Class ImageMap

  • public class ImageMap
    extends Object
    This class is used for parsing image map definitions as generated by the CqImageMap component and make them available through an API to CQ components.

    The class is designed for single-threaded use.

    • Method Detail

      • fromString

        public static ImageMap fromString​(String mapDefinition)
                                   throws IllegalArgumentException
        Creates a new ImageMap object from the given string representation.
        mapDefinition - string representation (as created by the CqImageMap component)
        a suitable representation of the component
        IllegalArgumentException - if the given string representation is invalid
      • draw

        public String draw​(String id)
        Returns the HTML code required for the image map.

        Parameters originalSize and scaled can be used to create a scaled map that is suitable for a scaled image.

        id - id of the image map
        HTML code representing the image map