Interface ParserOptions

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ParserOptions
    extends Cloneable
    This API is deprecated as Apache Abdera is a retired project since 2017.
    Parser options are used to modify the behavior of the parser.
    • Method Detail

      • getFactory

        Factory getFactory()
        Returns the factory the parser should use
      • setFactory

        ParserOptions setFactory​(Factory factory)
        Sets the factory the parser should use
      • getCharset

        String getCharset()
        Returns the default character set to use for the parsed document
      • setCharset

        ParserOptions setCharset​(String charset)
        Sets the character set to use for the parsed document
      • getParseFilter

        ParseFilter getParseFilter()
        Returns the Parse Filter. The parse filter is a set of XML QNames that the parse should watch out for. If the filter is null, the parser will parse all elements in the document. I the filter is not null, the parser will only pay attention to elements whose QName's appear in the filter list.
      • setParseFilter

        ParserOptions setParseFilter​(ParseFilter parseFilter)
        Sets the Parse Filter. The parse filter is a set of XML QNames that the parse should watch out for. If the filter is null, the parser will parse all elements in the document. I the filter is not null, the parser will only pay attention to elements whose QName's appear in the filter list.
      • getAutodetectCharset

        boolean getAutodetectCharset()
        Returns true if the parser should attempt to automatically detect the character encoding from the stream
      • setAutodetectCharset

        ParserOptions setAutodetectCharset​(boolean detect)
        If true, the parser will attempt to automatically detect the character encoding from the stream by checking for the byte order mark or checking the XML prolog.
      • getMustPreserveWhitespace

        boolean getMustPreserveWhitespace()
        If false, the parser will trim leading and trailing whitespace in element and attribute values unless there is an in-scope xml:space="preserve".
      • setMustPreserveWhitespace

        ParserOptions setMustPreserveWhitespace​(boolean preserve)
        If false, the parser will trim leading and trailing whitespace in element and attribute values unless there is an in-scope xml:space="preserve".
      • getFilterRestrictedCharacters

        boolean getFilterRestrictedCharacters()
        If true, the parser will attempt to silently filter out invalid XML characters appearing within the XML document.
      • setFilterRestrictedCharacters

        ParserOptions setFilterRestrictedCharacters​(boolean filter)
        If true, the parser will attempt to silently filter out invalid XML characters appearing within the XML document
      • getFilterRestrictedCharacterReplacement

        char getFilterRestrictedCharacterReplacement()
        If getFilterRestrictedCharacters is true, restricted characters will be replaced with the specified character
      • setFilterRestrictedCharacterReplacement

        ParserOptions setFilterRestrictedCharacterReplacement​(char replacement)
        If getFilterRestrictedCharacters is true, restricted characters will be replaced with the specified character
      • getCompressionCodecs

        CompressionUtil.CompressionCodec[] getCompressionCodecs()
        When parsing an InputStream that contains compressed data, use these codecs to decompress the stream. Only used when parsing an InputStream. Ignored when parsing a Reader
      • setCompressionCodecs

        ParserOptions setCompressionCodecs​(CompressionUtil.CompressionCodec... codecs)
        When parsing an InputStream that contains compressed data, use these codecs to decompress the stream. Only used when parsing an InputStream. Ignored when parsing a Reader
      • registerEntity

        ParserOptions registerEntity​(String name,
                                     String value)
        Register a named entity. This provides an escape clause for when feeds use entities that are not supported in XML without a DTD decl. By default, all of the (X)HTML entities are preregistered
      • resolveEntity

        String resolveEntity​(String name)
        Resolves a value for a named entity. This provides an escape clause for when feeds use entities that are not supported in XML without a DTD decl. By default, all of the (X)HTML entities are preregistered
      • setResolveEntities

        ParserOptions setResolveEntities​(boolean resolve)
        True if undeclared named entities should be resolved.
      • getResolveEntities

        boolean getResolveEntities()
        True if undeclared named entities should be resolved.
      • setQNameAliasMappingEnabled

        ParserOptions setQNameAliasMappingEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        True if QName-Alias mapping is enabled
      • isQNameAliasMappingEnabled

        boolean isQNameAliasMappingEnabled()
        True if QName-Alias mapping is enabled (default is false)
      • getQNameAliasMap

        Map<QName,​QName> getQNameAliasMap()
        Get the QName-Alias Mapping (default null)