Class InternalWorkbook

  • @Internal
    public final class InternalWorkbook
    extends Object
    Low level model implementation of a Workbook. Provides creational methods for settings and objects contained in the workbook object.

    This file contains the low level binary records starting at the workbook's BOF and ending with the workbook's EOF. Use HSSFWorkbook for a high level representation.

    The structures of the highlevel API use references to this to perform most of their operations. Its probably unwise to use these low level structures directly unless you really know what you're doing. I recommend you read the Microsoft Excel 97 Developer's Kit (Microsoft Press) and the documentation at before even attempting to use this.

    See Also:
    • Field Detail


        public static final String[] WORKBOOK_DIR_ENTRY_NAMES
        Normally, the Workbook will be in a POIFS Stream called "Workbook". However, some weird XLS generators use "WORKBOOK" or "BOOK".

        public static final String OLD_WORKBOOK_DIR_ENTRY_NAME
        Name of older (pre-Excel 97) Workbook streams, which aren't supported by HSSFWorkbook, only by OldExcelExtractor
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • createWorkbook

        public static InternalWorkbook createWorkbook​(List<Record> recs)
        read support for low level API. Pass in an array of Record objects, A Workbook object is constructed and passed back with all of its initialization set to the passed in records and references to those records held. Unlike Sheet workbook does not use an offset (its assumed to be 0) since its first in a file. If you need an offset then construct a new array with a 0 offset or write your own ;-p.
        recs - an array of Record objects
        Workbook object
      • createWorkbook

        public static InternalWorkbook createWorkbook()
        Creates an empty workbook object with three blank sheets and all the empty fields. Use this to create a workbook from scratch.
        an empty workbook object
      • getSpecificBuiltinRecord

        public NameRecord getSpecificBuiltinRecord​(byte name,
                                                   int sheetNumber)
        Retrieves the Builtin NameRecord that matches the name and index There shouldn't be too many names to make the sequential search too slow
        name - byte representation of the builtin name to match
        sheetNumber - 1-based sheet number
        null if no builtin NameRecord matches
      • removeBuiltinRecord

        public void removeBuiltinRecord​(byte name,
                                        int sheetIndex)
        Removes the specified Builtin NameRecord that matches the name and index
        name - byte representation of the builtin to match
        sheetIndex - zero-based sheet reference
      • getNumRecords

        public int getNumRecords()
      • getFontRecordAt

        public FontRecord getFontRecordAt​(int idx)
        gets the font record at the given index in the font table. Remember "There is No Four" (someone at M$ must have gone to Rocky Horror one too many times)
        idx - the index to look at (0 or greater but NOT 4)
        FontRecord located at the given index
      • getFontIndex

        public int getFontIndex​(FontRecord font)
        Retrieves the index of the given font
        font - the font
        the font index
        IllegalArgumentException - if the font index can't be determined
      • createNewFont

        public FontRecord createNewFont()
        creates a new font record and adds it to the "font table". This causes the boundsheets to move down one, extended formats to move down (so this function moves those pointers as well)
        FontRecord that was just created
      • removeFontRecord

        public void removeFontRecord​(FontRecord rec)
        Removes the given font record from the file's list. This will make all subsequent font indicies drop by one, so you'll need to update those yourself!
        rec - the font record
      • getNumberOfFontRecords

        public int getNumberOfFontRecords()
        gets the number of font records
        number of font records in the "font table"
      • setSheetBof

        public void setSheetBof​(int sheetIndex,
                                int pos)
        Sets the BOF for a given sheet
        sheetIndex - the number of the sheet to set the positing of the bof for
        pos - the actual bof position
      • getBackupRecord

        public BackupRecord getBackupRecord()
        Returns the position of the backup record.
        the position of the backup record
      • setSheetName

        public void setSheetName​(int sheetnum,
                                 String sheetname)
        sets the name for a given sheet. If the boundsheet record doesn't exist and its only one more than we have, go ahead and create it. If it's > 1 more than we have, except
        sheetnum - the sheet number (0 based)
        sheetname - the name for the sheet
      • doesContainsSheetName

        public boolean doesContainsSheetName​(String name,
                                             int excludeSheetIdx)
        Determines whether a workbook contains the provided sheet name. For the purpose of comparison, long names are truncated to 31 chars.
        name - the name to test (case insensitive match)
        excludeSheetIdx - the sheet to exclude from the check or -1 to include all sheets in the check.
        true if the sheet contains the name, false otherwise.
      • setSheetOrder

