or not.
        the text node or null.
      • getXMLName

        public String getXMLName()
        Gets this element's XML name.
        the qualified name as an interned string.
      • setXMLName

        public void setXMLName​(String name)
        Sets this element's XML name.
      • getXsiNilAttribute

        public Attribute getXsiNilAttribute()
      • removeXsiNilAttribute

        public void removeXsiNilAttribute()
      • setXsiNilAttribute

        public final void setXsiNilAttribute​(String aValue)
      • inhibitPrettyPrint

        public final boolean inhibitPrettyPrint()
      • inhibitPrettyPrint

        public final void inhibitPrettyPrint​(boolean bInhibit)
      • insertChild

        public void insertChild​(Node newChild,
                                Node refNode,
                                boolean bValidate)
        Inserts a child before a specific child in the child list.
        newChild - the child to be inserted
        refNode - the child to insert before
        bValidate - if true, validate the insertion
      • isContainer

        public boolean isContainer()
        Description copied from class: Node
        Check to see if this is a container object. A container is defined as something that is not a leaf node not properties ( [0..1] occurrences ). It does NOT indicate whether this node derives from XFAContainer
        isContainer in class Node
        true if this node is a container, false otherwise
      • isFragment

        public void isFragment​(boolean bFragment,
                               boolean bSetChildren)
        Set the fragment state of this node
        bFragment - the fragment state
        bSetChildren - if true, set this flag on all nested children
      • isHidden

        public final boolean isHidden()
        Determine if this node is hidden or not.
        boolean hidden status.
      • isHidden

        public final void isHidden​(boolean bHidden)
        Set the hidden state of this node. Hidden nodes are not saved when the DOM is written out.
        bHidden - the new hidden state.
      • isIndexed

        public final boolean isIndexed()
      • isLeaf

        public final boolean isLeaf()
        Check if this node is a leaf node
        Specified by:
        isLeaf in class Node
        true if this node is a leaf, else false
      • isNameSpaceAttr

        public boolean isNameSpaceAttr()
        Is this element's name namespaced.
        true if this element's name is namespaced.
      • isPropertySpecified

        public final boolean isPropertySpecified​(int ePropTag,
                                                 boolean bCheckProtos,
                                                 int nOccurrence)
        Description copied from class: Node
        Check if a specific property has been defined for this node.
        isPropertySpecified in class Node
        ePropTag - The XFA tag (name) of the property to check for.
        bCheckProtos - if true, check if this property is specified via prototype inheritance. Defaults to true.
        nOccurrence - if this property can occur a fix number of times (usually [0..n]), then specify which occurrence to check for. Defaults to 0.
        True if the property has been specified.

        The property name should correspond to the name of either a child element that occurs 0..1 times OR is the name of an attribute. The parameter propertyName must be a valid property for this particular class.

      • isPropertySpecified

        public final boolean isPropertySpecified​(String propertyName,
                                                 boolean bCheckProtos,
                                                 int nOccurrence)
      • isPropertyValid

        public final boolean isPropertyValid​(int ePropTag)
        Check if a specified property is valid according to the schema.
        ePropTag - The XFA tag (name) of the property to check for.
        not-null if valid. Boolean TRUE if property is an Element
      • isSpecified

        public boolean isSpecified​(int eTag,
                                   boolean bCheckProtos,
                                   int nOccurrence)
        Description copied from class: Node
        Check if a property, child, or oneOfChild has been defined for this node
        isSpecified in class Node
        eTag - The XFA tag (name) of the property/child/oneOfChild to check for.
        bCheckProtos - if true, check if this property is specified via prototype inheritance. Defaults to true.
        nOccurrence - if this property can occur a fix number of times (usually [0..n]), then specify which occurrence to check for. Defaults to 0.
        True if the property has been specified.
      • isSpecified

        public boolean isSpecified​(int eTag,
                                   int eType,
                                   boolean bCheckProtos,
                                   int nOccurrence)
      • isSpecified

        public final boolean isSpecified​(String sPropertyName,
                                         boolean bCheckProtos,
                                         int nOccurrence)
      • isTransient

        public final void isTransient​(boolean bTransient,
                                      boolean bSetChildren)
        Description copied from class: Node
        Set the transient state of this node. Transient nodes are not saved when the DOM is written out.
        isTransient in class Node
        bTransient - the new transient state.
        See Also:
        Node.isTransient(boolean, boolean)
      • isTransparent

        public boolean isTransparent()
        isTransparent in class Node
      • isValidAttr

