Interface TypeResolverBuilder<T extends TypeResolverBuilder<T>>

    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultImpl

        Class<?> getDefaultImpl()
        Accessor for currently configured default type; implementation class that may be used in case no valid type information is available during type resolution
      • buildTypeSerializer

        TypeSerializer buildTypeSerializer​(SerializationConfig config,
                                           JavaType baseType,
                                           Collection<NamedType> subtypes)
        Method for building type serializer based on current configuration of this builder.
        baseType - Base type that constructed resolver will handle; super type of all types it will be used for.
      • buildTypeDeserializer

        TypeDeserializer buildTypeDeserializer​(DeserializationConfig config,
                                               JavaType baseType,
                                               Collection<NamedType> subtypes)
        Method for building type deserializer based on current configuration of this builder.
        baseType - Base type that constructed resolver will handle; super type of all types it will be used for.
        subtypes - Known subtypes of the base type.
      • init

        T init​(JsonTypeInfo.Id idType,
               TypeIdResolver res)
        Initialization method that is called right after constructing the builder instance.
        idType - Which type metadata is used
        res - (optional) Custom type id resolver used, if any
        Resulting builder instance (usually this builder, but not necessarily)
      • inclusion

        T inclusion​(JsonTypeInfo.As includeAs)
        Method for specifying mechanism to use for including type metadata in JSON. If not explicitly called, setting defaults to JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY.
        includeAs - Mechanism used for including type metadata in JSON
        Resulting builder instance (usually this builder, but may be a newly constructed instance for immutable builders}
      • typeProperty

        T typeProperty​(String propName)
        Method for specifying name of property used for including type information. Not used for all inclusion mechanisms; usually only used with JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY.

        If not explicitly called, name of property to use is based on defaults for JsonTypeInfo.Id configured.

        propName - Name of JSON property to use for including type information
        Resulting builder instance (usually this builder, but may be a newly constructed instance for immutable builders}
      • defaultImpl

        T defaultImpl​(Class<?> defaultImpl)
        Method for specifying default implementation to use if type id is either not available, or cannot be resolved.
        Resulting builder instance (usually this builder, but may be a newly constructed instance for immutable builders}
      • typeIdVisibility

        T typeIdVisibility​(boolean isVisible)
        Method for specifying whether type id should be visible to JsonDeserializers or not.
        Resulting builder instance (usually this builder, but may be a newly constructed instance for immutable builders}