        public void setSheetOrder​(String sheetname,
                                  int pos)
        sets the order of appearance for a given sheet.
        sheetname - the name of the sheet to reorder
        pos - the position that we want to insert the sheet into (0 based)
      • getSheetName

        public String getSheetName​(int sheetIndex)
        gets the name for a given sheet.
        sheetIndex - the sheet number (0 based)
        sheetname the name for the sheet
      • isSheetHidden

        public boolean isSheetHidden​(int sheetnum)
        Gets the hidden flag for a given sheet. Note that a sheet could instead be set to be very hidden, which is different (isSheetVeryHidden(int))
        sheetnum - the sheet number (0 based)
        True if sheet is hidden
      • isSheetVeryHidden

        public boolean isSheetVeryHidden​(int sheetnum)
        Gets the very hidden flag for a given sheet. This is different from the normal hidden flag (isSheetHidden(int))
        sheetnum - the sheet number (0 based)
        True if sheet is very hidden
      • getSheetVisibility

        public SheetVisibility getSheetVisibility​(int sheetnum)
        Gets the hidden flag for a given sheet. Note that a sheet could instead be set to be very hidden, which is different (isSheetVeryHidden(int))
        sheetnum - the sheet number (0 based)
        True if sheet is hidden
        3.16 beta 2
      • setSheetHidden

        public void setSheetHidden​(int sheetnum,
                                   boolean hidden)
        Hide or unhide a sheet
        sheetnum - The sheet number
        hidden - True to mark the sheet as hidden, false otherwise
      • setSheetHidden

        public void setSheetHidden​(int sheetnum,
                                   SheetVisibility visibility)
        Hide or unhide a sheet.
        sheetnum - The sheet number
        visibility - the sheet visibility to set (visible, hidden, very hidden)
        3.16 beta 2
      • getSheetIndex

        public int getSheetIndex​(String name)
        get the sheet's index
        name - sheet name
        sheet index or -1 if it was not found.
      • removeSheet

        public void removeSheet​(int sheetIndex)
        sheetIndex - zero based sheet index
      • getNumSheets

        public int getNumSheets()
        returns the number of boundsheet objects contained in this workbook.
        number of BoundSheet records
      • getNumExFormats

        public int getNumExFormats()
        get the number of ExtendedFormat records contained in this workbook.
        int count of ExtendedFormat records
      • getExFormatAt

        public ExtendedFormatRecord getExFormatAt​(int index)
        gets the ExtendedFormatRecord at the given 0-based index
        index - of the Extended format record (0-based)
        ExtendedFormatRecord at the given index
      • removeExFormatRecord

        public void removeExFormatRecord​(ExtendedFormatRecord rec)
        Removes the given ExtendedFormatRecord record from the file's list. This will make all subsequent font indicies drop by one, so you'll need to update those yourself!
        rec - the ExtendedFormatRecord
      • removeExFormatRecord

        public void removeExFormatRecord​(int index)
        Removes ExtendedFormatRecord record with given index from the file's list. This will make all subsequent font indicies drop by one, so you'll need to update those yourself!
        index - of the Extended format record (0-based)
      • createCellXF

        public ExtendedFormatRecord createCellXF()
        creates a new Cell-type Extended Format Record and adds it to the end of ExtendedFormatRecords collection
        ExtendedFormatRecord that was created
      • getStyleRecord

        public StyleRecord getStyleRecord​(int xfIndex)
        Returns the StyleRecord for the given xfIndex, or null if that ExtendedFormat doesn't have a Style set.
        xfIndex - the extended format index
        the StyleRecord, null if it that ExtendedFormat doesn't have a Style set.
      • updateStyleRecord

        public void updateStyleRecord​(int oldXf,
                                      int newXf)
        Update the StyleRecord to point to the new given index.
        oldXf - the extended format index that was previously associated with this StyleRecord
        newXf - the extended format index that is now associated with this StyleRecord
      • createStyleRecord

        public StyleRecord createStyleRecord​(int xfIndex)
        Creates a new StyleRecord, for the given Extended Format index, and adds it onto the end of the records collection
        xfIndex - the extended format index
        a new StyleRecord
      • addSSTString