        public boolean isValidAttr​(int eTag,
                                   boolean bReport,
                                   String value)
        Determine if a specified attribute tag is valid for this node.
        eTag - the XFA tag to check
        true if valid.
      • isValidChild

        public boolean isValidChild​(int eTag,
                                    int nError,
                                    boolean bBeforeInsert,
                                    boolean bOccurrenceErrorOnly)
        eTag - the class tag of the node that will be or has been appended
        nError -
        bBeforeInsert - if true, then the child has not yet been inserted into the child list of this element.
        bOccurrenceErrorOnly -
        true if eTag is a valid child.
      • isValidElement

        public boolean isValidElement​(int eTag,
                                      boolean bReport)
      • loadXML

        public void loadXML​(InputStream is,
                            boolean bIgnoreAggregatingTag,
                            boolean bReplaceContent)
        Loads and appends the specified XML fragment (or document) to this element.
        is - the input stream of XML fragment.
        bIgnoreAggregatingTag - ignore the root node of the XML fragment, when true, in which case, the children of the root node will be appended to this element. Append the root node of the XML fragment to this element, when false.
        bReplaceContent - replace the content of this element with the content of the root node of the XML fragment, when true.
      • loadXML

        public void loadXML​(InputStream is,
                            boolean bIgnoreAggregatingTag,
                            Element.ReplaceContent eReplaceContent)
        Loads and appends the specified XML fragment (or document) to this element.
        is - the input stream of XML fragment.
        bIgnoreAggregatingTag - ignore the root node of the XML fragment, when true, in which case, the children of the root node will be appended to this element. Append the root node of the XML fragment to this element, when false.
        eReplaceContent - specifies handling of existing node content.
      • makeDefault

        public void makeDefault()
        Description copied from class: Node
        Mark this element as a default property
        makeDefault in class Node
        See Also:
      • setDefaultFlag

        public void setDefaultFlag​(boolean bDefaultNode,
                                   boolean bSetChildren)
      • newAttribute

        public Attribute newAttribute​(int eTag,
                                      String value)
      • peekAttribute

        public final Attribute peekAttribute​(int eAttributeTag)
        get an attribute value only if it exists. NON validating
      • peekElement

        public final Element peekElement​(int eElementTag,
                                         boolean bReturnDefault,
                                         int nOccurrence)
        get an element only if it exists NON validating READ ONLY VERSION
      • peekOneOfChild

        public final Node peekOneOfChild​(boolean bReturnDefault)
        Description copied from class: Node
        READ ONLY VERSION of getOneOfChild In the case where an element may contain a "OneOf" child, this method will retrieve the child element that has the XFA::oneOfChild relationship to its parent.

        When one only one child node out of a set of nodes can exist for a particular node, then that set of nodes is called a oneOf children.

        Note! Proto references are not expanded, SHOULD NOT modify the resulting node.

        peekOneOfChild in class Node
        bReturnDefault - true if you want the defualt node to be returned if the "OneOf" child doesn't exist, if false null will be returned
        the "OneOf" child for this node. If this child has not been specified, this method will return null.
      • peekProperty

        public final Object peekProperty​(int ePropTag,
                                         int nOccurrence)
      • peekProperty

        public final Object peekProperty​(String propertyName,
                                         int nOccurrence)
      • removeAttr

        public final void removeAttr​(int index)
      • removeAttr

        public final void removeAttr​(String URI,
                                     String name)
        Remove an attribute as specified by the combination of URI and name.
        URI - the namespace for this attribute. If null, don't worry about namespace matching. If non-null, this String must be interned.
        name - the name of the attribute. This String must be interned.
      • removeChild

        public final void removeChild​(Node child)
        Removes a child from the child list
        child - the node to be removed
      • removePI

        public final void removePI​(String aPiName)
        Remove all processing instruction based on the aPiName.
        aPiName - the processing instructions target name
      • removePI

        public final void removePI​(String aPiName,
                                   String sPropName)
      • removeWhiteSpace

        public final void removeWhiteSpace()
        Remove all #text children that consist of whitespace
      • replaceChild

        public Node replaceChild​(Node newChild,
                                 Node oldChild)
      • resetPostLoadXML

        public void resetPostLoadXML()
      • resolveAndEnumerateChildren

        public NodeList resolveAndEnumerateChildren​(boolean bAllProperties,
                                                    boolean bFirstDefaultOnly)
        Construct a list of element-based properties and children. The list is fully resolved (ie: it will have children from any prototypes in it).
      • resolveNodeCreate

