Class VideoProfile

  • public class VideoProfile
    extends Object
    Describes the transcoding of a video file. Utility wrapper around a video profile page/resource.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VideoProfile

        public VideoProfile​(Resource resource)
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static VideoProfile get​(ResourceResolver resolver,
                                       String name)
        since release 6.4. With Video Transcoding profiles being resolved by Sling ContentAware Configuration Resolver, use get(ResourceResolver, ConfigurationResourceResolver, String) instead Resolves a video profile by name (relative to the video profile base path) or absolute path.
        resolver - to resolve the provided profile-name/profile-path
        name - can be a name or an absolute path
        a video profile wrapper
      • get

        public static VideoProfile get​(ResourceResolver resolver,
                                       ConfigurationResourceResolver configResolver,
                                       String name)
        Resolves a video profile by name from Sling Context-Aware Configuration
        resolver - to resolve the provided profile-name
        configResolver - to resolve provided profile-name using Sling Context-Aware Config Resolver
        name - of the profile (under the Context-Aware config's "settings" bucket)
        a video profile wrapper
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • getPath

        public String getPath()
      • getResource

        public Resource getResource()
      • getContentResource

        public Resource getContentResource()
      • getProperties

        public ValueMap getProperties()
      • getContentNode

        public Node getContentNode()
      • getHtmlType

        public String getHtmlType()
      • getOutputSize

        public Dimension getOutputSize()
      • getHtmlSource

        public String getHtmlSource​(Rendition rendition)
        Get the value for the 'src' attribute for the html <source> element, based on the given rendition.
        rendition - Rendition for which to get the src attribute
        String with correct src attribute
      • getStrobeVideoSource

        public String getStrobeVideoSource​(Rendition rendition)
      • getFlvVideoSource

        public String getFlvVideoSource​(Rendition rendition)
      • getCustomVideoSource

        public String getCustomVideoSource​(Rendition rendition)