        public int addSSTString​(UnicodeString string)
        Adds a string to the SST table and returns its index (if its a duplicate just returns its index and update the counts) ASSUMES compressed unicode (meaning 8bit)
        string - the string to be added to the SSTRecord
        index of the string within the SSTRecord
      • getSSTString

        public UnicodeString getSSTString​(int str)
        given an index into the SST table, this function returns the corresponding String value
        str - the index into the SST table
        String containing the SST String
      • insertSST

        public void insertSST()
        use this function to add a Shared String Table to an existing sheet (say generated by a different java api) without an sst....
        See Also:
        createExtendedSST(), SSTRecord
      • serialize

        public int serialize​(int offset,
                             byte[] data)
        Serializes all records int the worksheet section into a big byte array. Use this to write the Workbook out.
        offset - of the data to be written
        data - array of bytes to write this to
        the length of serialized bytes
      • preSerialize

        public void preSerialize()
        Perform any work necessary before the workbook is about to be serialized. Include in it ant code that modifies the workbook record stream and affects its size.
      • getSize

        public int getSize()
      • linkExternalWorkbook

        public int linkExternalWorkbook​(String name,
                                        Workbook externalWorkbook)
      • findSheetFirstNameFromExternSheet

        public String findSheetFirstNameFromExternSheet​(int externSheetIndex)
        Finds the first sheet name by his extern sheet index
        externSheetIndex - extern sheet index
        first sheet name.
      • findSheetLastNameFromExternSheet

        public String findSheetLastNameFromExternSheet​(int externSheetIndex)
      • getFirstSheetIndexFromExternSheetIndex

        public int getFirstSheetIndexFromExternSheetIndex​(int externSheetNumber)
        Finds the (first) sheet index for a particular external sheet number.
        externSheetNumber - The external sheet number to convert
        The index to the sheet found.
      • getLastSheetIndexFromExternSheetIndex

        public int getLastSheetIndexFromExternSheetIndex​(int externSheetNumber)
        Finds the last sheet index for a particular external sheet number, which may be the same as the first (except for multi-sheet references)
        externSheetNumber - The external sheet number to convert
        The index to the sheet found.
      • checkExternSheet

        public short checkExternSheet​(int sheetNumber)
        Returns the extern sheet number for specific sheet number. If this sheet doesn't exist in extern sheet, add it
        sheetNumber - local sheet number
        index to extern sheet
      • checkExternSheet

        public short checkExternSheet​(int firstSheetNumber,
                                      int lastSheetNumber)
        Returns the extern sheet number for specific range of sheets. If this sheet range doesn't exist in extern sheet, add it
        firstSheetNumber - first local sheet number
        lastSheetNumber - last local sheet number
        index to extern sheet
      • getExternalSheetIndex

        public int getExternalSheetIndex​(String workbookName,
                                         String sheetName)
      • getExternalSheetIndex

        public int getExternalSheetIndex​(String workbookName,
                                         String firstSheetName,
                                         String lastSheetName)
      • getNumNames

        public int getNumNames()
        gets the total number of names
        number of names
      • getNameRecord

        public NameRecord getNameRecord​(int index)
        gets the name record
        index - name index
        name record
      • getNameCommentRecord

        public NameCommentRecord getNameCommentRecord​(NameRecord nameRecord)
        gets the name comment record
        nameRecord - name record who's comment is required.
        name comment record or null if there isn't one for the given name.
      • createName

        public NameRecord createName()
        creates new name
        new name record
      • addName

        public NameRecord addName​(NameRecord name)
        adds a name record
        name - the name record to be added
        the given name record
      • createBuiltInName

        public NameRecord createBuiltInName​(byte builtInName,
                                            int sheetNumber)
        Generates a NameRecord to represent a built-in region
        builtInName - the built-in name
        sheetNumber - the sheet number
        a new NameRecord
      • removeName

        public void removeName​(int nameIndex)
        removes the name
        nameIndex - name index
      • updateNameCommentRecordCache

        public void updateNameCommentRecordCache​(NameCommentRecord commentRecord)
        If a NameCommentRecord is added or the name it references is renamed, then this will update the lookup cache for it.
        commentRecord - the comment record
      • getFormat