        public SOMParser.SomResultInfo resolveNodeCreate​(String somNodesInput,
                                                         int eAction,
                                                         boolean bLeaf,
                                                         boolean bDefault,
                                                         boolean bNoProperties)
      • saveXML

        public void saveXML​(OutputStream outFile,
                            DOMSaveOptions options)
        Serializes this element (and all its children) to an output stream.
        outFile - an output stream.
        options - the XML save options
      • saveXML

        public void saveXML​(OutputStream outFile,
                            DOMSaveOptions options,
                            boolean bSaveXMLScript)
        Serializes this element (and all its children) to an output stream.
        outFile - an output stream.
        options - the XML save options
      • setAttribute

        public void setAttribute​(Attribute attr,
                                 int eTag)
        Sets (adds) an attribute to this element.
        attr - the attribute.
        eTag - The XFA tag name of the attribute being set.
      • setAttribute

        public final void setAttribute​(int eVal,
                                       int eTag)
        Sets (adds) an enumerated attribute value to this element.
        eVal - the enumerated attribute value. See EnumAttr for valid values.
        eTag - the XFA tag name of the attribute being set. See XFA for valid tag names.
      • setAttribute

        public final Attribute setAttribute​(String nameSpace,
                                            String qName,
                                            String localName,
                                            String value)
        Sets (adds) an attribute to this element.
        nameSpace - namespace of the attribute.
        qName - the qualified name of the attribute.
        localName - the local name of the attribute.
        value - the value of the attribute.
        the attribute we just updated or created
      • setAttribute

        public final Attribute setAttribute​(String nameSpace,
                                            String qName,
                                            String localName,
                                            String value,
                                            boolean internSymbols)
        Sets (adds) an attribute to this element.

        The internSymbols parameter specifies whether the nameSpace, qName and localName parameters need to be interned. If it is known that these symbols are already interned (eg, they were retrieved from another Attribute, or are literal values), then specifing false for internSymbols saves the overhead for interning.

        nameSpace - namespace of the attribute.
        qName - the qualified name of the attribute.
        localName - the local name of the attribute.
        value - the value of the attribute.
        internSymbols - indicates whether the namespace, qName and localName argument need to be interned.
        the attribute we just updated or created
      • setAttrProp

        public final void setAttrProp​(int attrIndex,
                                      int eProp,
                                      boolean bValue)
        Set one of the volatile attribute properties. Since attributes are immutable, we can't store these properties in the attributes themselves.
        attrIndex - The offset into the attribute array.
        eProp - The property to return. One of AttrIsDefault, AttrIsFragment, AttrIsTransient.
        bValue - the boolean value of the property
      • setDOMProperties

        public void setDOMProperties​(String uri,
                                     String localName,
                                     String qName,
                                     Attributes attributes)
        All name properties (including those in attributes) must be interned strings.
      • setElement

        public Node setElement​(Node child,
                               int eTag,
                               int nOccurrence)
        Set an element value. Must be a valid 0..1 element, (not a oneOfChild or a 0..n child)
        child - the child to add or set.
        eTag - only used if oChild isNull -- in which case we remove the element
      • setIsIndexed

        public final void setIsIndexed​(boolean bIsIndexed)
        Set whether this node has an XMLID
        bIsIndexed -
      • setLineNumber

        public final void setLineNumber​(int nLineNumber)
      • setLocalName

        public void setLocalName​(String name)
        Sets this element's local name.
        name - the new local name.
      • setModel

        public final void setModel​(Model model)
        Sets this element's model.
        model - the model this element belongs to.
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Sets this element's name attribute.
        setName in class Node
        name - the name attribute value.
      • setNS

        public final void setNS​(String sNS)
        Sets this element's children null namespace to the given uri.
        sNS - the namespace uri. This string must be interned. Javaport: added.
      • setOneOfChild

        public Node setOneOfChild​(Node child)
        In the case where an element may contain a "OneOf" child, this method will set the child element that has the XFA::oneOfChild relationship. If a "OneOf" child already exists, this method will replace it.
        child - the child to set. If this is a null object, any any existing "oneOf" child will be deleted.
      • setProperty

