Interface Categories

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Base, Cloneable, Element, ExtensibleElement, Iterable<Element>

    public interface Categories
    extends ExtensibleElement
    The Atom Publishing Protocol introduces the notion of a "Category Document" and the app:categories element. These are used to provide a listing of atom:category elements that may be used with the members of an Atom Publishing Protocol collection.
    • Method Detail

      • getHref

        IRI getHref()
        When contained within an app:collection element, the app:categories element can have an href attribute whose value MUST point to an Atompub Categories Document.
        The href attribute value
      • getResolvedHref

        IRI getResolvedHref()
        Returns the value of the href attribute resolved against the in-scope Base URI
        The fully resolved href attribute value
      • setHref

        Categories setHref​(String href)
        Sets the value of the href attribute.
        href - The location of an Atompub Categories Document
      • isFixed

        boolean isFixed()
        If an app:categories element is marked as fixed, then the set of atom:category elements is considered to be a closed set. That is, Atom Publishing Protocol clients SHOULD only use the atom:category elements listed. The default is false (fixed="no")
        True if the categories listing is fixed
      • setFixed

        Categories setFixed​(boolean fixed)
        Sets whether or not this is a fixed listing of categories. If set to false, the fixed attribute will be removed from the app:categories element.
        fixed - True if the app:categories listing is fixed
      • getScheme

        IRI getScheme()
        The app:categories element may specify a default scheme attribute for listed atom:category elements that do not have their own scheme attribute.
        The scheme IRI
      • setScheme

        Categories setScheme​(String scheme)
        Sets the default scheme for this listing of categories
        scheme - The default scheme used for this listing of categories
      • getCategories

        List<Category> getCategories()
        Lists the complete set of categories
        This app:categories listing of atom:category elements
      • getCategories

        List<Category> getCategories​(String scheme)
        Lists the complete set of categories that use the specified scheme
        scheme - The IRI of an atom:category scheme
        A listing of atom:category elements that use the specified scheme
      • getCategoriesWithScheme

        List<Category> getCategoriesWithScheme()
        Returns a copy of the complete set of categories with the scheme attribute set
        A listing of atom:category elements using the default scheme specified by the app:categories scheme attribute
      • getCategoriesWithScheme

        List<Category> getCategoriesWithScheme​(String scheme)
        Returns a copy of the complete set of categories with the scheme attribute set as specified in 7.2.1. (child categories that do not have a scheme attribute inherit the scheme attribute of the parent)
        scheme - A scheme IRI
        A listing of atom:category elements
      • addCategory

        Categories addCategory​(Category category)
        Add an atom:category to the listing
        category - The atom:category to add to the listing
      • addCategory

        Category addCategory​(String term)
        Create and add an atom:category to the listing
        term - The string term
        The newly created atom:category
      • addCategory

        Category addCategory​(String scheme,
                             String term,
                             String label)
        Create an add an atom:category to the listing
        scheme - The scheme IRI for the newly created category
        term - The string term
        label - The human readable label for the category
        The newly created atom:category
      • contains

        boolean contains​(String term)
        Returns true if this app:categories listing contains a category with the specified term
        term - The term to look for
        True if the term is found
      • contains

        boolean contains​(String term,
                         String scheme)
        Returns true if this app:categories listing contains a category with the specified term and scheme
        term - The term to look for
        scheme - The IRI scheme
        True if the term and scheme are found
      • isOutOfLine

        boolean isOutOfLine()
        Returns true if the href attribute is set