        public short getFormat​(String format,
                               boolean createIfNotFound)
        Returns a format index that matches the passed in format. It does not tie into HSSFDataFormat.
        format - the format string
        createIfNotFound - creates a new format if format not found
        the format id of a format that matches or -1 if none found and createIfNotFound
      • getFormats

        public List<FormatRecord> getFormats()
        Returns the list of FormatRecords in the workbook.
        ArrayList of FormatRecords in the notebook
      • createFormat

        public int createFormat​(String formatString)
        Creates a FormatRecord, inserts it, and returns the index code.
        formatString - the format string
        the index code of the format record.
        See Also:
        FormatRecord, Record
      • findFirstRecordBySid

        public Record findFirstRecordBySid​(short sid)
        Returns the first occurance of a record matching a particular sid.
        sid - the sid
        the matching record or null if it wasn't found
      • findFirstRecordLocBySid

        public int findFirstRecordLocBySid​(short sid)
        Returns the index of a record matching a particular sid.
        sid - The sid of the record to match
        The index of -1 if no match made.
      • findNextRecordBySid

        public Record findNextRecordBySid​(short sid,
                                          int pos)
        Returns the next occurance of a record matching a particular sid.
        sid - the sid
        pos - specifies the n-th matching sid
        the matching record or null if it wasn't found
      • isUsing1904DateWindowing

        public boolean isUsing1904DateWindowing()
        Whether date windowing is based on 1/2/1904 or 1/1/1900. Some versions of Excel (Mac) can save workbooks using 1904 date windowing.
        true if using 1904 date windowing
      • getCustomPalette

        public PaletteRecord getCustomPalette()
        Returns the custom palette in use for this workbook; if a custom palette record does not exist, then it is created.
        the custom palette
      • findDrawingGroup

        public DrawingManager2 findDrawingGroup()
        Finds the primary drawing group, if one already exists
        the primary drawing group
      • createDrawingGroup

        public void createDrawingGroup()
        Creates a primary drawing group record. If it already exists then it's modified.
      • isWriteProtected

        public boolean isWriteProtected()
        is the workbook protected with a password (not encrypted)?
        true if the workbook is write protected
      • writeProtectWorkbook

        public void writeProtectWorkbook​(String password,
                                         String username)
        protect a workbook with a password (not encypted, just sets writeprotect flags and the password.
        password - the password
        username - the username
      • unwriteProtectWorkbook

        public void unwriteProtectWorkbook()
        removes the write protect flag
      • resolveNameXText

        public String resolveNameXText​(int refIndex,
                                       int definedNameIndex)
        refIndex - Index to REF entry in EXTERNSHEET record in the Link Table
        definedNameIndex - zero-based to DEFINEDNAME or EXTERNALNAME record
        the string representation of the defined or external name
      • getNameXPtg

        public NameXPtg getNameXPtg​(String name,
                                    int sheetRefIndex,
                                    UDFFinder udf)
        name - the name of an external function, typically a name of a UDF
        sheetRefIndex - the sheet ref index, or -1 if not known
        udf - locator of user-defiend functions to resolve names of VBA and Add-In functions
        the external name or null
      • cloneDrawings

        public void cloneDrawings​(InternalSheet sheet)
        Check if the cloned sheet has drawings. If yes, then allocate a new drawing group ID and re-generate shape IDs
        sheet - the cloned sheet
      • cloneFilter

        public NameRecord cloneFilter​(int filterDbNameIndex,
                                      int newSheetIndex)
      • updateNamesAfterCellShift

        public void updateNamesAfterCellShift​(FormulaShifter shifter)
        Updates named ranges due to moving of cells
        shifter - the formula shifter
      • changeExternalReference

        public boolean changeExternalReference​(String oldUrl,
                                               String newUrl)
        Changes an external referenced file to another file. A formular in Excel which refers a cell in another file is saved in two parts: The referenced file is stored in an reference table. the row/cell information is saved separate. This method invokation will only change the reference in the lookup-table itself.
        oldUrl - The old URL to search for and which is to be replaced
        newUrl - The URL replacement
        true if the oldUrl was found and replaced with newUrl. Otherwise false
      • getWorkbookRecordList

        public WorkbookRecordList getWorkbookRecordList()
        Only for internal calls - code based on this is not supported ...
        The list of records.