Class PreEncodedHttpField

  • @Deprecated(since="2021-05-27")
    public class PreEncodedHttpField
    extends HttpField
    The Eclipse Jetty and Apache Felix Http Jetty packages are no longer supported.
    Pre encoded HttpField.

    An HttpField that will be cached and used many times can be created as a PreEncodedHttpField, which will use the HttpFieldPreEncoder instances discovered by the ServiceLoader to pre-encode the header for each version of HTTP in use. This will save garbage and CPU each time the field is encoded into a response.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PreEncodedHttpField

        public PreEncodedHttpField​(HttpHeader header,
                                   String name,
                                   String value)
      • PreEncodedHttpField

        public PreEncodedHttpField​(HttpHeader header,
                                   String value)
      • PreEncodedHttpField

        public PreEncodedHttpField​(String name,
                                   String value)