Class SevenZFileOptions.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • withMaxMemoryLimitInKb

        public SevenZFileOptions.Builder withMaxMemoryLimitInKb​(int maxMemoryLimitInKb)
        Sets the maximum amount of memory to use for extraction. Not all codecs will honor this setting. Currently only lzma and lzma2 are supported.
        maxMemoryLimitInKb - limit of the maximum amount of memory to use
        the reconfigured builder
      • withUseDefaultNameForUnnamedEntries

        public SevenZFileOptions.Builder withUseDefaultNameForUnnamedEntries​(boolean useDefaultNameForUnnamedEntries)
        Sets whether entries without a name should get their names set to the archive's default file name.
        useDefaultNameForUnnamedEntries - if true the name of unnamed entries will be set to the archive's default name
        the reconfigured builder