Class AuthenticationInfo

    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthenticationInfo

        public AuthenticationInfo​(String authType)
        Creates an instance of this class with just the authentication type. To effectively use this instance the user Id with optional password and/or the credentials should be set.
        authType - The authentication type, must not be null.
      • AuthenticationInfo

        public AuthenticationInfo​(String authType,
                                  String userId)
        Creates an instance of this class authenticating with the given type and userid.
        authType - The authentication type, must not be null.
        userId - The name of the user to authenticate as. This may be null for the constructor and later be set.
        NullPointerException - if authType is null.
      • AuthenticationInfo

        public AuthenticationInfo​(String authType,
                                  String userId,
                                  char[] password)
        Creates an instance of this class authenticating with the given type and userid/password connecting.
        authType - The authentication type, must not be null.
        userId - The name of the user to authenticate as. This may be null for the constructor and later be set.
        password - The password to authenticate with or null if no password can be supplied.
        NullPointerException - if authType is null.
    • Method Detail

      • setAuthType

        public final void setAuthType​(String authType)
        authType - The authentication type to set. If this is null the current authentication type is not replaced.
      • getAuthType

        public final String getAuthType()
        Returns the authentication type stored as the AUTH_TYPE property in this map. This value is expected to never be null.

        If authentication is taking place through one of the standard ways, such as Basic or Digest, the return value is one of the predefined constants of the HttpServletRequest interface. Otherwise the value may be specific to the AuthenticationHandler implementation.

      • setUser

        public final void setUser​(String user)
        user - The name of the user to authenticate as. If this is null the current user name is not replaced.
      • getUser

        public final String getUser()
        Returns the user name stored as the USER property or null if the user is not set in this map.
      • setPassword

        public final void setPassword​(char[] password)
        password - The password to authenticate with. If this is null the current password is not replaced.
      • getPassword

        public final char[] getPassword()
        Returns the password stored as the PASSWORD property or null if the password is not set in this map.
      • put

        public Object put​(String key,
                          Object value)
        Sets or resets a property with the given key to a new value. Some keys have special meanings and their values are required to have predefined as listed in the following table:
        AUTH_TYPE String
        USER String
        PASSWORD char[]
        CREDENTIALS javax.jcr.Credentials

        If the value for the special key does not match the required type an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

        Specified by:
        put in interface Map<String,​Object>
        put in class HashMap<String,​Object>
        key - The name of the property to set
        value - The value of the property which must be of a special type if the key designates one of the predefined properties.
        The value previously set for the given key.
        IllegalArgumentException - if key designates one of the special properties and the value does not have the correct type for the respective key.
      • remove

        public Object remove​(Object key)
        Removes the entry with the given key and returns its former value (if existing). If the key is AUTH_TYPE the value is not actually removed and null is always returned.
        Specified by:
        remove in interface Map<String,​Object>
        remove in class HashMap<String,​Object>
        key - Removes the value associated with this key.
        The former value associated with the key.