Class PackagePartName

    • Method Detail

      • isRelationshipPartURI

        public boolean isRelationshipPartURI()
        Know if this part name is a relationship part name.
        true if this part name respect the relationship part naming convention else false.
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(PackagePartName other)
        Compare two part names following the rule M1.12 : Part name equivalence is determined by comparing part names as case-insensitive ASCII strings. Packages shall not contain equivalent part names and package implementers shall neither create nor recognize packages with equivalent part names. [M1.12]
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface Comparable<PackagePartName>
      • getExtension

        public String getExtension()
        Retrieves the extension of the part name if any. If there is no extension returns an empty String. Example : '/document/content.xml' => 'xml'
        The extension of the part name.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get this part name.
        The name of this part name.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object other)
        Part name equivalence is determined by comparing part names as case-insensitive ASCII strings. Packages shall not contain equivalent part names and package implementers shall neither create nor recognize packages with equivalent part names. [M1.12]
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getURI

        public URI getURI()
        Part name property getter.
        This part name URI.
      • compare

        public static int compare​(PackagePartName obj1,
                                  PackagePartName obj2)
        A natural sort order for package part names, consistent with the requirements of java.util.Comparator, but simply implemented as a static method.

        For example, this sorts "file10.png" after "file2.png" (comparing the numerical portion), but sorts "File10.png" before "file2.png" (lexigraphical sort)

        When comparing part names, the rule M1.12 is followed: Part name equivalence is determined by comparing part names as case-insensitive ASCII strings. Packages shall not contain equivalent part names and package implementers shall neither create nor recognize packages with equivalent part names. [M1.12]

        obj1 - first PackagePartName to compare
        obj2 - second PackagePartName to compare
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
      • compare

        public static int compare​(String str1,
                                  String str2)
        A natural sort order for strings, consistent with the requirements of java.util.Comparator, but simply implemented as a static method.

        For example, this sorts "file10.png" after "file2.png" (comparing the numerical portion), but sorts "File10.png" before "file2.png" (lexigraphical sort)

        str1 - first string to compare
        str1 - second string to compare
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.