Interface DataLayerSupplier

  • public interface DataLayerSupplier
    Data layer field value supplier. A supplier for every possible Data Layer field is provided via this interface.
    • Field Detail


        static final DataLayerSupplier EMPTY_SUPPLIER
        An empty DataLayerSupplier which has null values for all field value suppliers.
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        default @NotNull Supplier<@NotNull String> getId()
        Get the ID field value supplier.
        The ID field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getType

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String>> getType()
        Get the type field value supplier.
        The type field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getLastModifiedDate

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<Date>> getLastModifiedDate()
        Get the last modified date field value supplier.
        The last modified data field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getParentId

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String>> getParentId()
        Get the parent ID field value supplier.
        The parent ID field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getTitle

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String>> getTitle()
        Get the title field value supplier.
        The title field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getDescription

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String>> getDescription()
        Get the description field value supplier.
        The description field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getText

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String>> getText()
        Get the text field value supplier.
        The text field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getLinkUrl

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String>> getLinkUrl()
        Get the link URL field value supplier.
        The link URL field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getShownItems

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String[]>> getShownItems()
        Get the shown items field value supplier.
        The shown items field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getUrl

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String>> getUrl()
        Get the URL field value supplier.
        The URL field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getFormat

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String>> getFormat()
        Get the format field value supplier.
        The format field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getTags

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String[]>> getTags()
        Get the tags field value supplier.
        The tags field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getSmartTags

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<Map<String,​Object>>> getSmartTags()
        Get the smart tags field value supplier.
        The smart tags field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getAssetData

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<AssetData>> getAssetData()
        Get the asset data field value supplier.
        The asset data field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getTemplatePath

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String>> getTemplatePath()
        Get the template path field value supplier.
        The template path field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getLanguage

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<String>> getLanguage()
        Get the language field value supplier.
        The language field value supplier, or empty if not set.
      • getContentFragmentElements

        default @NotNull Optional<Supplier<ContentFragmentData.ElementData[]>> getContentFragmentElements()
        Get the content fragment elements field value supplier.
        The content fragment elements field value supplier, or empty if not set.