Class POIFSFileSystem

    • Constructor Detail

      • POIFSFileSystem

        public POIFSFileSystem()
        Constructor, intended for writing
      • POIFSFileSystem

        public POIFSFileSystem​(File file)
                        throws IOException

        Creates a POIFSFileSystem from a File. This uses less memory than creating from an InputStream. The File will be opened read-only

        Note that with this constructor, you will need to call close() when you're done to have the underlying file closed, as the file is kept open during normal operation to read the data out.

        file - the File from which to read the data
        IOException - on errors reading, or on invalid data
      • POIFSFileSystem

        public POIFSFileSystem​(File file,
                               boolean readOnly)
                        throws IOException

        Creates a POIFSFileSystem from a File. This uses less memory than creating from an InputStream.

        Note that with this constructor, you will need to call close() when you're done to have the underlying file closed, as the file is kept open during normal operation to read the data out.

        file - the File from which to read or read/write the data
        readOnly - whether the POIFileSystem will only be used in read-only mode
        IOException - on errors reading, or on invalid data
      • POIFSFileSystem

        public POIFSFileSystem​(FileChannel channel)
                        throws IOException

        Creates a POIFSFileSystem from an open FileChannel. This uses less memory than creating from an InputStream. The stream will be used in read-only mode.

        Note that with this constructor, you will need to call close() when you're done to have the underlying Channel closed, as the channel is kept open during normal operation to read the data out.

        channel - the FileChannel from which to read the data
        IOException - on errors reading, or on invalid data
      • POIFSFileSystem

        public POIFSFileSystem​(FileChannel channel,
                               boolean readOnly)
                        throws IOException

        Creates a POIFSFileSystem from an open FileChannel. This uses less memory than creating from an InputStream.

        Note that with this constructor, you will need to call close() when you're done to have the underlying Channel closed, as the channel is kept open during normal operation to read the data out.

        channel - the FileChannel from which to read or read/write the data
        readOnly - whether the POIFileSystem will only be used in read-only mode
        IOException - on errors reading, or on invalid data
      • POIFSFileSystem

        public POIFSFileSystem​(InputStream stream)
                        throws IOException
        Create a POIFSFileSystem from an InputStream. Normally the stream is read until EOF. The stream is always closed.

        Some streams are usable after reaching EOF (typically those that return true for markSupported()). In the unlikely case that the caller has such a stream and needs to use it after this constructor completes, a work around is to wrap the stream in order to trap the close() call. A convenience method ( createNonClosingInputStream()) has been provided for this purpose:

         InputStream wrappedStream = POIFSFileSystem.createNonClosingInputStream(is);
         HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(wrappedStream);
        Note also the special case of ByteArrayInputStream for which the close() method does nothing.
         ByteArrayInputStream bais = ...
         HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(bais); // calls bais.close() !
         bais.reset(); // no problem
        stream - the InputStream from which to read the data
        IOException - on errors reading, or on invalid data
    • Method Detail

      • createDocument

        public DocumentEntry createDocument​(InputStream stream,
                                            String name)
                                     throws IOException
        Create a new document to be added to the root directory
        stream - the InputStream from which the document's data will be obtained
        name - the name of the new POIFSDocument
        the new DocumentEntry
        IOException - on error creating the new POIFSDocument
      • createDocument

        public DocumentEntry createDocument​(String name,
                                            int size,
                                            POIFSWriterListener writer)
                                     throws IOException
        create a new DocumentEntry in the root entry; the data will be provided later
        name - the name of the new DocumentEntry
        size - the size of the new DocumentEntry
        writer - the writer of the new DocumentEntry
        the new DocumentEntry
        IOException - if the writer exceeds the given size
      • createDirectory

        public DirectoryEntry createDirectory​(String name)
                                       throws IOException
        create a new DirectoryEntry in the root directory
        name - the name of the new DirectoryEntry
        the new DirectoryEntry
        IOException - on name duplication
      • createOrUpdateDocument

        public DocumentEntry createOrUpdateDocument​(InputStream stream,
                                                    String name)
                                             throws IOException
        Set the contents of a document in the root directory, creating if needed, otherwise updating
        stream - the InputStream from which the document's data will be obtained
        name - the name of the new or existing POIFSDocument
        the new or updated DocumentEntry
        IOException - on error populating the POIFSDocument
      • writeFilesystem

        public void writeFilesystem​(OutputStream stream)
                             throws IOException
        Write the filesystem out
        stream - the OutputStream to which the filesystem will be written
        IOException - thrown on errors writing to the stream
      • close

        public void close()
                   throws IOException
        Closes the FileSystem, freeing any underlying files, streams and buffers. After this, you will be unable to read or write from the FileSystem.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
                         throws IOException
        read in a file and write it back out again
        args - names of the files; arg[ 0 ] is the input file, arg[ 1 ] is the output file
      • getRoot

        public DirectoryNode getRoot()
        Get the root entry
        the root entry
      • createDocumentInputStream

        public DocumentInputStream createDocumentInputStream​(String documentName)
                                                      throws IOException
        open a document in the root entry's list of entries
        documentName - the name of the document to be opened
        a newly opened DocumentInputStream
        IOException - if the document does not exist or the name is that of a DirectoryEntry
      • getViewableArray

        public Object[] getViewableArray()
        Get an array of objects, some of which may implement POIFSViewable
        Specified by:
        getViewableArray in interface POIFSViewable
        an array of Object; may not be null, but may be empty
      • getViewableIterator

        public Iterator<Object> getViewableIterator()
        Get an Iterator of objects, some of which may implement POIFSViewable
        Specified by:
        getViewableIterator in interface POIFSViewable
        an Iterator; may not be null, but may have an empty back end store
      • preferArray

        public boolean preferArray()
        Give viewers a hint as to whether to call getViewableArray or getViewableIterator
        Specified by:
        preferArray in interface POIFSViewable
        true if a viewer should call getViewableArray, false if a viewer should call getViewableIterator
      • getShortDescription

        public String getShortDescription()
        Provides a short description of the object, to be used when a POIFSViewable object has not provided its contents.
        Specified by:
        getShortDescription in interface POIFSViewable
        short description
      • getBigBlockSize

        public int getBigBlockSize()
        The Big Block size, normally 512 bytes, sometimes 4096 bytes
      • getBigBlockSizeDetails

        public POIFSBigBlockSize getBigBlockSizeDetails()
        The Big Block size, normally 512 bytes, sometimes 4096 bytes