Class TokenParser

  • @Contract(threading=IMMUTABLE)
    public class TokenParser
    extends Object
    Low level parser for header field elements. The parsing routines of this class are designed to produce near zero intermediate garbage and make no intermediate copies of input data.

    This class is immutable and thread safe.

    • Constructor Detail

      • TokenParser

        public TokenParser()
    • Method Detail


        public static BitSet INIT_BITSET​(int... b)
      • isWhitespace

        public static boolean isWhitespace​(char ch)
      • parseToken

        public String parseToken​(CharArrayBuffer buf,
                                 ParserCursor cursor,
                                 BitSet delimiters)
        Extracts from the sequence of chars a token terminated with any of the given delimiters discarding semantically insignificant whitespace characters.
        buf - buffer with the sequence of chars to be parsed
        cursor - defines the bounds and current position of the buffer
        delimiters - set of delimiting characters. Can be null if the token is not delimited by any character.
      • parseValue

        public String parseValue​(CharArrayBuffer buf,
                                 ParserCursor cursor,
                                 BitSet delimiters)
        Extracts from the sequence of chars a value which can be enclosed in quote marks and terminated with any of the given delimiters discarding semantically insignificant whitespace characters.
        buf - buffer with the sequence of chars to be parsed
        cursor - defines the bounds and current position of the buffer
        delimiters - set of delimiting characters. Can be null if the value is not delimited by any character.
      • skipWhiteSpace

        public void skipWhiteSpace​(CharArrayBuffer buf,
                                   ParserCursor cursor)
        Skips semantically insignificant whitespace characters and moves the cursor to the closest non-whitespace character.
        buf - buffer with the sequence of chars to be parsed
        cursor - defines the bounds and current position of the buffer
      • copyContent

        public void copyContent​(CharArrayBuffer buf,
                                ParserCursor cursor,
                                BitSet delimiters,
                                StringBuilder dst)
        Transfers content into the destination buffer until a whitespace character or any of the given delimiters is encountered.
        buf - buffer with the sequence of chars to be parsed
        cursor - defines the bounds and current position of the buffer
        delimiters - set of delimiting characters. Can be null if the value is delimited by a whitespace only.
        dst - destination buffer
      • copyUnquotedContent

        public void copyUnquotedContent​(CharArrayBuffer buf,
                                        ParserCursor cursor,
                                        BitSet delimiters,
                                        StringBuilder dst)
        Transfers content into the destination buffer until a whitespace character, a quote, or any of the given delimiters is encountered.
        buf - buffer with the sequence of chars to be parsed
        cursor - defines the bounds and current position of the buffer
        delimiters - set of delimiting characters. Can be null if the value is delimited by a whitespace or a quote only.
        dst - destination buffer
      • copyQuotedContent

        public void copyQuotedContent​(CharArrayBuffer buf,
                                      ParserCursor cursor,
                                      StringBuilder dst)
        Transfers content enclosed with quote marks into the destination buffer.
        buf - buffer with the sequence of chars to be parsed
        cursor - defines the bounds and current position of the buffer
        dst - destination buffer