        public final void setProperty​(Object property,
                                      int ePropertyTag)
        Set a property for this node. The parameter property must be either a valid child that occurs 0..1 times (i.e. an Node) or a valid attribute (i.e. an Attribute or derivative). If this parameter is a Null object, then the corresponding attribute or element will be removed.
        There is a special case for the handling of pcdata. Technically, pcdata is a child node relationship, but it is set using an attribute - usually XFAString. The property name in this case is XFA::textNodeTag().
        property - The XFA element that defines this property.
        ePropertyTag - The XFA tag (name) of the property.
      • setProperty

        public final void setProperty​(Object property,
                                      String propertyName)
        string version of setProperty. ***Less efficient than the int version ***.
      • setQName

        public final void setQName​(String name)
        Sets this element's qualified name.
        name - the new qualified name.
      • setSaveXMLSaveTransient

        public void setSaveXMLSaveTransient​(boolean bSaveTransient)
      • setTransparent

        public final void setTransparent​(boolean isTransparent)
      • updateFromPeer

        public void updateFromPeer​(Object peer,
                                   int eventType,
                                   String arg1,
                                   Object arg2)
        Description copied from interface: Peer
        This method will be called by the peer whenever its state changes.
         eventType                        (String)arg1  (Object)arg2
         UPDATED                          update type   (optional)
         ATTR_CHANGED                     attr name     (optional)
         CHILD_ADDED                      (optional)    added node
         CHILD_REMOVED                    (optional)    removed node
         VALUE_CHANGED                    new data      (optional)
         PARENT_CHANGED                   (optional)    new parent
         DESCENDENT_ATTR_CHANGED          attr name     changed node
         DESCENDENT_VALUE_CHANGED         (optional)    changed node
         DESCENDENT_ADDED                 (optional)    added node
         DESCENDENT_REMOVED               (optional)    removed node
         PERMS_LOCK_SET                   (optional)    (optional)
         PERMS_LOCK_CLEARED               (optional)    (optional)
         PROTO_ATTR_CHANGED               attr name     changed node
         PROTO_CHILD_ADDED                (optional)    added node of the protoype
         PROTO_CHILD_REMOVED              (optional)    removed node from the prototype
         PROTO_VALUE_CHANGED              new data      prototype node
         PROTO_DESCENDENT_ATTR_CHANGED    attr name     changed prototype node
         PROTO_DESCENDENT_VALUE_CHANGED   (optional)    changed prototype node
         PROTO_DESCENDENT_ADDED           (optional)    added node to the prototype
         PROTO_DESCENDENT_REMOVED         (optional)    removed node from the prototype
        Specified by:
        updateFromPeer in interface Peer
        updateFromPeer in class Obj
        peer - the peer to this object.
        eventType - the event type as enumerated in this class
        arg1 - additional event information
        arg2 - additional event information
        See Also:
        Obj.updateFromPeer(Object, int, String, Object)
      • processTextChildrenDuringParse

        public boolean processTextChildrenDuringParse()
        Determines whether child text nodes should be processed (check validity, consolidate) at parse time. Some schemas (or parts of schemas) may require an open schema that cannot be resolved at parse time, and where processing of text nodes must be delayed until load processing when the entire tree is available. Where possible, text child nodes are processed at parse time since that allows us to avoid creating many text nodes (e.g., ignorable whitespace).
        true if child text nodes should be processed at parse time.
      • connectPeerToDocument

        public void connectPeerToDocument()
        connectPeerToDocument() is used to rearrange the DOM tree when inserting or appending a node. It is provided here as a utility function for derived classes that could be adding child nodes, when peered against an orphan node. In particular, this happens with xfa:datasets and xfa:data, both of which may be created during the load process. On the C++ side, this method is only used by the data model. Due to the differences between the relationship of Documents and AppModels in Java, on the Java side it is also called when creating a DOM from scratch, from any ModelFactory's createDOM method. In the DataModel context at least, it should only be called if the DOM peer is an orphan. It takes that orphan and connects it to the document, and then moves the original peer of this node to be a child of the node that previously was orphaned.
      • setIsDataWindowRoot

        public final void setIsDataWindowRoot​(boolean bIsRoot)
      • constructKey

        public Key constructKey​(List<String> nodeAddressList,
                                Node namespaceContextNode)
        Constructs a key (either primary or foreign) for an element given a node address list. A context node must be provided for evaluating any namespace prefixes found in the node address list. (The context node is normally the data description node from which the node address list came.)
      • constructKeys

        public void constructKeys​(List<String> nodeAddressList,
                                  Node namespaceContextNode,
                                  List<Key> keys)
      • resolvePrefix

        public String resolvePrefix​(String aPrefix)