Interface XMPMetadata

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Iterable<XMPNode>, XMPNode, XMPStruct

    public interface XMPMetadata
    extends XMPStruct
    This class represents the set of XMP metadata as a DOM representation. It represents the root node of the XMP tree. An XMPParser always creates an XMPMetadata object and a serializer only works on XMPMetadata objects. The root node is always an XMPStruct and the children are other XMPNodes.
    • Method Detail

      • getAboutURI

        String getAboutURI()
        This correlates to the about-attribute, returns the empty String if no name is set.
        Returns the value of rdf:about attribute for XMP object.
      • setAboutURI

        void setAboutURI​(String name)
        Sets the value of rdf:about attribute for the XMP object.
        name - value to be set.
      • clone

        XMPMetadata clone()
        Deep clone of the XMP tree
        returns a deeply cloned copy of the XMP tree
      • getXMPPath

        XMPPath getXMPPath()
        Return the path of this XMPNode
        the path of this XMPNode
      • get

        XMPNode get​(XMPPath path)
        Return the node of the given path, relative to this node.
        path - the path to the desired node relative to this node
        the node at the path position or null if it could not be found
      • remove

        XMPNode remove​(XMPPath path)
                throws XMPException
        Remove a node at a given path, relative to this node
        path - the path to the node that shall be deleted
        the removed node or null, if nothing is removed
        XMPException - throws in case the remove path points to an xml:lang qualifier of a Language Alternative
      • getSimple

        XMPSimple getSimple​(XMPPath path)
        Returns a simple property from the given path, relative to this node.
        path - the path to the simple property, relative to this node.
        the desired simple property or null if there was none (or the type is different)
      • getStruct

        XMPStruct getStruct​(XMPPath path)
        Returns a struct property from the given path, relative to this node.
        path - the path to the struct property, relative to this node.
        the desired struct property or null if there was none (or the type is different)
      • getArray

        XMPArray getArray​(XMPPath path)
        Returns an array from the given path, relative to this node.
        path - the path to the array, relative to this node.
        the desired array or null if there was none (or the type is different)
      • getLanguageAlternative

        XMPLanguageAlternative getLanguageAlternative​(XMPPath path)
        Returns a language Alternative from the given path, relative to this node.
        path - the path to the langAlt, relative to this node.
        the desired langAlt or null if there was none (or the type is different)
      • dump

        String dump()
        returns a human readable version of this node tree (recursive)
        returns a human readable version of this node tree (recursive)