Class CellFormat

  • public class CellFormat
    extends Object
    Format a value according to the standard Excel behavior. This "standard" is not explicitly documented by Microsoft, so the behavior is determined by experimentation; see the tests.

    An Excel format has up to four parts, separated by semicolons. Each part specifies what to do with particular kinds of values, depending on the number of parts given:

    One part (example: [Green]#.##)
    If the value is a number, display according to this one part (example: green text, with up to two decimal points). If the value is text, display it as is.
    Two parts (example: [Green]#.##;[Red]#.##)
    If the value is a positive number or zero, display according to the first part (example: green text, with up to two decimal points); if it is a negative number, display according to the second part (example: red text, with up to two decimal points). If the value is text, display it as is.
    Three parts (example: [Green]#.##;[Black]#.##;[Red]#.##)
    If the value is a positive number, display according to the first part (example: green text, with up to two decimal points); if it is zero, display according to the second part (example: black text, with up to two decimal points); if it is a negative number, display according to the third part (example: red text, with up to two decimal points). If the value is text, display it as is.
    Four parts (example: [Green]#.##;[Black]#.##;[Red]#.##;[@])
    If the value is a positive number, display according to the first part (example: green text, with up to two decimal points); if it is zero, display according to the second part (example: black text, with up to two decimal points); if it is a negative number, display according to the third part (example: red text, with up to two decimal points). If the value is text, display according to the fourth part (example: text in the cell's usual color, with the text value surround by brackets).

    A given format part may specify a given Locale, by including something like [$$-409] or [$£-809] or [$-40C]. These are (currently) largely ignored. You can use DateFormatConverter to look these up into Java Locales if desired.

    In addition to these, there is a general format that is used when no format is specified. TODO Merge this with DataFormatter so we only have one set of code for formatting numbers. TODO Re-use parts of this logic with ConditionalFormatting / ConditionalFormattingRule for reporting stylings which do/don't apply TODO Support the full set of modifiers, including alternate calendars and native character numbers, as documented at

    • Method Detail

      • getInstance

        public static CellFormat getInstance​(String format)
        Returns a CellFormat that applies the given format. Two calls with the same format may or may not return the same object.
        format - The format.
        A CellFormat that applies the given format.
      • getInstance

        public static CellFormat getInstance​(Locale locale,
                                             String format)
        Returns a CellFormat that applies the given format. Two calls with the same format may or may not return the same object.
        locale - The locale.
        format - The format.
        A CellFormat that applies the given format.
      • apply

        public CellFormatResult apply​(Object value)
        Returns the result of applying the format to the given value. If the value is a number (a type of Number object), the correct number format type is chosen; otherwise it is considered a text object.
        value - The value
        The result, in a CellFormatResult.
      • apply

        public CellFormatResult apply​(Cell c)
        Fetches the appropriate value from the cell, and returns the result of applying it to the appropriate format. For formula cells, the computed value is what is used.
        c - The cell.
        The result, in a CellFormatResult.
      • apply

        public CellFormatResult apply​(JLabel label,
                                      Object value)
        Uses the result of applying this format to the value, setting the text and color of a label before returning the result.
        label - The label to apply to.
        value - The value to process.
        The result, in a CellFormatResult.
      • apply

        public CellFormatResult apply​(JLabel label,
                                      Cell c)
        Fetches the appropriate value from the cell, and uses the result, setting the text and color of a label before returning the result.
        label - The label to apply to.
        c - The cell.
        The result, in a CellFormatResult.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Returns true if the other object is a CellFormat object with the same format.
        equals in class Object
        obj - The other object.
        true if the two objects are equal.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hash code for the format.
        hashCode in class Object
        A hash code for the format.