Class MailLogger

  • public final class MailLogger
    extends Object
    A simplified logger used by JavaMail to handle logging to a PrintStream and logging through a java.util.logging.Logger. If debug is set, messages are written to the PrintStream and prefixed by the specified prefix (which is not included in Logger messages). Messages are logged by the Logger based on the configuration of the logging system.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MailLogger

        public MailLogger​(String name,
                          String prefix,
                          boolean debug,
                          PrintStream out)
        Construct a new MailLogger using the specified Logger name, debug prefix (e.g., "DEBUG"), debug flag, and PrintStream.
        name - the Logger name
        prefix - the prefix for debug output, or null for none
        debug - if true, write to PrintStream
        out - the PrintStream to write to
      • MailLogger

        public MailLogger​(Class<?> clazz,
                          String prefix,
                          boolean debug,
                          PrintStream out)
        Construct a new MailLogger using the specified class' package name as the Logger name, debug prefix (e.g., "DEBUG"), debug flag, and PrintStream.
        clazz - the Logger name is the package name of this class
        prefix - the prefix for debug output, or null for none
        debug - if true, write to PrintStream
        out - the PrintStream to write to
      • MailLogger

        public MailLogger​(Class<?> clazz,
                          String subname,
                          String prefix,
                          boolean debug,
                          PrintStream out)
        Construct a new MailLogger using the specified class' package name combined with the specified subname as the Logger name, debug prefix (e.g., "DEBUG"), debug flag, and PrintStream.
        clazz - the Logger name is the package name of this class
        subname - the Logger name relative to this Logger name
        prefix - the prefix for debug output, or null for none
        debug - if true, write to PrintStream
        out - the PrintStream to write to
      • MailLogger

        public MailLogger​(String name,
                          String prefix,
                          Session session)
        Construct a new MailLogger using the specified Logger name and debug prefix (e.g., "DEBUG"). Get the debug flag and PrintStream from the Session.
        name - the Logger name
        prefix - the prefix for debug output, or null for none
        session - where to get the debug flag and PrintStream
      • MailLogger

        public MailLogger​(Class<?> clazz,
                          String prefix,
                          Session session)
        Construct a new MailLogger using the specified class' package name as the Logger name and the specified debug prefix (e.g., "DEBUG"). Get the debug flag and PrintStream from the Session.
        clazz - the Logger name is the package name of this class
        prefix - the prefix for debug output, or null for none
        session - where to get the debug flag and PrintStream
    • Method Detail

      • getLogger

        public MailLogger getLogger​(String name,
                                    String prefix)
        Create a MailLogger that uses a Logger with the specified name and prefix. The new MailLogger uses the same debug flag and PrintStream as this MailLogger.
        name - the Logger name
        prefix - the prefix for debug output, or null for none
        a MailLogger for the given name and prefix.
      • getLogger

        public MailLogger getLogger​(Class<?> clazz,
                                    String prefix)
        Create a MailLogger using the specified class' package name as the Logger name and the specified prefix. The new MailLogger uses the same debug flag and PrintStream as this MailLogger.
        clazz - the Logger name is the package name of this class
        prefix - the prefix for debug output, or null for none
        a MailLogger for the given name and prefix.
      • getSubLogger

        public MailLogger getSubLogger​(String subname,
                                       String prefix)
        Create a MailLogger that uses a Logger whose name is composed of this MailLogger's name plus the specified sub-name, separated by a dot. The new MailLogger uses the new prefix for debug output. This is used primarily by the protocol trace code that wants a different prefix (none).
        subname - the Logger name relative to this Logger name
        prefix - the prefix for debug output, or null for none
        a MailLogger for the given name and prefix.
      • getSubLogger

        public MailLogger getSubLogger​(String subname,
                                       String prefix,
                                       boolean debug)
        Create a MailLogger that uses a Logger whose name is composed of this MailLogger's name plus the specified sub-name, separated by a dot. The new MailLogger uses the new prefix for debug output. This is used primarily by the protocol trace code that wants a different prefix (none).
        subname - the Logger name relative to this Logger name
        prefix - the prefix for debug output, or null for none
        debug - the debug flag for the sub-logger
        a MailLogger for the given name and prefix.
      • log

        public void log​(Level level,
                        String msg)
        Log the message at the specified level.
        level - the log level.
        msg - the message.
      • log

        public void log​(Level level,
                        String msg,
                        Object param1)
        Log the message at the specified level.
        level - the log level.
        msg - the message.
        param1 - the additional parameter.
      • log

        public void log​(Level level,
                        String msg,
                        Object... params)
        Log the message at the specified level.
        level - the log level.
        msg - the message.
        params - the message parameters.
      • logf

        public void logf​(Level level,
                         String msg,
                         Object... params)
        Log the message at the specified level using a format string.
        level - the log level.
        msg - the message format string.
        params - the message parameters.
        JavaMail 1.5.4
      • log

        public void log​(Level level,
                        String msg,
                        Throwable thrown)
        Log the message at the specified level.
        level - the log level.
        msg - the message.
        thrown - the throwable to log.
      • config

        public void config​(String msg)
        Log a message at the CONFIG level.
        msg - the message.
      • fine

        public void fine​(String msg)
        Log a message at the FINE level.
        msg - the message.
      • finer

        public void finer​(String msg)
        Log a message at the FINER level.
        msg - the message.
      • finest

        public void finest​(String msg)
        Log a message at the FINEST level.
        msg - the message.
      • isLoggable

        public boolean isLoggable​(Level level)
        If "debug" is set, or our embedded Logger is loggable at the given level, return true.
        level - the log level.
        true if loggable.